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Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Shrewsbury Room, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND. View directions

Contact: Amanda Holyoak  Senior Democratic Services Officer


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Lezley Picton.


Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.


None were declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 10th November 2021




That the minutes of the meeting held on 10 November 2021 be approved as a correct record.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 10 November 2021 be approved as a correct record.


Public Questions pdf icon PDF 230 KB

To receive any questions from members of the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14.  Deadline for notification is not later than Monday 29th November 2021


Public questions were received from:


Jane Asterley Berry in relation to the ecological health of the River Severn and its tributaries.


Stephen Mulloy in relation to scrutiny by the Place Overview Committee of the planning enforcement function.


The full questions and responses provided to them are available from the webpage for the meeting:  Cabinet 1 Dec 2021



Members Question Time pdf icon PDF 351 KB


Member questions were received from:


Councillor David Vasmer, in relation to access to covid jabs for children aged between 12 and 15;


Councillor David Vasmer on behalf of Councillor Alex Wagner, in relation to park and ride fares.


By way of a supplementary question Councillor Vasmer asked if there were any timescales available for the implementation of the planned improvements described by the Portfolio Holder and she explained that once the outcome of the Bus Service Improvement Plan bid was known that these would be rolled out as quickly as possible, and that she would keep members updated.


Councillor Rob Wilson, in relation to LTP4 milestones and targets;


In his response to a supplementary question, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that measures would be established in order to identify progress.


Councillor David Vasmer, in relation to scrutiny of the Council’s budget proposals and financial performance;


In response to a supplementary question, the Portfolio Holder pointed out that whether the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee had sight of the quarterly performance measures before or after Cabinet, it could raise any concerns or make recommendations to Cabinet at any time.


Councillor Roger Evans, in relation to the Finance Task and Finish Group and council’s scrutiny function


In response to a supplementary question, the Deputy Leader answering on behalf of the Leader said there was confidence in the scrutiny chairs.


Scrutiny Items


There were no scrutiny items.


Adult Social Care Winter Plan pdf icon PDF 375 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Simon Jones – Portfolio holder for Adult Social Care and Public Health


Report of Tanya Miles, Executive Director of People – attached


Tel: 01743 255811




Additional documents:




That Cabinet considered the plans and actions detailed in the Winter Plan and Winter Action Plan to ensure that high-quality, safe and timely care is provided to everyone who needs it, and we continue to protect people who need care, their carers and the social care workforce from COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses.


The Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health introduced the Adult Social Care Winter Plan highlighting how Adult Social Care, Housing and Public Health teams would work with partners to support residents to stay independent and well during the winter period.  Responding to a question, Laura Tyler - Assistant Director Joint Commissioning, outlined the extensive work being undertaken by the Council alongside the care sector to address workforce pressures, emphasising the focus on reablement to reduce the need for long term care packages. 


The Deputy Leader added the thanks of the Cabinet to all the highly dedicated staff working in the care sector and involved in the vaccination programme. 




That Cabinet considered the plans and actions detailed in the Winter Plan and Winter Action Plan to ensure that high-quality, safe and timely care is provided to everyone who needs it, and we continue to protect people who need care, their carers and the social care workforce from COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses.


Children's Services Key Performance Data pdf icon PDF 286 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Kirstie Hurst-Knight – Portfolio Holder for Children and Education


Report of Tanya Miles, Executive Director of People – attached


Tel: 01743 255811


Additional documents:




·         That Cabinet noted the issues raised in the report and consider the impact of sustained increased demand on both the Council and children and young people in the county.


·         That Cabinet reviewed the performance information and identified any areas that they would like to consider in greater detail or refer to the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee.


The Portfolio Holder for Children and Education presented the report setting out the tracking of children’s social care performance up to quarter 2 2021/22.  Performance was monitored on a daily, weekly, quarterly and annual basis.  Cabinet would be receiving regular future oversight updates and more information could be added into the report as necessary.  She expressed heartfelt thanks to all who provided support to children in Shropshire and worked so hard to promote positive outcomes for them all.  


It was suggested that the increasing level of referrals in Shropshire and lack of referrals from the health sector might be an area of interest for scrutiny.  The Assistant Director Children’s Social Care reported on work underway to understand referral patterns and said she would be happy to provide a report for scrutiny if required.




