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Issue - meetings

Commissioning Out Social Work Practice

Meeting: 28/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 77)

Commissioning Out Social Work Practice

Lead Member – Mr Lee Chapman, Porfolio Holder for Adult Services and Commissioning (South).


Exempt report of the Director of Adult Services is attached, marked Exempt 9. TO FOLLOW


Contact – Stephen Chandler Tel: 01743 253704

Additional documents:




That the recommendations as detailed in the exempt report of the Director of Adult Services be approved.




77.1    The Portfolio Holder for Adult Services and Commissioning (South) presented an exempt report by the Director of Adult Services – copy attached to the signed exempt minutes – on the context for and scope of the service model relating to commissioning out social work practice and the resources needed to continue to build on from the Council’s pilot phase of the Department of Health’s Social Work Practice Pilot.


77.2    RESOLVED


That the recommendations as detailed in the exempt report of the Director of Adult Services be approved.



(The full version of exempt Minutes 76 and 77 detailed above constitutes exempt information under category 3 of Paragraph 10.4 of the Council’s Access to Information Rules and has therefore been with-held from publication.)






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