Shropshire Council website

This is the website of Shropshire Council

Contact information



0345 678 9000

Postal Address

Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate


Venue: Council Chamber, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND. View directions

Contact: Tim Ward  Committee Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Members are reminded that they must declare their disclosable pecuniary interests and other registrable or non-registrable interests in any matter being considered at the meeting as set out in Appendix B of the Members’ Code of Conduct and consider if they should leave the room prior to the item being considered. Further advice can be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 364 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on 18 July 2024



To receive such communications as the Chairman, Leader and Head of Paid Service may desire to lay before the Council.


Public Questions pdf icon PDF 359 KB

To receive any questions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14.  Deadline for notification is 12.00 noon on Friday  20th September 2024.




A petition, bearing over 1000 signatures has been received from Julie Mitchell, requesting a debate under the Council’s Petition Scheme.  The petition requests that the Council:


Reconsider their decision in regards to green waste charges and bookings for recycling centres


1.    Significantly reduce the proposed annual charge of £56 per year for each green bin.

2.    Abandon the booking system for recycling centres

Additional documents:


Questions from Members pdf icon PDF 348 KB

To receive any questions from Members, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2.  Deadline for notification is 12.00 noon on Friday 20th September 2024.

Additional documents:


Member and Public Questions

At Council on 18 July 2024 amendments were made to the Council Procedure Rules to allow officers to respond to member/public questions. A form of wording was agreed which has subsequently been found to be open to interpretation. Group Leaders have agreed that the following wording should now be incorporated into the Council Procedure Rules so that the timescales for member/public questions are as clear as possible:


“By 12 noon on the day preceding  the third clear working day before the meeting”


Members are asked to approve the amended wording.


Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024-2029 pdf icon PDF 200 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Place is attached


Contact Mark Barrow Tel: 01743258919


Additional documents:


Shrewsbury Sports Village Transformation Proposals - Results of Public Consultation and Authority to Proceed with Detailed Design and Planning pdf icon PDF 948 KB

Report of the Assistant Director – Homes and Communities is attached


Contact Jane Trethewey  Tel: 01743 254917 


Additional documents:


Adoption of Adderley, Morton Say and Norton in Hales (Three Parishes) Neighbourhood Plan pdf icon PDF 303 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Place is attached


Contact Mark Barrow Tel: 01743258919


Additional documents:


Finance Task and Finish Group pdf icon PDF 285 KB

Report of the Assistant Director – Legal and Governance is attached


Contact Tim Collard  Tel: 01743 252756  



Capital Receipts and Income Strip Report

Report of the Executive Director of Place and the Executive Director, Resources is TO FOLLOW


Contact Mark Barrow Tel: 01743258919 / James Walton.  Tel. 01743 258915



Relocation of Council headquarters – Shirehall to Guildhall pdf icon PDF 827 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Place is attached


Contact Mark Barrow Tel: 01743258919



Member Attendance at Conferences, Training and other External Events pdf icon PDF 293 KB

Report of the Assistant Director – Legal and Governance is attached


Contact Tim Collard  Tel: 01743 252756 



Annual Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Assets pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Assets is attached


Annual Report Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 573 KB

Report of the Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee is attached


Appointment to Committees

Southern Planning Committee


Councillor Kevin Pardy to replace Councillor Julia Buckley as a substitute member of the Southern Planning Committee



The following motions have been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 16:



Motion received from Councillor Gwilym Butler and supported by the Conservative Group

Motion to ask The Government to reverse the decision to remove Winter Fuel Payments to Pensioners.




We were shocked by the recent announcement by the new Labour Government to stop payments to pensioners of the Winter Fuel Payments unless they are on Pension Tax Credits.


In Shropshire we have 82,000 people over 65 representing 25.3% of the population against the England National average of 20.7% of people over 65.


 With the withdrawal of the Winter Fuel Payment Shropshire will be adversely affected more than most counties across the country due to our demographics and higher percentage of pensioners . It is compounded in a very rural county with many communities not on the National Gas Grid resulting in alternative fuels for heating at greater cost. We already have many pensioners in Fuel Poverty and the result of this withdrawal will result with many more. The outcome of this will then create further pressures on the local NHS and Social Care compounding the problem making the Governments decision a false economy and push many pensioners into an additional cost of living crisis.



