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Issue - meetings

Asset Management Strategy for Highways and Transport

Meeting: 14/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 62)

62 Shropshire Highways - Draft Asset Management and Communications Strategy and Implications of Department for Transport - Incentivised Funding pdf icon PDF 286 KB

Lead Member – Mr Simon Jones, Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport.


Report of the Director of Commissioning is attached, marked 10.


Contact George Candler [01743 255003]

Additional documents:



i)     The draft Asset Management Strategy attached at Appendix A be approved for wider consultation with stakeholder and interest groups and the public over the autumn period of 2015.

ii)    Delegated Authority be provided to the Area Commissioner – South in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport, to consider any views or comments from the wider consultation and incorporate within the Asset Management Strategy, if appropriate.


iii)   Delegated Authority be provided to the Area Commissioner – South in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport, to agree a final document for publication and formal adoption.


iv)   The draft Communications Strategy, be approved for wider consultation with stakeholder and interest groups and general public over the autumn period of 2015.


v)    Delegated Authority be provided to the Area Commissioner – South in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport to consider any views or comments from the wider consultation and incorporate within the strategy if appropriate.


vi)   Delegated Authority be provided to the Area Commissioner – South in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport, to agree a final document for publication and formal adoption.


vii) The implications of the Department for Transport Incentivised Funding criteria and the anticipated reduction in Capital Block Grant for Highways over the next three years be noted.



The Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport presented a report by the Director of Commissioning – copy attached to the signed minutes - on the draft Asset Management Strategy.  The report detailed how the Highways and Transport service would approach the task of managing Shropshire’s most valuable and important public infrastructure from Autumn 2015.  He reported that Shropshire Council were aiming to secure Band 2 status and then to develop improvements into Band 3. 



i)       The draft Asset Management Strategy attached be approved for wider consultation with stakeholder and interest groups and the public over the autumn period of 2015.

ii)     Delegated Authority be provided to the Area Commissioner – South in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport, to consider any views or comments from the wider consultation and incorporate within the Asset Management Strategy, if appropriate.


iii)    Delegated Authority be provided to the Area Commissioner – South in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport, to agree a final document for publication and formal adoption.


iv)   The draft Communications Strategy, be approved for wider consultation with stakeholder and interest groups and general public over the autumn period of 2015.


v)     Delegated Authority be provided to the Area Commissioner – South in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport to consider any views or comments from the wider consultation and incorporate within the strategy if appropriate.


vi)   Delegated Authority be provided to the Area Commissioner – South in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport, to agree a final document for publication and formal adoption.


vii)  The implications of the Department for Transport Incentivised Funding criteria and the anticipated reduction in Capital Block Grant for Highways over the next three years be noted.



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