Agenda and minutes
Venue: Shrewsbury/Oswestry Room, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND. View directions
Contact: Emily Marshall / Shelley Davies Committee Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Vince Hunt (substitute Councillor Steve Davenport), Edward Towers (substitute Councillor Duncan Kerr) and David Vasmer (substitute Councillor Nigel Hartin). |
To confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the North Planning Committee held on 4th April 2023, attached, marked 2.
Contact: Shelley Davies on 01743 257718. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the North Planning Committee held on 4th April 2023 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Public Question Time To receive any public questions or petitions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14. The deadline for this meeting is 5pm on Tuesday, 25th April 2023.
Minutes: There were no public questions or petitions received. |
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Members are reminded that they must declare their disclosable pecuniary interests and other registrable or non-registrable interests in any matter being considered at the meeting as set out in Appendix B of the Members’ Code of Conduct and consider if they should leave the room prior to the item being considered. Further advice can be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.
Minutes: Members were reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they had a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.
Mixed use development including retail, gym, drive-thru coffee shop and drive-thru restaurant (use class E), tanning and beauty salon (sui generis), and residential care home (use class C2) together with access, parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure. Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer introduced the application for a mixed use development including retail, gym, drive-thru coffee shop and drive-thru restaurant (use class E), tanning and beauty salon (sui generis), and residential care home (use class C2) together with access, parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure. The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that the Committee had undertaken a site visit that morning to assess the impact of the proposed development on neighbouring properties and the surrounding area. Members’ attention was drawn to the information contained within the Schedule of Additional letters.
Mr David Kilby, on behalf of The Shropshire Playing Fields Association spoke against the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
In accordance with the Local Protocol for Councillors and Officers dealing with Regulatory Matters (Part 5, Paragraph 15.1) Councillor Rosemary Dartnall, as local ward councillor, made a statement and then left the table, took no part in the debate and did not vote on this item.
Tom Wilcox, Agent on behalf of the applicant spoke in support of the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
In accordance with the Local Protocol for Councillors and Officers dealing with Regulatory Matters (Part 5, Paragraph 15.1) Councillor Ted Clarke, as local ward councillor on the Committee, made a statement and then moved to the back of the room, took no part in the debate and did not vote on this item.
During the ensuing debate concern was expressed in relation to the impact of additional traffic in an already congested area of Shrewsbury, particularly at the roundabout with access to the existing retail park and also concern relating to the modelling that had been done by Highways and whether this was sufficient and had been conducted at peak times. Also concerns relating to the Active Travel Plan and questions in relation to a public transport route.
Having considered the submitted plans and listened to the comments made by all of the speakers, it was unanimously agreed to defer determination of the application for the reasons outlined above and set out below.
RESOLVED: That determination of the application be deferred for the following reasons:
1. The issue of former use of the site had not adequately been dealt with; 2. A review of the Traffic Assessment to consider busy times; 3. Active travel to the site needed further investigation; 4. Foul Discharge, more information was needed in relation to this. |
Land West London Road, Woore, Shropshire - 22/03559/FUL PDF 716 KB Mixed residential development of ten dwelling (to include one self build), creation of four vehicular accesses (onto London Road), all ancillary works. Minutes: The Planning Manager, North introduced the application for the mixed residential development of ten dwelling (to include one self build), creation of four vehicular accesses (onto London Road), all ancillary works.
The Council’s Solicitor read out a statement from Mr Murray Brunt a local resident, against the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
The Council’s Solicitor read out a statement from Woore Parish Council, against the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
Mr Willard, Agent on behalf of the applicant spoke in support of the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
Having considered the submitted plans and listened to the comments made by all of the speakers, Members unanimously expressed their support for the proposals.
RESOLVED: That planning permission be granted subject to the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 agreement for affordable housing consisting of one affordable dwelling on site and an affordable housing contribution, a reduction in the speed limit to 40mph along the road frontage of the site, and the conditions as set out in Appendix 1 of the Planning Officer’s report. |
Lady Hill Farm, West Felton, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 4JZ - 22/05620/FUL PDF 405 KB Conversion of a range of traditional outbuildings into 2No. residential units to include associated hardstanding, curtilage, access connection to required services to include a foul system, soakaway and oil tank. Minutes: The Planning Officer introduced the application for the conversion of a range of traditional outbuildings into 2No. residential units to include associated hardstanding, curtilage, access connection to required services to include a foul system, soakaway and oil tank.
Having considered the submitted plans and listened to the comments made by all of the speakers, Members unanimously expressed their support for the proposal.
RESOLVED: That planning permission be granted in accordance with the officers recommendation, subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 of the Planning Officer’s report. |
Painsbrook Farm, Painsbrook Lane, Hadnall, Shrewsbury, Shropshire - 22/03828/EIA PDF 896 KB Construction of two free range poultry houses with feed bins and ancillary equipment. Minutes: The Planning Manager North introduced the application for the construction of two free range poultry houses with feed bins and ancillary equipment.
In accordance with the Local Protocol for Councillors and Officers dealing with Regulatory Matters (Part 5, Paragraph 15.1) Councillor Simon Jones as local ward councillor, made a statement in support of the application and then left the table.
Having considered the submitted plans and listened to the comments made by all of the speakers, Members unanimously expressed their support for the proposal.
RESOLVED: That once the EIA advertising date has expired and on receipt of no adverse comments in the consideration of Officers, in consultation with the Chair of Committee, (EIA advertising date has not yet expired), planning permission is granted, subject to the conditions as set out in appendix 1 attached to the report and any amendments to these conditions as considered necessary by the Service Manager. |
Appeals and Appeal Decisions PDF 62 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the appeals and appeal decisions for the northern area be noted. |
Exclusion of Public and Press To consider a resolution under Section 100 (A) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the proceedings in relation to the following items shall not be conducted in public on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined by the provisions of Schedule 12A of the Act. Minutes: RESOLVED: That, in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and Paragraph10.4 [3] of the Council’s Access to Information Rules, the public and press be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items. |
Planning Enforcement Quarterly Report Minutes: RESOLVED: That members note the progress of planning enforcement case investigations and the exercise of delegated powers in respect of decisions in accordance with the Council’s enforcement protocol. |
Date of the Next Meeting PDF 224 KB To note that the next meeting of the North Planning Committee will be held at 2.00 pm on Tuesday 23rd May 2023 in the Shrewsbury Room, Shirehall, Shrewsbury. Minutes: It was noted that the next meeting of the North Planning Committee would be held at 2.00 p.m. on Tuesday 23rd May 2023 in the Shrewsbury/Oswestry Room, Shirehall, Shrewsbury.