Issue - meetings
Proposed Adoption of the Draft Oswestry Shop Front Design Guide (Standing Pre-Application Advice Note)
Meeting: 05/03/2025 - Cabinet (Item 10.)
Lead Member – Councillor Chris Schofield, Portfolio Holder for Planning & Regulatory Services
Lead Officer – Andy Wigley
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Final Draft Oswestry Shopfront Design Guide Standing Pre-Application Advice Note v2.0, item 10.
- Appendix 2 - Oswestry Shropfront Design Giude Consultation Report Feb 2025, item 10.
PDF 710 KB
- Appendix 3 - ESHIA - Final Draft Oswestry Shop Front Design Guide v1.1, item 10.
PDF 422 KB
To approve adoption of the Oswestry Shop Front Design Guide: Standing Pre-Application Advice Note (Appendix 2) to provide guidance on application of Local Plan policies and form a material consideration in the planning application process.