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Issue - meetings

Reports of Scrutiny Committee

Meeting: 15/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 48)

48 Reports of Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Performance Management Scrutiny Committee: Discretionary Housing Payments Task and Finish Group


Report of the Head of Customer Involvement is attached marked 6.


Contact – Nigel Bishop – 01743 252003



(a)  That the Discretionary Housing Payments Policy be reviewed taking into consideration the recommendations from the Task and Finish Group as detailed in its report.

(b)  That the proposed policy document be brought back to Cabinet on 10th December 2014 for approval prior to formal consultation.


48.1    The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Resources and Support introduced a report by the Head of Customer Involvement – copy attached to the signed minutes – on the final report by the Discretionary Housing Payments Task and Finish Group following the endorsement of its recommendations by the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 11th June 2014.  In commenting on the challenge facing the Council in endeavouring to ensure that maximum payments were made to local tenants in need without overspending on the sum provided by Government, he indicated his support for the Group’s recommendations as being the best approach to be taken for Shropshire.


48.2    The Leader tendered the apologies of the Chairman of the Task and Finish Group for the meeting and in his absence invited the Vice-Chairman to comment on the report.  During his presentation the Vice-Chairman referred to the cross party member representation on the Group and emphasised their overwhelming support for all the recommendations set out in the final report.


48.3    During the ensuing discussion a Member commented that recommendation 6 ought to be amended to exclude Disability Living Allowances (DLAs) from the overall calculation at the present time to ensure the needs of disabled tenants were being met rather than wait for the matter to be considered again in the 6 month review.  He indicated that this supported a minority report from the scrutiny meeting and would increase the number of disabled tenants eligible to receive financial assistance whilst allowing the matter to considered in more depth in the review.


48.4    In turn the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Commissioning (Central) indicated that the Council’s approach to the payments needed to be considered alongside other wider benefits issues.  In expressing support for recommendation 6 as set out in the report at this stage, he did however suggest that it would be useful at the review to receive the costings and implications for the Council in order for further detailed consideration to be given as to whether or not to exclude the DLAs from the calculations at a future date.  The Vice-Chairman of the Group re-iterated the intention of the Group to consider the matter again at their 6 month review.


48.5    RESOLVED:


(a)  That the Discretionary Housing Payments Policy be reviewed taking into consideration the recommendations from the Task and Finish Group as detailed in its report.

(b)  That the proposed policy document be brought back to Cabinet on 10th December 2014 for approval prior to formal consultation.


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