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Issue - meetings

Quarter 1 2014/15 Performance Report

Meeting: 15/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 51)

51 Quarter 1 2014/15 Performance Report pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Lead Member – Mr Tim Barker, Portfolio Holder for Performance.


Report of the Performance and Design Team Leader is attached marked 9.


Contact – Tom Dodds (01743 252011)

Additional documents:


That after having considered the key underlying and emerging issues in the reports and appendices and whether there were any performance areas which they would like to consider in greater detail or refer to the appropriate Scrutiny Committee, the report of the Performance Manager be noted.


51.1    The Portfolio Holder for Performance presented a report by the Performance Manager – copy attached to the signed minutes – on the performance of the Council during the first quarter of 2014/15.  The report had been produced based on the new performance management framework and reporting methodology.


51.2    RESOLVED:


That, after having considered the key underlying and emerging issues in the reports and appendices and whether there were any performance areas which they would like to consider in greater detail or refer to the appropriate Scrutiny Committee, the report of the Performance Manager be noted.


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