We therefore instruct the Leader to write to Rachel Reeves MP  Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer to request she:


1.Reverse her decision on the removal of the Winter Fuel Allowance


2.If the Chancellor is not minded to reverse the decision we ask that the income level at which Pension Tax Credit can be obtained should be increased significantly to protect those less well off in our Rural Community, specifically those just about managing.


3. We note The Household Support Grant has been extended until April 2025. This now needs to be substantially increased to take into account the pensioners who will now be apply for the scheme which is already over subscribed dealing with the poverty across all demographics in Shropshire.


4.Change the system within DWP so that when applicants apply  and qualify for benefits they are automatically flagged for Council Tax relief with their Local Authority .


Motion received from Councillor Andy Boddington and supported by the Liberal Democrat Group

Motion on Winter Fuel Payments from the Liberal Democrat Group


Data from the House of Commons Library show an estimated 66,480 pensioners across the three Shropshire parliamentary constituencies do not claim pension credit. Many are at risk of losing the £300 Winter Fuel Payment this coming winter. The restriction of the payment to just those on pension credit is being made as Ofgem has increased the price cap on energy by 10%.


Not all people of pension age need the Winter Fuel Payment and many donate the payment to charities or grandchildren. Other pensioners will live in cold, unheated homes because they cannot afford the cost of energy bills. An estimated 17% of households Shropshire are in fuel poverty, spending more that 10% of their income on household fuel.


Keeping warm in the winter months can significantly reduce illness through colds and flu and can have a detrimental impact on health conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression. Statistically, this shows up as visits to GPs, admission to hospitals and excess winter deaths. Financially, it increases the burdens on our overstretched health and service. For families and friends, it is seeing loved ones suffering unnecessarily.


The government’s proposal is to limit winter fuel payments to those on pension credit. That will leave many elderly people who do not qualify for pension credit, sometimes only by a few pounds, in the cold.


This council calls on the leader and the chief executive to write to ministers:


·         Requesting that the decision to restrict winter fuel payments is delayed until a full impact assessment has been conducted.

·         Asking that the winter fuel payment is paid to those on a wider range of benefits, including council tax support, attendance allowance and carers’ allowance, as well as those on pension credit.


Motion received from Councillor Julian Dean and supported by the Green Group

New government, new relationship


This council recognises that the election of a new government is an opportunity to reset the relationship between central and local government. Shropshire Council reminds all our MPs and the new government of the central role local government can play in delivering stronger and safer communities, local economies that are sustainable and inclusive and that eliminate climate wrecking reliance on fossil fuels, and an environment that helps nature to recover.


If our communities are to have access to truly affordable homes, then councils need access to funds to build council homes – at no time has the private market alone delivered the homes we need. Councils must determine true housing need. ‘Affordable’ definitions must change to reflect income levels not housing market rents. Profit guarantees must no longer trump local needs or environmental concerns. Communities must retain the right to shape their future development.


If top tier authorities are to avoid financial meltdown, then social care and children’s services pressures need addressing with cash. Government must no longer kick the can down the road on social care funding reform.


If councils are to ensure existing homes of all tenure types are fit for the future, address transport inequality and decarbonisation and support nature recovery then capacity needs to be rebuilt and more skilled and respected professionals need to be attracted to local government.


If communities are to be truly in control of their future then devolution arrangements must be determined ‘bottom-up’ rather than as a disguised form of government imposed reorganisation.


In the forthcoming spending review it is not tenable try to squeeze more from the existing council tax system, robbing Peter to pay Paul to overcome unfair funding between councils or making struggling householders pay more for less. Reform of local government funding is long overdue in order to provide essential financial resources, fairly raised, to deliver a better future.


We call on the new Government to deliver on its promised new partnership with local government by engaging constructively with the sector as equal partners.


Exclusion of Press and Public

To resolve that, in accordance with the provisions of schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and Paragraph 10.4 [3] of the Council’s Access to Information Rules, the public and press be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items


Care Home Sale

Exempt report of the Executive Director of Place is attached


Contact Mark Barrow Tel: 01743258919



Disposal of The Former Grange School, Shrewsbury

Exempt report of the Executive Director of Place is attached


Contact Mark Barrow Tel: 01743258919



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