Issue - meetings
Marches Forward Partnership Proposition
Meeting: 05/03/2025 - Cabinet (Item 9.)
9. Marches Forward Partnership Proposition PDF 569 KB
Lead Member – Councillor Lezley Picton, Leader and Portfolio Holder for Policy and Strategy, Improvement and Communications.
Lead Officer – Hayleigh Deighton
Additional documents:
- Marches Proposition - Feb 2025, item 9.
PDF 626 KB
- Marches Proposition Annex 1 Evidence Base - Feb 25, item 9.
- Marches Proposition Annex 2 Governance - Feb 25, item 9.
PDF 768 KB
That Cabinet agreed to:
1. Approve the ‘Marches Proposition’, in Appendix 1, as the agreed vision and collective ambition for the Marches Forward Partnership.
2. Take forward the informal governance arrangements, set out within Annex 2 of the Marches Proposition, as a basis for collective delivery and resourcing.