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Issue - meetings

Draft Financial Strategy 2024/25 - 2028/29

Meeting: 13/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 87)

87 Draft Financial Strategy 2024/25 - 2028/29 pdf icon PDF 367 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Gwilym Butler – Portfolio Holder for Finance, Corporate Resources and Communities


Report of James Walton – Executive Director for Resources


Additional documents:




3.1. To approve the recommended budget strategy for 2024/25, with council-wide target levels of spending reduction for pay and non-pay, noting that the identified targets are a minimum requirement, and that consideration must be given to exceeding these wherever possible.


3.2. To note the focus on improved efficiency in all areas to minimise the resident impacts; and to use sources of customer contact information to identify if and when residents are adversely impacted and what can be done to minimise this.


3.3. To note the outlook to 28/29 for revenue budgets and agree the measures proposed to manage within available revenue resources.


3.4. To note the reserves position to 25/26 and approve an approach prioritising corporate management of all reserves including replenish general reserves whenever possible, with a target minimum level of £20m.


3.5. To agree the proposed format set out in the appendix to this report for the budget consultation with residents and instructs Officers to proceed with the consultation.


3.6. To note the benchmarking information provided.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Corporate Resources and Communities introduced the report which set out how the estimated budget gap of £49.8m is comprised, and the measures proposed to manage that position effectively, whilst maintaining and improving the valued services we provide for our residents.


Members’ attention was drawn to the increased in-year demand, particularly within the People directorate, where demand cost and mitigation works are to take place over the next 12-18 months. Members emphasised that colleagues within the directorate were in no way being blamed for the present financial challenges and expressed confidence in their ability to continue to deliver.


A request was received for further information on the demand mitigation measures to allow for them to be seen and debated.


Concern was raised regarding recruitment and retention of staff in social care. Although this was a national issue, the Council had been increasing person productivity with schemes such as two carers in a car, and would look to invest in preventative care as well as improving the experience of recipients of care.


Members noted that the budget consultation would give an opportunity for residents, partners, businesses and council employees to comment on the budget proposals; the results of which would be reported to Cabinet and Council alongside the final budget proposals, to help inform Councillor’s discussions.




3.1. To approve the recommended budget strategy for 2024/25, with council-wide target levels of spending reduction for pay and non-pay, noting that the identified targets are a minimum requirement, and that consideration must be given to exceeding these wherever possible.


3.2. To note the focus on improved efficiency in all areas to minimise the resident impacts; and to use sources of customer contact information to identify if and when residents are adversely impacted and what can be done to minimise this.


3.3. To note the outlook to 28/29 for revenue budgets and agree the measures proposed to manage within available revenue resources.


3.4. To note the reserves position to 25/26 and approve an approach prioritising corporate management of all reserves including replenish general reserves whenever possible, with a target minimum level of £20m.


3.5. To agree the proposed format set out in the appendix to this report for the budget consultation with residents and instructs Officers to proceed with the consultation.


3.6. To note the benchmarking information provided.


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