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Issue - meetings

Proposal to transfer selected Education Support Services into ip&e

Meeting: 20/05/2015 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Proposal to transfer selected Education Support Services Operating as Inspire to Learn to ip&e Ltd pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Lead Member – Mr Steve Charmley, Portfolio Holder for Business, ip&e, Culture and Commissioning (North).


Report of the Director of Children’s Services is attached, marked 8.


Contact – Karen Bradshaw (01743 254201)

Additional documents:


(a)  That it be agreed that on a phased basis as detailed in Appendix B of the report, the following services currently delivered by Shropshire Council will be delivered in full (or part) by ip&e Ltd under an Enabling Services Contract to the end of March 2016 while consideration is given to a new operating model : School Library Services, Shropshire Music Service, School Financial Services, Schools IT Support Services, Education Access Services, Information Advice and Guidance and Governor Services, subject to completion of staff consultation.


(b)  That authority be delegated to the Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services to agree the terms of the Enabling Services Contract with ip&e Ltd, including the specification of the service to be commissioned by Shropshire Council and the outcomes to be achieved from the enabling services being commissioned.


(c)  That authority be delegated to the Director of Childrens Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services to second staff currently employed in the delivery of services during the period of the Enabling Services contract.


7.1       The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services presented a report by the Director of Children’s Services – copy attached to the signed minutes – on the proposed transfer of selected Education Support Services, operating as Inspire to Learn, to ip&e Ltd.


7.2       During the ensuing discussion some concern was expressed by Members regarding perceived difficulties with scrutinising this area in future and other services which transferred to ip&e Ltd.  Particular mention was made to scrutiny’s inability to require representatives from ip&e to attend meetings so that they might be held to account directly rather than through the Council’s commissioning officers.  In response the Leader reminded the Members concerned that representatives from Veolia had attended scrutiny meetings to answer questions irrespective of them being from a private company and reiterated the Council’s 100% ownership of ip&e and the role of Cabinet as the Shareholder Committee.  Consequently he foresaw no problem with ip&e directors and officers attending scrutiny committees.  Other Members also pointed out that as the education services were being provided to the schools then ultimately given the competitiveness of the market place they would look elsewhere should the provision not be to their satisfaction.


7.3       RESOLVED:

(a)  That it be agreed that on a phased basis as detailed in Appendix B of the report, the following services currently delivered by Shropshire Council will be delivered in full (or part) by ip&e Ltd under an Enabling Services Contract to the end of March 2016 while consideration is given to a new operating model : School Library Services, Shropshire Music Service, School Financial Services, Schools IT Support Services, Education Access Services, Information Advice and Guidance and Governor Services, subject to completion of staff consultation.


(b)  That authority be delegated to the Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services to agree the terms of the Enabling Services Contract with ip&e Ltd, including the specification of the service to be commissioned by Shropshire Council and the outcomes to be achieved from the enabling services being commissioned.


(c)  That authority be delegated to the Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services to second staff currently employed in the delivery of services during the period of the Enabling Services contract.


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