Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Shrewsbury Room, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND
Contact: Jane Palmer Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D Minnery.
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate. Minutes: No interests were declared.
Minutes To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 17 September 2018. TO FOLLOW Minutes: The Leader reported that the minutes of the meeting held on 17th September 2018 had not been finalised and would be presented to the next Cabinet meeting for approval. |
Public Question Time To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14. Deadline for notification for this meeting is no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting. Minutes: A public question had been submitted by Mr Len Sambrook, Chairman of Childs Ercall Parish Council, in relation to questions that had been raised relating to changes the Council proposed to make to the CIL Local Fund. A copy of the question and the response provided by the Leader is attached to the signed minutes.
Member Questions To receive any questions of which members of the Council have given due notice, the deadline for notification for this meeting is 5.00pm on Friday 21 September 2018. Minutes: There were no questions from any member of the Council.
Scrutiny Items To consider any scrutiny matters from Council or from any of the Council’s Scrutiny Committees. Minutes: There were no scrutiny matters for consideration.
Phase 2 Early Help Family Hubs PDF 141 KB Lead Member – Councillor N Bardsley – Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People
Report of the Director of Children’s Services
Contact: Karen Bradshaw Tel: 01743 254201 Additional documents:
Decision: 1. That the location and establishment of 7 Early Help Family bases and the withdrawal of services in 20 Children’s Centres buildings, as set out in section 7 of this report, be agreed.
2. That Shropshire Council ceases the delivery of universal stay and play provision but supports the delivery of universal stay and play by other appropriate means, including through alternative providers e.g. schools, day care providers, Pre-School Learning Alliance and the community through parent and carer volunteers.
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People presented a report from the Director of Children’s Services seeking approval for the locations of early help bases and the closure/de-designation of children’s centres.
In response to comments made by Members, the Portfolio Holder provided assurances that the consultation process had been very thorough and drop-in sessions and workshops had been well attended by Councillors, Directors, families, stakeholders and staff. The Portfolio Holder reiterated the point that some centres were running sessions that were very poorly attended. The proposed new delivery model would be focused on children and families that most needed help.
In response to a question, the Portfolio Holder added that the centres proposed for the withdrawal of services would be used by schools and nurseries to expand their current provision and it was unlikely that any of them would be left empty.
1. That the location and establishment of 7 Early Help Family bases and the withdrawal of services in 20 Children’s Centres buildings, as set out in section 7 of this report, be agreed.
2. That Shropshire Council ceases the delivery of universal stay and play provision but supports the delivery of universal stay and play by other appropriate means, including through alternative providers e.g. schools, day care providers, Pre-School Learning Alliance and the community through parent and carer volunteers.
Lead Member – Councillor S Davenport – Portfolio Holder for Transport and Highways
Report of the Highways, Transport and Environment Manager
Contact: Steve Brown Tel: 01743 257809 Additional documents:
Decision: 1. That the refreshed Winter Service Policy as presented in the report and as attached at Appendix 1 be approved. 2. That the winter service operational plan as presented in the report and as attached at Appendix 2 be approved. 3. That the recommendation of Place Overview Committee, to develop and pilot a Snow Volunteer Scheme via a Members and Officers working group be approved. 4. That the recommendation of the Place Overview Committee to deliver a pre- winter service briefing and workshop to all Members in October 2018 be approved.
The Portfolio Holder for Transport and Highways presented a report from the Highways, Transport and Environment Manager relating to a review of Shropshire Highways Maintenance Policy.
The Portfolio Holder and the Highways, Transport and Environment Manager responded to a number of general issues and some concerns raised by Members
The Leader congratulated the Highways Teams for their work, particularly during the previous harsh winter months.
1. That the refreshed Winter Service Policy as presented in the report and as attached at Appendix 1 be approved. 2. That the winter service operational plan as presented in the report and as attached at Appendix 2 be approved. 3. That the recommendation of Place Overview Committee, to develop and pilot a Snow Volunteer Scheme via a Members and Officers working group be approved. 4. That the recommendation of the Place Overview Committee to deliver a pre- winter service briefing and workshop to all Members in October 2018 be approved.
Lead Member – Councillor S Davenport – Portfolio Holder for Transport and Highways
Report of the Highways, Transport and Environment Manager
Contact: Steve Brown Tel: 01743 257809
Additional documents:
Decision: 1. That the implementation of a risk based approach for highways inspections, as detailed in the revised Highway Safety Inspection Manual, as described in Appendix A be approved. 2. That the revised Asset Management Policy and Strategy for Shropshire Council as described in Appendix B be approved.
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Transport and Highways presented a report from the Highways, Transport and Environment Manager relating to the adoption of a Risk Based Approach for Highways Maintenance. In response to questions from Members, the Highways, Transport and Environment Manager explained that
1. That the implementation of a risk based approach for highways inspections, as detailed in the revised Highway Safety Inspection Manual, as described in Appendix A be approved. 2. That the revised Asset Management Policy and Strategy for Shropshire Council as described in Appendix B be approved.
Shropshire Museums Strategy PDF 110 KB Lead Member – Councillor L Picton – Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure
Report of the Culture and Heritage Services Manager
Contact: Tim Jenkins Tel: 07990 087883 Additional documents:
Decision: 1. That the Shropshire Museums Strategy, 2018-2023, attached at Appendix 1 be approved.
2. That responsibility be delegated to the Head of Infrastructure and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure services, to finalise a detailed five-year action plan linked to the delivery of the strategy.
The Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure presented a report for the Culture and Heritage Services Manager relating to the Shropshire Museums Strategy. Members congratulated the Portfolio Holder and Officers for their excellent report. In response to comments, the Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure commented that maintaining visitor numbers throughout all of the facilities within the Shropshire Museum Service was ambitious with funding to the service limited the small team were having to find ways to be resilient and tenacious. RESOLVED: 1. That the Shropshire Museums Strategy, 2018-2023, attached at Appendix 1 be approved.
2. That responsibility be delegated to the Head of Infrastructure and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure services, to finalise a detailed five-year action plan linked to the delivery of the strategy.
Exclusion of the Public and Press To resolve that, in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and Paragraph 10.4 (3) of the Council’s Access to Information Rules, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item/s. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That, in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and Paragraph 10.4 (3) of the Council’s Access to Information Rules, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item.
Site Acquisition at Ennerdale Road, Shrewsbury
Lead Member – Councillor S Charmley – Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Commercial Support
Exempt Report of the Head of Business Enterprise and Commercial Services TO FOLLOW
Contact: Tim Smith Tel: 01743 258998 Decision: That the three recommendations contained within the exempt report be approved.
Minutes: The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Commercial Support presented an exempt report for the Head of Business, Enterprise and Commercial Services relating to a site acquisition at Ennerdale Road, Shrewsbury.
That the three recommendations contained within the exempt report be approved.