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Issue - meetings

Rural Proofing in Health and Care - Report of the Health & Scrutiny Committee

Meeting: 17/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 98)

98 Rural Proofing in Health and Care - Report of the Health & Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 256 KB

Lead Members – Councillor Geoff Elner – Chair of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Councillor Heather Kidd – Chair of the Task and Finish Group


Report of Sophie Foster, Overview and Scrutiny Officer


Additional documents:




To bring a report to the next meeting of Cabinet to respond to the recommendations contained within the Task and Finish Group’s report.


The Chair of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Chair of the Rural Proofing Task and Finish Group introduced the report, which set out the Group’s findings and recommendations, and had been brought before Cabinet for adoption.


Members had been impressed with the level of engagement with partners in care and thanks were given to all members and officers for their expertise involved to ensure the best outcome for residents. Particular thanks were given to Sophie Foster, Overview and Scrutiny Officer, for co-ordinating meetings and capturing the input of members.


Members noted that their investigation looked at the options to effectively ‘rural proof’ the amendment or introduction of strategies, plans, policies and service design and provision in health and care in Shropshire which have been adopted by the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee. It would then be forwarded to the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 24 January 2024.


Cabinet welcomed the report and gave thanks for the level of detail contained. The Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Public Health would bring the report to the Health and Wellbeing Board together with the ICP and ICB for them to adopt.


Following queries raised on a number of recommendations, it was:




To bring a report to the next meeting of Cabinet to respond to the recommendations contained within the Task and Finish Group’s report.


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