Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Ludlow Room, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND. View directions
Contact: Tim Ward Committee Officer
No. | Item |
Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for Absence Minutes: 49.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
49.2 Apologies for absence had been received from Sarah Faulkner, Chris Mansell and Cecilia Motley |
Public Question Time To receive any questions from members of the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Shropshire Council Procedure Rule 14. The deadline for this meeting is 10.00am on 24 October 2018 Minutes: 50.1 The following question had been received from Trevor Allison
Does the Strategy Board feel it should request the Highways and Rights-of-Way Department to resist any large-scale closure of foot crossings as hinted at in this e-mail? ((See below).
Shropshire’s extensive and well-used network of Rights-of-Way would be considerably damaged if any programme of closures of this nature were to take place. It would be acceptable for some very minor changes or rationalisation to take place, but being somewhat acquainted with the Health and Safety Regulations under which Network Rail currently administer foot crossings of the railway (I have been out with a Network Rail Officer on more than one occasion when he was assessing the safety parameters of various foot crossings near to Shrewsbury) there is no justification for a wholesale closure of such crossings. I would ask the Outdoor Partnerships Department within which the Rights-of-Way Department functions to confirm that they will, if at all possible, resist all requests or demands from Network Rail to implement such a policy.
Dear All, You may soon feel the effects, if you haven't already, of Network Rail's policy to close all level crossings in the country that carry public rights of way over them.
Highway authorities are pressured by Network Rail into stopping up paths at level crossings by applying for Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTROs) - usually on "safety grounds"
This is the first wave of attacks on PROWs and local authorities, being strapped for cash, do not want to enter legal fights so have given way to Network Rail's demands. They also extend the TTROs - with permission from DfT - so that the "temporary" Orders in effect become permanent.
The second wave of attack is to launch Transport & Works Act Orders to obtain planning and compulsory purchase permission to permanently close crossings and divert paths in the interests of "public health and recreation" (making people walk etc. further benefits health!)
I urge you to consider writing to the DfT to complain about any use of TTROs by Network Rail in your area. (If you don't already get notified of them by your LA, ask them to do so now!)
I attach my letter to Chris Grayling the Secretary of State for Transport in case it helps.
Malcolm Lees LC for Essex50.1 The following question had been received from Trevor Allison
Does the Strategy Board feel it should request the Highways and Rights-of-Way Department to resist any large-scale closure of foot crossings as hinted at in this e-mail? ((See below).
Shropshire’s extensive and well-used network of Rights-of-Way would be considerably damaged if any programme of closures of this nature were to take place. It would be acceptable for some very minor changes or rationalisation to take place, but being somewhat acquainted with the Health and Safety Regulations under which Network Rail currently administer foot crossings of the railway (I have been out with a Network Rail Officer on more than one occasion when he ... view the full minutes text for item 50. |
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate. Minutes: 51.1 There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the Last Meeting PDF 81 KB The minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2018 are attached for confirmation Minutes: 52.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2018 had been circulated.
52.2 Resolved:
That the minutes of the meeting of the Shropshire great outdoors Strategy Board held on 11 June 2018 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman |
Actively Improving Lives To receive a presentation from Chris Child, Chief Executive of Energize County Sports Partnership on their new strategy.
The strategy can be found here:
Following the presentation Members are asked to discuss the implications of the new strategy on priorities and delivery Minutes: 53.1 The meeting received a presentation (copy attached to the signed minutes) from Chris Child, Chief Executive of Energize County Sports Partnership, in which he gave an update of the work currently being carried out by the Partnership.
53.2 Members made the following comments: -
• Need ongoing dialogue with Town and Parish Councils who may be a source of funding and also of volunteers.
• People who live in rural areas have less access to outdoor recreation sites and this needs to be built in to the Local Plan.
53.3 The Director of Place commented that the Local Plan would be fundamental in ensuring access to outdoor recreation, and that there was need to work with Town and Parish Councils who were carrying out Neighbourhood Plans to ensure that sites were identified. He added that there was work needed to unlock capacity for volunteering.
