Agenda and minutes
Venue: Shrewsbury Room, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND. View directions
Contact: Amanda Holyoak Committee Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions Minutes: Apologies were received from Mr D Minnery and Mrs T Huffer. Mrs V Parry substituted for Mrs Huffer. |
Disposable Pecuniary Interests Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have Disposable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate. Minutes: Members were reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they had a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate. |
Minutes of Previous Meetings PDF 74 KB The minutes of the meetings held on 23 June 2014 and 14 July 2014 are attached for confirmation Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 23 June 2014 and 14 July 2014 were confirmed as a correct record. |
Public Question Time To receive any questions, statements and petitions of which members of the public have given notice. Deadline for notification is 4.00 pm on Wednesday 10 September 2014. Minutes: There were no questions from Members of the Public. |
Member Question Time To receive any questions of which Members of the Council have given notice. Deadline for notification is 4.00 pm on Wednesday 10 September 2014. Minutes: There were no questions from Members of the Council. |
Annual Safeguarding Report PDF 90 KB The Committee to consider the Annual Safeguarding Report (to follow, marked: 6), assess performance and assure itself that all necessary action is being taken to keep people safe. This item will also cover an update on the implications of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Legislation.
Contact: Stephen Chandler, Director of Adult Services (01743) 253704 Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Adult Social Care introduced the Annual Safeguarding Report (a copy is attached to the signed minutes). He drew attention to the increasing number of referrals but explained that this was felt by the Board to be acceptable and linked to greater public awareness around adult safeguarding.
Current priorities focused on improving the experience of all within the safeguarding process and speed of investigations, on addressing a change in interpretation of the law around Deprivation of Liberties Legislation, and meeting the legislative duties in relation to implementation of the Care Act in time for April 2015.
The Care Act would put the Adult Safeguarding Board on the same legal framework as the Children’s Safeguarding Board and involve a change in its composition. Consideration was being given as to whether these requirements would allow a Board across Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin to function effectively or whether there would be a need for separate ones.
Members questioned the Director of Adult Services on a number of areas, including whether there was a mechanism for feeding back to a person who had reported a safeguarding issue, in order that they could be satisfied that action had been taken on the concern they had raised.
Questions also covered the figures around staff training, and how much training was provided to those actually working with vulnerable people whether in a care setting or in their own home.
In response, the Director of Adult Services stated that when an adult safeguarding concern was raised, the details would be recorded and at that point, the person making the report should be informed what the likely feedback route for them would be, and reassurance provided that the report would be acted upon.
Members felt it was important that a person making a report should be informed once an investigation had been completed. They did not believe that any other information should be fed back but this would provide reassurance that the issue had been looked into. The Committee suggested that this mechanism should be reported on in next year’s annual report. The Director of Adult Services said that staff should be aware that a person making a referral could be informed that an investigation had been concluded.
In addressing the questions asked about training, including how many domicillary workers were trained in safeguarding, the Director of Adult Services said that the Council needed to ensure that its contractors provided the same training as the Council would. All contractors were registered with the Care Quality Commission which took training provision into account and safeguarding was a mandatory element. The Committee asked how confident the Council was that this reflected 100% of the workforce who had contact with service users and the Director said he would report back on the actual figure.
Members also asked why the majority of incidents (43%) happened within care homes and some felt this was worrying considering these should be the places where vulnerable people would be most safe. The Director of ... view the full minutes text for item 23. |
Adult Social Care Bill PDF 56 KB A presentation will be made on progress in Shropshire in relation to the Adult Social Care Bill
Contact: Ruth Houghton, Head of Social Care Efficiency and Improvement (01743) 253093 Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Social Care Efficiency and Improvement delivered a presentation (copy attached to signed minutes) designed to brief the Committee on the Implementation of the Care Act in Shropshire, and following up on previous reports.
The outcome on the previous consultation on draft regulations and guidance for implementation of part 1 was expected in October but no major surprises were envisaged. Revised guidance was known to be an improved safeguarding section, and clarification in a number of areas to ensure better consistency with the legislation.
In responding to the Committee’s questions regarding Shropshire’s preparation for implementation, officers reported on the key issues facing the Council, the Programme Board Structure in place to provide governance, the project team leading implementation and the 11 workstreams each with a lead officer who would report to the Project Manager.
The presentation also covered funding streams, funding reforms (the care cap) and the impact of this and other financial burdens for Shropshire. A national communication programme was expected from November 2014 and Shropshire would develop a communication plan to all stakeholders based on real life experiences. The presentation concluded with the next steps required.
In response to questions, officers explained that there were potentially 10,000 carers within Shropshire who would become eligible for assessment. Data was being triangulated to refine this figure to allow the impact of this to be estimated.
The Committee also asked questions around the Funding Reforms, the separation of care and accommodation costs and the £123,000 upper capital threshold for means tested support in residential care and the £72,000 cap on total amount an individual would have to pay for care related costs.
The Committee asked for further information on this to be provided at a future meeting so it could better understand the situation.
That the Committee continue to monitor potential new burdens and implications of implementation of the Care Bill as necessary
That the Committee receive a future briefing to particularly clarify the impact of funding reforms once more guidance is available
To consider proposals for the Committee’s Work Programme, attached marked: 8 Minutes: The proposed work programme for the Committee was considered. A meeting had been planned for 24 October 2014 to consider Future Fit options for Emergency and Urgent Care Centres but Members agreed to put this item back as there had been a delay in the programme.
It was agreed that the 24 October meeting be used instead to look at performance of the West Midlands Ambulance Service.
That West Midlands Ambulance Service be asked to attend the meeting on 24 October to address performance issues in Shropshire.