Issue - meetings
Options on the Future Delivery of Customer Services in Shropshire
Meeting: 14/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 65)
65 Options on the Future Delivery of Customer Services in Shropshire PDF 236 KB
Lead Member – Mr Mike Owen, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Resources and Support.
Report of the Director of Public Health is attached, marked 13.
Contact Rod Thomson [01743 253934]
i) That the report and the points raised on the “single front door” approach to Customer Services and the options for future delivery be considered.
ii) That approval be granted to continue exploring the potential of commissioning a unified service across the public sector by working more closely with the CCG and other interested public sector partners.
iii) That delegated authority be granted to the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Support, with input from Directors of Children’s Services and Adult Social Care, to make any further decisions on service delivery.
The Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Support, presented a report – copy attached to the signed minutes – setting out delivery options for the customer services function, and outlining issues and advantages afforded by a single front door into council services, and opportunity to work together with the Clinical Commissioning Group and other public sector partners to achieve better integration and more joined up working.
i) That the report and the points raised on the “single front door” approach to Customer Services and the options for future delivery be considered.
ii) That approval be granted to continue exploring the potential of commissioning a unified service across the public sector by working more closely with the CCG and other interested public sector partners.
iii) That delegated authority be granted to the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Support, with input from Directors of Children’s Services and Adult Social Care, to make any further decisions on service delivery.