Issue - meetings
Immunisations update
Meeting: 16/01/2020 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 58)
58 Immunisations update PDF 588 KB
Report to follow.
Contact: Rachel Robinson, Director of Public Health, Shropshire Council
Rachel Robinson, the Director of Public Health introduced and amplified her report – copy attached to the signed Minutes – which provided an overview and update on Shropshire’s position regarding screening and immunisation programmes. It also outlined areas of responsibility for partners locally and areas of concern.
The Director of Public Heath drew attention to the key findings which highlighted that whilst Shropshire continued to perform favourably in comparison to England as a whole, the uptake of the second dose of MMR and the shingles vaccinations remained a focus as did cervical screening uptake and the flu vaccine.
The Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Public Health was reassured that the headlines were mostly positive, but there were variations within the data and take up rates were still below what was expected. Work with health colleagues to target specific groups more effectively, would be welcomed.
In relation to cervical screening, concern was raised that the waiting time for results appeared currently to be 3-4 months rather than the usual 2-4 weeks. The Director of Public Health had not been made aware of this delay but agreed to look into it.
To note the contents of the report and the data contained therein and to support and promote activities designed to improve uptake of vaccines and screening programmes raising awareness of these interventions.