·         to note the issues raised in the report and consider the impact of sustained increased demand on both the Council and children and young people in the county.


·         To review the performance information and identify any areas for consideration in greater detail or refer to the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee.


Gambling Act 2005 Policy Statement pdf icon PDF 282 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Ed Potter – Portfolio Holder for Deputy Leader and for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Planning


Report of Mark Barrow, Director of Place – attached


Tel: 01743 258919

Additional documents:




·         That Cabinet agrees the proposed Gambling Act 2005 Policy Statement 2022 to 2025 as set out in Appendix 1 and delegates authority to the Head of Business and Consumer Protection to publish the policy statement and to advertise it in accordance with the provisions of the Gambling Act 2005.


·         That Cabinet agrees that the Gambling Act 2005 Policy Statement 2022 to 2025 will be adopted with effect from 31 January 2022.


The Deputy Leader presented the report and  explained that the Gambling Act 2005 required the Council to prepare and publish a statement of the principles that it proposed to apply in exercising its functions under the Act.   The Council’s Strategic Licensing Committee had agreed the proposed policy statement and recommended approval by Cabinet.




·         That Cabinet agrees the proposed Gambling Act 2005 Policy Statement 2022 to 2025 as set out in Appendix 1 and delegates authority to the Head of Business and Consumer Protection to publish the policy statement and to advertise it in accordance with the provisions of the Gambling Act 2005.


·         That Cabinet agrees that the Gambling Act 2005 Policy Statement 2022 to 2025 will be adopted with effect from 31 January 2022.


Procurement of Highways Professional Services Contract pdf icon PDF 293 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Dean Carroll – Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure


Report of Mark Barrow, Director of Place – TO FOLLOW


Tel: 01743 258919


Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


·         Agrees the preferred principle set out in the outline business case (appendix 1) to develop a new delivery model for procuring a Built Environment Consultancy Contract to provide built environment, placemaking, highways and transport consultancy services. The new arrangements will operate from April 2023 on a 5-year contract with a possible two 2-year extensions based upon performance.


·         Award a 12month contract to WSP to allow the new delivery model to be developed whilst maintaining continuity of current consultancy services and current capital projects


·         Agree to exclude the currently outsourced service elements of the Council’s Highway Development Control and Land Drainage functions from the 12month contract award to WSP and any procurement exercise in order to bring the services back ‘in-house’ with effect from April 2022


·         Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure, to initiate the TUPE process to bring relevant WSP employed staff associated with Highway Development Control and Land Drainage services back in-house, let a revised contract to WSP for a period of 12 months and agree the model, balance between in-house and outsourced services, and the tender documentation for the new delivery model for service delivery from April 2023


The Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure introduced the report and explained that the WSP contract was due for renewal in the next year.  In order to establish best value it was intended to conduct a redesign and develop a new delivery model and it was proposed to extend the contract by one year to allow time for the remodel to take place.  This would allow performance information, comments from members of the council, the public, and parish and town councils to be taken on board. 


It was intended to exclude highways development control and land drainage functions from the 12 month contract award to WSP and any procurement exercise and bring those functions back in house from April 2022.


The Portfolio Holder and Head of Infrastructure responded to questions related to the process of making bids and capitalisation of preparatory work and staff time for major capital projects.




That Cabinet:


·         Agrees the preferred principle set out in the outline business case (appendix 1) to develop a new delivery model for procuring a Built Environment Consultancy Contract to provide built environment, placemaking, highways and transport consultancy services. The new arrangements will operate from April 2023 on a 5-year contract with a possible two 2-year extensions based upon performance.


·         Award a 12month contract to WSP to allow the new delivery model to be developed whilst maintaining continuity of current consultancy services and current capital projects


·         Agree to exclude the currently outsourced service elements of the Council’s Highway Development Control and Land Drainage functions from the 12month contract award to WSP and any procurement exercise in order to bring the services back ‘in-house’ with effect from April 2022


·         Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure, to initiate the TUPE process to bring relevant WSP employed staff associated with Highway Development Control and Land Drainage services back in-house, let a revised contract to WSP for a period of 12 months and agree the model, balance between in-house and outsourced services, and the tender documentation for the new delivery model for service delivery from April 2023


Financial Monitoring 2021/22 Quarter 2 pdf icon PDF 992 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Gwilym Butler – Portfolio Holder for Resources


Report of James Walton, Executive Director Resources – attached


Tel: 01743 258915




That Cabinet:


·         Noted that at the end of Quarter 2 (30th September 2021), the full year revenue forecast is a potential overspend of £4.363m;


·         Considered the impact of this on the Council’s General Fund balance.


