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Issue - meetings

Dementia update

Meeting: 16/01/2020 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 56)

56 Dementia update pdf icon PDF 175 KB

Report attached.

Contact: Cathy Davies, Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group

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Linda Vaughan introduced and amplified the report of the Commissioning and Redesign Lead for Mental Health (interim), Shropshire CCG – copy attached to the signed Minutes - which provided the Board with an update on the current commissioning work in dementia, including key work areas for the programme for the coming year along with an update on hospital avoidance accreditation.

Ms Vaughan drew attention to the Key Objectives and Strategic Goals to be met in 2020, set out at paragraph 6 of the report.  She then highlighted what had been achieved since publication of the Dementia Strategy in 2017 which included the funding of two dementia companions.

It was confirmed that Shropshire performed well in terms of diagnosis to prevalence rates (71% against the national target of 67%) however it was estimated that around 31% of people with dementia in Shropshire had yet to be diagnosed.

Ms Vaughan informed the meeting that a Sub-Group of key partners had been created in order to take an overview of the whole system.  The Director of Public Health felt that the development work being undertaken in relation to prevention, dementia friends/communities, social prescribing etc was a great opportunity to bring in community level work.

Concern was raised in relation to how a diagnosis was communicated to the person and their family.  In response, Dr Julian Povey, Clinical Chair, Shropshire CCG explained that there were pros and cons to having the diagnosis, which could be very impactful, however the evidence on balance was that having an early diagnosis was helpful in order to find out what was possible, what services were available etc.  Obviously, some people would not be happy about having a diagnosis and he agreed that better communication was required.

The Chairman welcomed the report as he felt it had been a long time coming however he remained confident that it would be delivered and urged Ms Vaughan to take the opportunity of support offered within the meeting and the opportunity for joint working.

RESOLVED:  To note the progress against the Dementia Strategy along with the updates in relation to national guidance set out in the report.



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