Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND. View directions
Contact: Amanda Holyoak Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Robert Macey. |
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate. Minutes: None were declared. |
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 13 February 2019. TO FOLLOW Decision: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 13 February 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Leader subject to the following amendments: that the term ‘overseas’ be amended to ‘outside England’ in Minute 150 - Determination of Admission Arrangements, and that the term ‘overseas’ also be amended to ‘outside England’ in Resolution A of Minute 150. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 13 February 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Leader subject to the following amendments: that the term ‘overseas’ be amended to ‘outside England’ in Minute 150 - Determination of Admission Arrangements, and that the term ‘overseas’ also be amended to ‘outside England’ in Resolution A of Minute 150. |
Public Question Time To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14. Deadline for notification for this meeting is no later than 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting. Minutes: None were received. |
Member Question Time PDF 86 KB To receive any questions of which members of the Council have given due notice, the deadline for notification for this meeting is 5.00pm on Friday 22 February 2019. Minutes: A Member Question was received from Councillor Andy Boddington in relation to Youth Services Funding 2019-2020. A full copy of the question and the answer is attached to the signed minutes.
Councillor Roger Evans asked a question about the way benefits were awarded to couples, a copy of the question is attached to the signed minutes. The Leader said that the Council was not aware of any plans to changes in benefits which would impact on couples with an age difference. If any proposals emerged they would be considered at the appropriate time. |
Scrutiny Items To consider any scrutiny issues from Council or any of the Scrutiny Committees Minutes: There were no items from Scrutiny. |
Quarter 3 Performance Report PDF 133 KB Lead Member – Councillor Steve Charmley – Deputy Leader of Council and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Support
Report of the Chief Executive
Contact: Clive Wright tel 01743 258675 Decision: RESOLVED:
A To consider the key underlying and emerging issues in the reports and appendices.
B To review the performance portal and identify any performance areas to consider in greater detail or refer to the appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Minutes: The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Commercial Support presented the report of the Director of Place. He reported that the Quarter 3 position was similar to that of Quarter 2. He drew particular attention to the demand on children’s social care services which was increasing across all service areas and placing additional pressure on services and budgets. Road casualty numbers had increased over the past three years but this was related to changes to recording methods. The Portfolio Holder for Adults, Health and Housing congratulated the Adult Social Care team for sustained improvements in transferring patients home from hospital or another appropriate care setting, Shropshire Council being one of the most improved authorities in England. The Council was also in the top quartile of English authorities for recycling rates. The Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure
A Member of the Council asked why the performance report showed the budget in an ‘Amber’ position with a projected overspend for 2018/19 of £0.072m. The Director of Finance, Governance and Assurance said he believed this RAG rating to be an error and agreed to check this after the meeting.
[Following the meeting this was confirmed as an error and has has now been corrected on the performance portal to show the forecast outturn indicator as Green]
A To consider the key underlying and emerging issues in the reports and appendices.
B To review the performance portal and identify any performance areas to consider in greater detail or refer to the appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Review of Customer Services Face to Face Points PDF 119 KB Lead Member - Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Commercial Support
Report of the Director of Workforce and Transformation
Contact: Michele Leith tel 01743 258193
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED:
A to agree
the proposed changes to our face to face customer
Services B to delegate the implementation of these changes to the Director of Workforce and Transformation, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Commercial Support
Minutes: The Deputy Leader
and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Support presented the report of
the Director of Workforce and Transformation on the Review of
Customer Services Face to Face points.
He emphasised that provision was not being withdrawn but that it
was being delivered in a different way where appropriate to reflect
the changing demand in use of these services with digital
transformation and technology coming to the fore. The situation would be reviewed constantly moving forward. In response to a Member of the Council’s observation that most replies to the consultation had been against the proposal, the Deputy Leader said that many of the responses had not reflected what was being proposed, which was not a withdrawal of service going forward but a change. He was confident that there would be a quality and accessible service, appropriate for the level of footfall in each location.