·         Approved a virement of £0.620m to the Capital Programme to fund the development of affordable rented dwellings in Whitchurch which will be funded from S106 Affordable Housing Developer Contributions.


The Portfolio Holder for Resources introduced the report explaining that the projected revenue outturn position remained within the control corridor identified at quarter 1 and was estimated to be £4.363m.  Action across all areas of the Council had reduced the projected overspend by £2.968m since quarter 1 and further action would continue over the remainder of the year to bring the budget into balance. 


The Deputy Leader confirmed that Cabinet members were lobbying hard on funding and he reported on recent meetings held with the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. 


Responding to questions about reductions in the capital programme; Housing Revenue Account and commercial services, the Director of Resources explained the impact of covid on the capital programme and that spending on commercial projects was subject to market conditions.  The revenue monitor reflected where there were impacts on income.


The Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure referred to significant rises in costs of construction across the world which meant it was prudent to deliver some projects at a later time.    


The Portfolio Holder for Resources thanked finance staff for working in such an agile way during a very difficult time.




That Cabinet:


·         Noted that at the end of Quarter 2 (30th September 2021), the full year revenue forecast is a potential overspend of £4.363m;


·         Considered the impact of this on the Council’s General Fund balance.


·         Approved a virement of £0.620m to the Capital Programme to fund the development of affordable rented dwellings in Whitchurch which will be funded from S106 Affordable Housing Developer Contributions.


Treasury Management Update 2021/22 Quarter 2 pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Gwilym Butler – Portfolio Holder for Resources


Report of James Walton, Executive Director Resources – attached


Tel: 01743 258915


Additional documents:




To accept the position as set out in the report.


The Portfolio Holder for Resources reported that during quarter 2 the internal treasury team achieved a return of 0.11% on the Council’s cash balances, outperforming the benchmark of -0.09% by 0.20%. This amounted to additional income of £91,850 during the quarter, a real achievement during a time when many banks had to be paid to hold temporary investments.


Responding to a question regarding the strategy for treasury investments, the Director of Resources explained that investing in institutions with high quality credentials was a requirement and that treasury returns would not be invested in local schemes.    The Portfolio Holder said he would explore whether it was possible to make the report more accessible in future.    




To accept the position as set out in the report.


Performance Monitoring Report 2021/22 Quarter 2 pdf icon PDF 368 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Rob Gittins – Portfolio Holder for Digital/Technology/Data and Insight


Report of James Walton, Executive Director Resources – TO FOLLOW


Tel: 01743 258915


Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


·         Considered and endorsed, with appropriate comment, the performance to date Cabinet


·         Considered the emerging issues in this report as set out in paragraph 8.3


·         Reviewed both the appendix and performance portal to identify any performance areas that they would like to consider in greater detail or refer to the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee


The Portfolio Holder for Digital, Data and Insight presented the report which had been produced during the transition phase whilst work was carried out on the new Shropshire Plan.  He provided an update on the development of the new performance framework which would underpin the Plan, and he directed members to the Performance Portal.  


The Executive Director of People responded to questions on the proportion of carers receiving direct payments.  She reported on the new direct payments policy which had been considered by the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be review this in 6 months time. 


Responding to questions about strategy and targets, the Portfolio Holder of Resources said the new Shropshire Plan would need to be user friendly and a living, agile document against a backdrop of the pandemic.  It would link to a comprehensive set of performance indicators and measures.  It was intended the Plan would go to the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee.




That Cabinet:


·         Considered and endorsed, with appropriate comment, the performance to date Cabinet


·         Considered the emerging issues in this report as set out in paragraph 8.3


·         Reviewed both the appendix and performance portal to identify any performance areas that they would like to consider in greater detail or refer to the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee


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