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Issue - meetings

Alternative Budget Proposals 2024/25

Meeting: 17/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 99)

99 Alternative Budget Proposals 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 369 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Gwilym Butler – Portfolio Holder for Finance, Corporate Resources and Communities


Report of Ben Jay, Assistant Director of Finance & Technology (Deputy s151 Officer)






That Cabinet:


1.     Noted the discussion described that took place in the Transformation and Improvement Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting.


2.     Considered the reduction of carbon emissions in the supply chain as a potential spending reduction proposal and resolved to make any appropriate amendments considered necessary to the budget proposals to be presented to Full Council on 29 February 2024.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Corporate Resources and Communities introduced the report which covered the discussion of the alternative budget proposals which took place at the Transformation and Improvement Oversight and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 10 January in line with that report.


Members noted that the report to overview and scrutiny committee identified several common themes; notably arrangements to ensure value for money through all contracts let by or managed by the Council. The discussion in scrutiny committee identified that looking to reduce the carbon footprint of the Council by having this as a priority within all procurement and contracting activities would be a key area to explore further in the coming months as the budget for 2024/25 and the MTFS for 24/25-28/29 are agreed and put into place.


Members raised concerns that some of the alternative budget proposals would not be viable such as insourcing, due to national issues with recruitment in certain areas and the reduced ability to receive similar economies of scale when using contractors; the sale of the multi-agency hub to fund the refurbishment of Shirehall, as it was felt that insufficient funds would be received; and that there would be significant unbudgeted costs associated with breaking contracts, purchasing of residential properties and increased costs to support additional staffing if they were to be insourced.


It was felt that insufficient information had been provided to opposition leaders; however, it was stated that the budget should continually be looked at, with Cabinet already considering the budget for the next financial year and beyond.




That Cabinet:


1.     Noted the discussion described that took place in the Transformation and Improvement Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting.


2.     Considered the reduction of carbon emissions in the supply chain as a potential spending reduction proposal and resolved to make any appropriate amendments considered necessary to the budget proposals to be presented to Full Council on 29 February 2024.


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