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Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND. View directions

Contact: Ashley Kendrick  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Professor Mark Barrow, Executive Director of Place.


Disclosable Interests

Members are reminded that they must declare their disclosable pecuniary interests and other registrable or non-registrable interests in any matter being considered at the meeting as set out in Appendix B of the Members’ Code of Conduct and consider if they should leave the room prior to the item being considered. Further advice can be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.


There were no disclosable interests received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 322 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2024.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2024 as an accurate record




That the minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2024 as an accurate record.


Public Question Time pdf icon PDF 299 KB

To receive any questions from members of the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14. Deadline for notification is not later than 5.00 pm on Thursday 11th April 2024.

Additional documents:


Anne Povey, in relation to unsafe parking at Haughmond Hill. A response was provided by the Portfolio Holder for Highways.


Felicity Pennal, in relation to residents parking, Chapel Street, Wem. A response was provided by the Portfolio Holder for Highways.


Andrew Burden, in relation to dog fouling on the Weir Estate. A response was provided by the Portfolio Holder for Highways.


Susan Howle, on behalf of Tasley Parish Council, in relation to Post-16 transport. A response was provided by the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, Environment and Transport.


Matt Lakin, on behalf of Albrighton Village Action Group, in relation to the draft Local Plan. A response was provided by the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services.


Pauline Dee BEM, in relation to parking fees in Wem. A response was provided by the Portfolio Holder for Highways.


An urgent question had been received from Rob Davies, in relation to the School Library Service. A response was provided by the Portfolio Holder for Children and Education.


The full questions and the responses provided to them are available from the public question item on the web page for the meeting - Responses to Public Questions 17.4.24.pdf (


Member Question Time pdf icon PDF 282 KB

To receive any questions from Members of the Council. Deadline for notification is not later than 5.00 pm on Thursday 11th April 2024.

Additional documents:


An urgent Members’ question was received from Councillor Roger Evans in relation to the School Library Service. In response to a supplementary question, the Portfolio Holder for Children and Education confirmed that a copy of the consultation response would be circulated to members.


Members’ questions had been received from the following:


Councillor Ruth Houghton, in relation to household recycling centres.


Councillor David Vasmer, in relation to the closure of Shrewsbury University. The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Assets confirmed that the answer to the fifth question would be provided once the accounts for 2023/24 had been completed.


Councillor Heather Kidd, in relation to potholes. In response to a query regarding a prioritisation scheme, the Portfolio Holder for Highways advised that he would speak with the Assistant Director of Highways & Transport to provide a response.


Councillor Alex Wagner, read aloud by Councillor David Vasmer, in relation to Rowley’s House. The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Assets advised that extracts from the surveys would be provided with the written response to Councillor Wagner. In response to a supplementary question regarding when the report will come back to Cabinet for discussion, the Portfolio Holder was unable to provide a date but gave reassurance that it will not be delayed any longer than necessary.


Councillor Andy Boddington, in relation to gridlock in Ludlow. By way of supplementary question, Councillor Boddington requested further information with regards to the green bag scheme and it was confirmed that a response would be provided outside the meeting.


Councillor Tom Biggins, in relation to the Community Asset Transfer of the Contractors Yard / Sherrymill Hill Car Park. The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Assets confirmed that a written response would be provided with regards to a date for when the section 78 notice will be issued.


The full questions and responses provided can be found on Responses to Member Questions 17.4.24.pdf (


Scrutiny Items


There were no scrutiny items.


Parking Tariffs, Operations & Development pdf icon PDF 395 KB

Supplementary report in response to the scrutiny of the call-ins of the decision made by Cabinet on 17 January 2024, to follow


Lead Member – Councillor Dan Morris – Portfolio Holder for Highways


Report of Andy Wilde – Assistant Director - Infrastructure

Additional documents:




To agree the recommendations 1-7 as set out in the report (NB these are too lengthy to include in the decision list so please see pages 3-5 of the report for recommendations here).



The Portfolio Holder for Highways introduced the report which set out the revised recommendations following a call in of the original proposal which was brought to Cabinet in January.


