Agenda and minutes
Venue: Shrewsbury/Oswestry Room, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND. View directions
Contact: Emily Marshall / Shelley Davies Committee Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Joyce Barrow (substitute: Steve Davenport) and Paul Wynn (substitute: Roy Aldcroft). |
To confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the North Planning Committee held on 15th August 2023, attached, marked 2.
Contact: Emily Marshall on 01743 257717 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the North Planning Committee held on 15th August 2023 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Public Question Time To receive any public questions or petitions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14. The deadline for this meeting is 5.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 4th October 2023.
Minutes: There were no public questions or petitions received. |
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Members are reminded that they must declare their disclosable pecuniary interests and other registrable or non-registrable interests in any matter being considered at the meeting as set out in Appendix B of the Members’ Code of Conduct and consider if they should leave the room prior to the item being considered. Further advice can be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.
Minutes: Members were reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they had a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.
With reference to agenda item 5, (minute 52), Councillor Nat Green reported that he was a member of Shrewsbury Town Council Planning Committee and indicated that his views on any proposals when considered by the Town Council had been based on the information presented at that time and he would now be considering all proposals afresh with an open mind and the information as it stood at this time. He was also the local ward councillor for agenda item 5 and in accordance with procedure rules would make a statement and then move away from the table, taking no part in the debate or vote.
With reference to agenda item 5, (minute 52), Councillor Vince Hunt declared that he was a member of the board of STAR Housing and in accordance with procedure rules, he would withdraw from the meeting during consideration of this application and take no part in the debate or vote.
Following Councillor Hunt’s declaration, the Committee duly appointed Councillor Ted Clarke as Vice-Chairman for consideration of planning application, 23/03074/FUL, Coton Hill House Berwick Road Shrewsbury Shropshire SY1 2PG only. |
Coton Hill House, Berwick Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 2PG (23/03074/FUL) PDF 798 KB Conversion of former residential care home to provide 25 no. self contained supported housing apartments (1B1P) and associated staff offices and training room
Minutes: In accordance with his declaration at Minute 51, Councillor Vince Hunt withdrew from the Chair and the meeting room, taking no part in the discussion or vote on this application.
Councillor Ted Clarke chaired the meeting for consideration of this application.
The Senior Planning Officer introduced the application for the conversion of former residential care home to provide 25 no. self-contained supported housing apartments (1B1P) and associated staff offices and training room and confirmed that the Committee had undertaken a site visit that morning to assess the impact of the proposed development on neighbouring properties and the surrounding area. Members’ attention was drawn to the information contained within the Schedule of Additional letters. The Senior Planning Officer recommended that the condition 6 be amended to require that prior to the first occupation, a detailed management plan be submitted.
Mr Terry Jones on behalf of Project Overview and Response to Coton House Proposal (P.O.R.CH) spoke against the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
In accordance with the Local Protocol for Councillors and Officers dealing with Regulatory Matters (Part 5, Paragraph 15.1) Councillor Nat Green, as local ward councillor, made a statement and then left the room, took no part in the debate and did not vote on this item.
Mr Kevin Davis, Agent on behalf of the applicant spoke in support of the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
In response to a question relating to the difference between approving the change of use and approving the management plan which would detail how the accommodation was run, the Solicitor explained that although Members were being asked to approve the change of use of the building, for the use to be acceptable it would need to be managed appropriately, which is why it was considered necessary to have a management plan in place. This approach was not unusual and some planning applications did have management plans attached to them, controlling different aspects of development to be required by way of condition.
During the ensuing debate, the option to defer determination of the application was considered. In response, the Senior Planning Officer advised that she did not consider it necessary to delay determination of the application and the concerns expressed could be addressed through the change to condition 6, that was being recommended. The majority of Members agreed that the submission and approval of a detailed management plan controlling the use, occupation, operation and management of the accommodation, prior to the first occupation, would be acceptable.
Having considered the submitted plans and listened to the comments made by all of the speakers, the majority of Members expressed their support for the proposals subject to the requirement to submit a detailed management plan as recommended by the Senior Planning Officer.
RESOLVED: That authority be delegated to the Planning and Development Services Manager to grant permission subject to;
· The conditions as set out in Appendix 1 of the Planning Officer’s ... view the full minutes text for item 52. |
Welshpool Road/Somerby Drive/Clayton Way Roundabout, Shrewsbury (23/02351/ADV) PDF 418 KB Erect and display two sponsorship signs placed on the roundabout (amended description)
Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer introduced the application for the erection and display of two sponsorship signs placed on the roundabout (amended description).
Having considered the submitted plans the majority of members expressed their support for the proposal.
RESOLVED: That permission be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 of the Planning Officer’s report. |
Erect and display three sponsorship signs placed on the roundabout Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer introduced the application for erection and display of three sponsorship signs placed on the roundabout.
Having considered the submitted plans the majority of members expressed their support for the proposal.
RESOLVED: That permission be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 of the Planning Officer’s report. |
Erection of four poultry rearing buildings, eight feed bins, biomass store and amenity building including landscaping and tree planting
Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer introduced the application for the erection of four poultry rearing buildings, eight feed bins, biomass store and amenity building including landscaping and tree planting.
Mr Richard Corbett, Agent on behalf of the applicant spoke in support of the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.
Having considered the submitted plans and listened to the comments made by all of the speakers, the majority of Members felt that consideration of the application should be deferred to the next scheduled meeting to allow for the expiry of the statutory consultation period for comments and representations and to give the applicant the opportunity to provide the additional information required.
RESOLVED: That determination of the application be deferred to the next meeting of the Northern Planning Committee due to take place on 7th November 2023, to allow for the expiry of the statutory period for comments and representations and to give the applicant the opportunity to provide the additional information required.
Development of roadside services including - a Petrol Filling Station with ancillary retail (Sui Generis) and a drive-through unit (Class E)
Minutes: The Committee received the report of the Assistant Director of Economy & Place.
1. That the previously approved minutes of the meeting of the Northern Planning Committee held on 23rd May 2023 be amended to show the financial contribution towards the NWRR as £80,000.
2. That the decision can accordingly be granted on the basis of what was actually approved at the Committee meeting along with the amendment as set out above.
Appeals and Appeal Decisions PDF 47 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the appeals and appeal decisions for the northern area be noted. |
Date of the Next Meeting PDF 193 KB To note that the next meeting of the North Planning Committee will be held at 2.00 pm on Tuesday, 7th November 2023, in the Shrewsbury Room, Shirehall, Shrewsbury. Additional documents:
Minutes: It was noted that the next meeting of the North Planning Committee would be held at 2.00 p.m. on Tuesday 7th November 2023 in the Shrewsbury/Oswestry Room, Shirehall, Shrewsbury.