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Issue - meetings

Shropshire Food Poverty Alliance Update

Meeting: 12/09/2019 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 33)

33 Shropshire Food Poverty Alliance Update pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Report attached.

Contact: Emily Fay


Emily Fay, the Food Poverty Alliance Co-ordinator introduced her report (copy attached to the signed Minutes) which provided an update on the Shropshire Food Poverty Alliance.


The Food Poverty Alliance Co-ordinator outlined the work of the Shropshire Food Poverty Alliance which was formed in 2018 to tackle the issue of food poverty. She explained food poverty was affecting an increasing number of households in Shropshire with the use of food banks going up by 27% in North Shropshire and 23% in Shrewsbury. It was noted that public donations for some foodbanks were increasing in line with the demand, but others were not meeting this and also space was an issue. The Food Poverty Alliance Co-ordinator referred to the Yellowhammer document and how leaving the EU was likely to impact on low income groups.


The Food Poverty Alliance Co-ordinator drew attention to the projects in the county to improve access to low cost healthy food and noted that there would be a workshop in the New Year to share ideas. It was highlighted that the uptake of Healthy Start vouchers, which can be used by families in low incomes to buy fruit, vegetables and milk, was 52% and the Alliance was working with Healthy Lives to identify how to increase the uptake of these vouchers.


In response to the concerns in relation to leaving the EU, the Chief Executive explained that the Council was leading on this issue locally and if any other partners need to highlight potential issues to contact himself or the Director of Public Health.


Concern was raised in relation to the fact that some foodbanks were required to pay for venue hire to provide the service and it was suggested that provision for this should be built into the estates strategy.


In response to a comment that the projects referred to in the update report were mainly in urban areas and more rural projects were needed, the Food Poverty Alliance Co-ordinator explained that it was difficult to find existing organisations in rural areas to build on when developing projects.


RESOLVED:   It was agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Board continue to support the work of the Shropshire Food Poverty Alliance.


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