The report considered issues raised by Scrutiny Committee in relation to the original report. Members noted that there was no formal minute as yet but the issues they asked to be re-examined were:


a)          Compatibility with the Shrewsbury Movement and Public Space Strategy and current strategies in relation to graduation of parking charges in Shrewsbury according to proximity to the town centre.

b)          Why there is no increase at Raven Meadows Multi-Storey Car Park

c)          The effect on the economy

d)          Risks related to the Park and Ride service

e)          The use of surplus income from the Parking Service

f)             Maintenance history and arrangements

g)          Consultation methods

h)          The parking charge Band applied to Wem

i)            The necessity for and potential changes to Evening parking charges in Shrewsbury

j)            The necessity for and potential changes to Sunday parking charges throughout Shropshire.

k)          The potential for parking to be displaced into neighbouring areas


The Portfolio Holder presented a summary of the revised recommendations:


1.          Wherever the original recommendation was to use a Notice of Variation it has been changed to a notice of proposal to make a Traffic Regulation Order, which includes a consultation/objection period.

2.          ‘Evening Charges’ are now capped at £1.00 during any period between 6pm and 10pm

3.          The Sunday Charge where charges are to be introduced is capped at the normal charge for 1 hour.

4.          The new charge at Abbey Foregate will be £0.80 per hour.

5.          The new charge at Raven Meadows multi-storey car park will be £2.40

6.          Evening Charges will apply to Abbey Foregate and St Julians Friars as per 2. above


Concerns were expressed that the proposed increases were excessive and disproportionate, and the effects the proposed increases would have on towns outside Shrewsbury.


The Portfolio Holder advised that there will be a revamp of the parking strategy and the bands of parking will be looked at as part of that.




To agree the recommendations 1-7 as set out below:


Recommendation 1 (in twelve parts) – parking tariffs


3.1      Cabinet is requested to approve advertisement of Traffic Regulation Orders for consultation on each of the twelve items shown in Table A and the subsequent   consideration of objections and making of the Orders if appropriate in accordance with the delegation to the Assistant Director of Infrastructure set out in Part 8 of the Council’s Constitution.






3.2   Table A





(Per Hour)


(Per Hour)







Shrewsbury On-Street






Bridge St, St. Austins St, The Quarry






Raven Meadows


flat fee





St. Julians Friars






Frankwell – Main, Riverside and Quay


flat fee





Bridgnorth, Ludlow On-Street (Blue), Much Wenlock


1g  ...  view the full minutes text for item 144.


Public Space Protection Order, Dog Constraints pdf icon PDF 470 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Dan Morris – Portfolio Holder for Highways


Report of Andy Wilde, Assistant Director - Highways & Transport

Additional documents:




That Cabinet


1.     Accepted the position as set out in this report and approved a Public Space Protection Order for Shropshire with the proposed conditions in the restricted area set out in Appendix B (“the Order”) and as defined by the map with an effective commencement date of the 1st June 2024 for a period of 3 years.


2.     Delegated to the Executive Director of Place to authorise officers to issue FPN’s and directions under the order and agrees that the Council use Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN), in appropriate circumstances, where there is reason to believe that an offence under the Public Space Protection Order has been committed by any person. And further that the level of the FPN is set at £100 reduced to £50 if paid within 10 days.


3.     For the purpose of discharging the Order instructed the Executive Director: Place to publish and cause to be erected notices in accordance with Regulations made under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.


4.     Delegated authority to the Executive Director: Place to engage with any other organisation, not being part of Shropshire Council, where officers of that organisation are to be authorised by Shropshire Council to undertake enforcement responsibilities under the Order.


5.     Delegated authority to the Executive Director: Place to engage with any other organisation, not being part of Shropshire Council, where officers of that organisation have been authorised by Shropshire Council to undertake enforcement responsibilities under the Order (as extended), and to define those enforcement responsibilities and any other requirements within an agreed Memorandum of Understanding and, where necessary, to amend or create any further Memoranda of Understanding at any time during the period that the Order (as extended) is in force.


6.     That in support of the Order a public education and information programme is implemented and as shown in Appendix C


The Portfolio Holder for Highways presented the report which sought Cabinet approval for the introduction of a Public Space Protection Order for Shropshire to control dog fouling, taking account of a public consultation exercise approved on 18th October 2023.


The proposal includes provisions for a publicity campaign to raise general awareness, signage, and the adequate provision of waste bins to encourage responsible dog ownership and for the disposal of dog waste. It was also intended to respond to public complaints on an intelligence-led basis, targeting hotspots through public engagement and, if necessary, enforcement.




