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Issue - meetings

Sydnall Farm

Meeting: 01/04/2014 - Southern Planning Committee (Item 146)

146 North of Sydnall Farm, Middleton Priors, Bridgnorth (13/03126/FUL) pdf icon PDF 369 KB

Erection of two wind turbines (45m overall height); associated infrastructure and access track.


With reference to Minute No. 135, the Special Projects and Minerals Manager introduced the application and explained that the application to erect two 250kw wind turbines at Sydnall Farm, Middleton Priors had been considered at the previous meeting of this Committee when Members resolved not to accept the Officer recommendation to approve the proposals.   This had been on the basis of concerns expressed with regard to the visual impact of the proposals and the potential implications for local amenities and tourism interests.  Some Members had indicated that they were minded to refuse the application and discussions took place on the wording of a refusal reason.  However, there had been no subsequent vote to refuse the application and therefore no decision had yet been taken.  Accordingly, the application was now being reported back to this Committee for Members to make a formal decision.  There had been no further representations or other developments since the previous meeting.  Hence, the original Officer recommendation to approve the proposal remained unchanged.  Members could make any decision on the proposals.  If, however, the Committee was minded to refuse the application then the report set out the basis for a possible refusal reason which had been based on the discussions which took place at the previous meeting.


The Special Projects and Minerals Manager and Solicitor reiterated that the suggested wording as set out in the report might form the basis of any decision to refuse the application, it was only suggestive and if Members were minded to refuse and to ensure any decision would be defensible on appeal, they could choose to add to it.


In the ensuing debate, Members continued to express differing views.  Some Members continued to support the application and considered that it would not unduly impact on the landscape and surrounding area.  Other Members continued to support refusal as per the reasons set out in the report.  On the casting vote of the Chairman, it was




That, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation, planning permission be refused with the officers being given delegated authority to draft a refusal reason having regard to the following wording:


·                The proposed turbines would be located in an area of high scenic quality in the vicinity of the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and would be visible from surrounding locations, including from nearby public footpaths.  It is considered scale and location of the proposed turbines would have an unacceptably adverse effect on the character and scenic quality of the local landscape and also on local amenities and leisure and tourism interests. This would be contrary to the objectives of Core Strategy Policies CS5, CS6, CS13, CS16, CS17 and sections 28 and 109 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


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