A to agree
the proposed changes to our face to face customer
Services B to delegate the implementation of these changes to the Director of Workforce and Transformation, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Commercial Support
Nursing and Residential Beds Commissioning Arrangements PDF 147 KB Lead Member – Lee Chapman, Portfolio Holder for Adult Services, Health and Housing
Report of Director of Adult Services and Housing
Contact: Andy Begley, tel 01743 281376 Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED:
A To agree to consult formally on the review of the published rates pricing structure for commissioning of residential and nursing beds for older people.
B To receive a further paper following the consultation exercise Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Adult Services, Health and Housing presented a report of the Director of Adult Services and Housing, seeking approval to consult on revision to the currently published rates for residential and nursing beds. He drew attention to the need for published rates to reflect the cost of delivery of care, be transparent across the market place and deemed equitable by market providers delivering care.
A To agree to consult formally on the review of the published rates pricing structure for commissioning of residential and nursing beds for older people.
B To receive a further paper following the consultation exercise |
Community Asset Transfer of Much Wenlock Youth Centre PDF 92 KB Lead Member – Councillor S Charmley - Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Commercial Support
Report of Director of Place
Contact: Mark Barrow, tel 01743 258916 Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED:
That, in principle, the Organisation is granted a 99 year lease as a Community Asset Transfer with delegated authority to the Strategic Asset Manager to agree the terms of disposal and complete the lease to ensure compliance with State Aid Rules and the Council’s legislative obligations.
Minutes: The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Commercial Support presented the report of the Director of Place, recommending the transfer of Much Wenlock Youth Centre following an application made by 1st Much Wenlock Scout Group. The Local Member for Much Wenlock spoke in support of the application and emphasised the need to keep Local Members involved in such matters.
That, in principle, the Organisation is granted a 99 year lease as a Community Asset Transfer with delegated authority to the Strategic Asset Manager to agree the terms of disposal and complete the lease to ensure compliance with State Aid Rules and the Council’s legislative obligations.
Future High Street Fund PDF 155 KB Lead Member – Peter Nutting – Leader of the Council
Report of Director of Place
Contact: Mark Barrow, tel 01743 258916 Decision: RESOLVED
A That Cabinet agrees tosupport both Shrewsbury and Oswestry’s proposals to be progressed to formulate full and robust bids for the first round submission.
B That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Economic Growth to submit two bids to Government for the 22nd March 2019 deadline.
C That with the evolution of Place Plans, that the opportunity for similar and other economic opportunities are explored for the whole of Shropshire where identified as priority projects within their individual Place Plans. Minutes: The Leader presented a report of the Director of Place. Cabinet was requested to support proposals for Shrewsbury and Oswestry to formulate bids for the first round submission to the Future High Street Fund, in order to access a share of the £675 million allocated by government to support transformational projects to support towns and high streets.
The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Place Planning said that attention had already been given to potential bids for 2020, and also whether the Council could take action itself to provide county wide opportunities through the evolution of Place Plans. He envisaged a bottom up approach targeting individual needs and priorities, identified through the Place Planning process. To that end, he proposed an additional recommendation which was agreed by Cabinet: ‘That with the evolution of Place Plans, that the opportunity for similar and other economic opportunities are explored for the whole of Shropshire where identified as priority projects within their individual Place Plans’
A That Cabinet agrees tosupport both Shrewsbury and Oswestry’s proposals to be progressed to formulate full and robust bids for the first round submission.
B That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Economic Growth to submit two bids to Government for the 22nd March 2019 deadline.
C That with the evolution of Place Plans, that the opportunity for similar and other economic opportunities are explored for the whole of Shropshire where identified as priority projects within their individual Place Plans. |
Discretionary School & College Transport - Permission to Consult PDF 167 KB Lead Member – Nick Bardsley – Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People
Report of Director of Children’s Services TO FOLLOW
Contact: Karen Bradshaw, tel 01743 254201 Additional documents: Minutes: This item was withdrawn from the agenda. It was noted that it would be considered at an additional Cabinet meeting scheduled for Wednesday 6 March 2019 at 9.00 am.