That Cabinet


1.     Accepted the position as set out in this report and approved a Public Space Protection Order for Shropshire with the proposed conditions in the restricted area set out in Appendix B (“the Order”) and as defined by the map with an effective commencement date of the 1st June 2024 for a period of 3 years.


2.     Delegated to the Executive Director of Place to authorise officers to issue FPN’s and directions under the order and agrees that the Council use Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN), in appropriate circumstances, where there is reason to believe that an offence under the Public Space Protection Order has been committed by any person. And further that the level of the FPN is set at £100 reduced to £50 if paid within 10 days.


3.     For the purpose of discharging the Order instructed the Executive Director: Place to publish and cause to be erected notices in accordance with Regulations made under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.


4.     Delegated authority to the Executive Director: Place to engage with any other organisation, not being part of Shropshire Council, where officers of that organisation are to be authorised by Shropshire Council to undertake enforcement responsibilities under the Order.


5.     Delegated authority to the Executive Director: Place to engage with any other organisation, not being part of Shropshire Council, where officers of that organisation have been authorised by Shropshire Council to undertake enforcement responsibilities under the Order (as extended), and to define those enforcement responsibilities and any other requirements within an agreed Memorandum of Understanding and, where necessary, to amend or create any further Memoranda of Understanding at any time during the period that the Order (as extended) is in force.


6.     That in support of the Order a public education and information programme is implemented and as shown in Appendix C


Local Plan - Additional Material for Examination in Public pdf icon PDF 729 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Chris Schofield - Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services

Report of Eddie West - Planning Policy and Strategy Manager


Additional documents:




1.     That Cabinet agreed the Appendices 2-4 of this report to be submitted to the Local Plan Examination and for these documents to be subject to public consultation in line with the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).


2.     That Cabinet agreed that ahead of the public consultation any minor editorial changes to these documents are delegated to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services presented the report which sought cabinet approval to submit and consult on additional material to the local plan examination process in response to the interim findings of the appointed inspectors. The updated material provided in the appendices also sought to respond effectively to the soundness concerns of the inspectors.




1.     That Cabinet agreed the Appendices 2-4 of this report to be submitted to the Local Plan Examination and for these documents to be subject to public consultation in line with the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).


2.     That Cabinet agreed that ahead of the public consultation any minor editorial changes to these documents are delegated to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services.


Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping strategy 2024 - 2029 pdf icon PDF 429 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Dean Carroll – Portfolio Holder for Housing and Assets


Report of Tami Sabanovic, Housing Strategy and Development Officer


Appendix 2 to follow

Additional documents:




To approve the draft Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, outlined in Appendix I for an 8-week public and stakeholder consultation period.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Assets presented the Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024 to 2029, which focused on several outcomes and strands, including the importance of partnership working across the public and charitable sector. The strategy recognised the complexities of each individual circumstance around homelessness and rough sleeping.


Members welcomed the report and praise was given to the rough sleeping team for their excellent support.




To approve the draft Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, outlined in Appendix I for an 8-week public and stakeholder consultation period.


Whitchurch Swimming Pool - Agreement for CIL Funding pdf icon PDF 349 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Chris Schofield - Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services


Report of Eddie West, Planning Policy and Strategy Manager

Additional documents:




That Cabinet approved the allocation of £980,000 of CIL funding to support the design and build of Whitchurch Pool and Fitness Centre.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services presented the report which sought cabinet approval to award £980,000 of self-funding towards the design and build of Whitchurch Pool and Fitness Centre. The new centre will support the economic growth in Whitchurch and provide the town with a modern facility that supports the health and well-being of the local community. 




That Cabinet approved the allocation of £980,000 of CIL funding to support the design and build of Whitchurch Pool and Fitness Centre.


Exclusion of Press and Public

To resolve that, in accordance with the provisions of schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and Paragraph 10.4 [3] of the Council’s Access to Information Rules, the public and press be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items





That, in accordance with the provisions of schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and Paragraph 10.4 [3] of the Council’s Access to Information Rules, the public and press be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items


Pyrolysis JV Proposal

Lead Member – Councillor Dean Caroll - Portfolio Holder for Housing & Assets


Report of Richard Macdonald, Estates Manager - Acquisitions and Disposals




To approve the recommendations as set out in the exempt report.




To approve the recommendations as set out in the exempt report.


Date of Next Meeting

To note that the next meeting is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 5 June 2024.


Members noted that the next meeting is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 5 June 2024.


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