Issue - meetings
Shrewsbury Shopping Centres Next Phase
Meeting: 12/12/2018 - Cabinet (Item 123)
123 Shrewsbury Shopping Centres Next Phase PDF 154 KB
Lead Members – Councillor P Nutting, Leader of the Council and Councillor S Charmley, Deputy Leader of the Council
Report of the Director of Place
Contact: Mark Barrow Tel: 01743 258919
i) That an initial budget of £500,000 be approved to secure the appropriate resources and expertise to prepare a Strategic Development Framework and Masterplan to support the delivery of the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan (to include the redevelopment of Riverside) and the appointment of two dedicated posts to support this implementation.
ii) That the reallocation of the New Homes Bonus (NHB) capital funding previously agreed to provide part funding for the project be approved.
iii) That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Economic Growth, to procure, appoint and commence with the work required to create a Strategic Development Framework and Masterplan.
The Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure and the Chair of the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee left the meeting during consideration of this item.
The Portfolio Holder Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Commercial Support presented a report from the Director of Place setting out the next phase of work required to drive forward the ambition set out in the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan [SBTP] and the purchase of the three shopping centres in the town centre through a cohesive and coordinated delivery approach. He added that the parties of the tripartite agreement comprised Shropshire Council, Shrewsbury Town Council and the BID.
A Member drew attention to the need to reinforce the message that the Big Town Plan relating to the whole of the area in and around Shrewsbury. Another commented that the BTP was the product of a sound partnership together with stakeholder involvement and wide consultation that had been most beneficial and had had a positive impact.
Noting comments by some Members, the Leader stated that Workshops for all Members would be held in the New Year to discuss the options available to deliver the ambition within the SBTP. The Chair of the Place Overview Committee commented on the benefits of scrutiny involvement in this major project to serve as a critical friend and to be involved in the place shaping process going forward that could ultimately be rolled out to market towns in the county.
The Director of Place stressed the importance of place shaping and the transition to a new economy but added that strong commercial development would have to remain confidential at this stage.
In bringing the debate to a close, the Leader accepted that scrutiny would be involved in the process, would have the opportunity to look at the issues and provide feedback. He further re-iterated all Member involvement in the planned workshops in the New Year when more detailed work would get underway.
i) That an initial budget of £500,000 be approved to secure the appropriate resources and expertise to prepare a Strategic Development Framework and Masterplan to support the delivery of the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan (to include the redevelopment of Riverside) and the appointment of two dedicated posts to support this implementation.
ii) That the reallocation of the New Homes Bonus (NHB) capital funding previously agreed to provide part funding for the project be approved.
iii) That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Economic Growth, to procure, appoint and commence with the work required to create a Strategic Development Framework and Masterplan.