53.4 The Chair thanked Mr Childs for his presentation |
Shropshire's Economic Growth Strategy To receive a presentation from Matt Potts, Business Growth and Investment Manager, on the Economic Growth Strategy, highlighting progress so far and priorities for the future.
The strategy can be found here:
Following the presentation Members are asked to discuss the implications on the Shropshire’s Great Outdoors Strategy and future priorities. Minutes: 54.1 Members received a presentation (copy attached to the signed minutes) from Matt Potts, Business Growth and Investment Manager, Shropshire Council which gave an update on the Council’s Economic Growth Strategy. He advised the meeting that the aims of the strategy were to support and grow new and existing businesses, attract inward investment and develop and retain talent and skills and that by 2021, the Council was aiming for 12% growth, 3,700 new jobs, £300 million private sector investment and 1,375 new homes per year
54.2 The Chairman asked how 12% growth would be achieved. The Business Growth and Investment Manager advised that the growth would come from a number of areas and that growth in a number of sectors was key to achieving this target.
54.3 The Chairman asked whether relief from commercial rates could be used to encourage investment. The Business Growth and Investment Manager commented that it was one of a number of things that were being considered as part of a toolkit.
54.5 in response to a question the Business Growth and Investment Manager advised that work was ongoing within the local plan review to identify key employment sites.
54.5 The Chairman thanked the Business Growth and Investment Manager for his presentation
Agriculture Bill To receive an update from the Chairman
Members are asked to feedback their observations on the draft bill and decide whether further action is needed Minutes: 55.1 The Chairman gave an update on the Agriculture Bill that was currently going through Parliament. He advised the meeting that the bill was in committee stage and that the Bill Committee had asked for written submissions of evidence.
55.2 The Chairman advised that it was proposed that rural development would be split between DEFRA and the Department for Business and that it was thought further delivery would be through the LEPs
55.3 Mr Tavernor commented that there was still a lot of detail missing from the bill.
55.4 It was agreed that the Board should make a submission to the Call for Evidence and that the Chair a small group would formulate this |
ADEPT National meeting feedback The Mapping and Enforcement Manager will update members on the recent national meeting of the PROW group of ADEPT Minutes: 56.1 The Mapping and Enforcement Manager updated Members on a meeting of the PROW group of Adept that she had recently attended. She advised that the following had been discussed:
• Deregulation Bill – would be coming forward in summer 2019. The working group would be meeting in November to discuss this further • PINS were currently updating their guidance leaflets • Network Rail – The new regional MOUs were now in place. • Highways England representative was to be invited to the next meeting of the group |
Updates from Members To receive short updates from Members on key activities/priorities/issues Minutes: 57.1 There were no updated from Members |
Wild Teams/Walking for Health
A verbal update will be given.
Rights of Way User Leaflet
The latest version of the leaflet is attached for information.
The following minutes/papers are provided as updates for members:
· Shropshire Riding and Carriage Driving Forum Additional documents: Minutes: 58.1 Walking for Health
The Outdoor Partnerships Manager advised that work was ongoing with volunteers to make the groups more self-sustainable. She informed members that a letter had been sent to the Director of Public Health regarding future funding, and that she had been advised the funding from the public health budget would cease in 2020, and that she was currently investigate other sources of funding.
58.2 Wild Teams
The Outdoor Partnerships Manager commented that she was currently working with health partners to source funding for the Wild Teams scheme, and that she was working with health partners to formulate a lottery bid for funding to evaluate the benefit of the scheme. She added that the new mental health director for the CCG was keen to see the scheme continue.
58.3 ROW User Leaflet
Members thanked Shona for her work in updating the leaflet.
58.4 Members noted the minutes of the Shropshire Riding and Carriage Driving Forum |
Agenda Items for Future Meetings Members are asked to discuss key priorities for future meetings Minutes: 59.1 Members were asked to feed suggestions for future agenda items to the Outdoor Partnerships Manager |
Date of Next Meeting Members are reminded that the next meeting will be held on Thursday 7 February 2018 at 10.00am Minutes: 60.1 Members were reminded that the next meeting of the Shropshire’s Great Outdoors Strategy Board would be held on Thursday 7 February 2019 at 10.00am |