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Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Items

Meeting: 12/12/2018 - Cabinet (Item 116)

116 Scrutiny Items - Welfare Reform Task and Finish Group Final Report pdf icon PDF 191 KB

To consider the final report of the Welfare Reform Task and Finish Group as supported by the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee.




i)             That the recommendations from the Welfare Reform Task and Finish Group, as supported by the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee be approved, as follows:


·         That a single process and procedure for managing applications for discretionary hardship support be produced;

·         That work be undertaken with partners to develop a single strategy for supporting people receiving benefits;

·         That any Welfare Strategy be focussed on supporting people into work;

·         That ways to better co-ordinate work to support individuals and families be explored with the Council’s partners


ii)            That a report on the steps to be taken to implement i) above be made to a future meeting of Cabinet


The Chair of the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee, Councillor C Wild, presented the findings of the Welfare Reform Task and Finish Group that had been considered and supported by the Scrutiny Committee at its meeting in November 2018.  


She drew attention to attention particularly to the vital work undertaken by Landau, a supported employment and training charity originally set up the Council and suggested that Cabinet may wish to consider receiving a presentation from this organisation in future to fully appreciate its work.


A Member spoke strongly against the Government’s Policy on welfare and stated that Universal Credit showed a flagrant disregard to the needs of the poor with poverty crippling some families.  He drew particular attention to the £102M loss of income to Shropshire arising from the benefit rule changes.  At the very least he urged the continuation of the Task and Finish Group to undertake further investigations into those affected and an assessment of the roll out of Universal Credit to Shropshire residents.


Another Member drew attention to the £1.1M net savings to the Council following changes to Council Tax support which resulted in many benefits recipients having to pay Council Tax for the first time.  He also commented that Shropshire Council had underspent on its Discretionary Housing Payment [DHP] and monies had been returned to Central Government funds that should have been used to support local people. 


The Chair of the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee commented that excellent systems were now in place and the money would be efficiently allocated in future with as little as possible returned to Central Government.


The Chief Executive highlighted the new opportunities for improvement that would be afforded through the Council’s digital platform whereby a single ‘front door’ would allow improved tracking and ultimately better support to those in need.  He added that more work was needed in this area and a report would be presented to Cabinet in the New Year on these issues.  The Leader agreed this way forward and added that getting people back into work and employment also formed part of the equation.




i)             That the recommendations from the Welfare Reform Task and Finish Group, as supported by the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee be approved, as follows:


·         That a single process and procedure for managing applications for discretionary hardship support be produced;

·         That work be undertaken with partners to develop a single strategy for supporting people receiving benefits;

·         That any Welfare Strategy be focussed on supporting people into work;

·         That ways to better co-ordinate work to support individuals and families be explored with the Council’s partners


ii)            That a report on the steps to be taken to implement i) above be made to a future meeting of Cabinet


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