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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Shrewsbury Room, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND. View directions

Contact: Amanda Holyoak  Committee Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions


Apologies for absence were received from Mrs P Moseley, Mrs T Huffer and Mr P Nutting.  Mr K Pardy substituted for Mrs Moseley and Mrs V Parry substituted for Mrs Huffer.


Disclosable Pecuniary Interests


Mr Jones informed the meeting that he was employed by Shropshire Community Health Trust and Mrs Shineton informed the meeting that she was a Member of Health Concern.


Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 November 2014 pdf icon PDF 42 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 November 2014 as a correct record.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 24 November 2014 were confirmed as a correct record.


Public Question Time

To receive any questions, statements or petitions of which members of the public have given notice.  Deadline for notification is 4.00 pm on Wednesday 10 December 2014.


There were not questions from Members of the Public.


Member Question Time

To receive any questions of which Members of the Council have given notice.  Deadline for notification is 4.00 pm on Wednesday 10 December 2014.


There were no questions from Members of the Council.


Integrated Community Services Pilot and Better Care Fund pdf icon PDF 575 KB

To receive a presentation on and assess the success of the Integrated Community Services Pilot (to follow)


An update will also be provided on the Better Care Fund and this will include detail of plans for the Team Around the Practice Scheme.


Kerrie Allward, Better Care Fund Manager, and representatives of Shropshire Community Health Trust will be present at the meeting to answer questions.

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed Kerrie Allward, Better Care Fund Manager, and Sally-Ann Osborne, Deputy Director of Operations, Shropshire Community Health Trust, to the meeting.


They made a presentation to the Committee on the Better Care Fund, and on progress made with the Integrated Community Services (ICS) Scheme  (a copy of the presentation is attached to the signed minutes).  The presentation explained and particularly drew attention to:


·       The strategic context of the Better Care Fund and its four strategic themes

·       The 11 transformation schemes of the Fund

·       Progress toward final approval of the Fund

·       The Background to the Integrated Community Services prototype and the model

·       Progress to date with the ICS prototype.


The Better Care Fund Plan described how Health and Social Care would work together to improve outcomes in:


·       Non-elective admissions

·       Permanent Care Home Admissions

·       People still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into rehabilitation and reablement services


Two local measures were related to awareness of emergency contacts for Mental Health Crisis Care and reduction in Redwood hospital admissions for dementia patients.


In response to questions from Members, the Better Care Fund Manager confirmed that the target for reducing non-elective admissions did take into account the rise in the age demographic of Shropshire (a net 3.6% reduction target in real terms was one of 6.5%).  She also stated that  digital services would not be relied upon in raising awareness of who to contact in the case of a mental health emergency.


Discussion and questioning on transformation schemes established the following:


·       The Ambulance Service were part of an Integrated Falls Sub-Group and the Service’s role in Falls Prevention activity would be considered within that Group.  Work on falls prevention had been completed by Scrutiny in the past. 


·       Officers were working on cross border issues, for example, patients living in Shropshire but registered with a GP in Wales, who would require social services to be provided by Shropshire Council.


·       Each of the Transformation Schemes were at different stages, from the early scoping stage onwards. 


·       The early intervention schemes – Community Care Co-ordinators and Practice Care Co-ordinators were schemes which were at initial stages.  The Practice Care Programme was a national enhanced service whereby GPs were paid more per patient to create a plan. 


·       The Team Around the Practice scheme would involve creating a virtual team around GP Practices and this was at the very initial discussion stages.


More detail about each scheme was available from the Better Care Fund Plan appendix, available from the Health and Wellbeing Board pages on the Council’s website.   The Plan had been approved with support and confirmation of final approval was awaited.


A Member referred to his personal experience of a ‘battle of budgets’ and asked what could  prevent that sort of scenario in future.  Officers explained that from the Better Care Fund Perspective, this was about providing a more robust intermediate care service to support a discharge from hospital.


The Director of Adult Services explained that in Shropshire, more people were placed into the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45.


Adult Social Care Performance Indicators pdf icon PDF 154 KB

To consider proposals for Adult Social Care Performance Indicators


Contact:  Andy Begley, Head of Adult Social Care Operations (01743) 252421 or Tom Dodds, Performance and Design Team Leader (01743) 252011  

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the measures proposed to provide a comprehensive view of the impact and progress of the Adult Social Care New Operating Model.  The members of the Committee that had been involved in designing the measures had been clear that their focus was on outcomes and experiences of the customer, and understanding the impact of the New Operating Model on both individuals and communities. 


The Performance and Design Team Leader agreed to ensure an explanation of the various data sources would be included in future reports. 


Several Members of the Committee (Cllrs Dakin, Jones, Kidd, Moseley and Shineton) have volunteered to meet with officers to look at how what is measured will be presented.  


The Committee agreed that the measures identified and developed be supported and recommended for integration into the refreshed Outcome Dashboard for 2014/2015.  It was also agreed that the Committee consider the performance indicators at a meeting in six months time.


The Care Act - Update: Costs & Funding pdf icon PDF 108 KB

This is an information only report for Members to note.  An opportunity to ask any questions about content will be provided.


A briefing note providing an update on The Care Act:  Costs & Funding was received by the Committee.  The Chairman said a briefing session on its content could be arranged if necessary.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 34 KB

The Committee’s current work programme is attached for comment.  The Cabinet Forward Plan is available from the following link



Members noted the proposals for the Committee’s Work Programme. 


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