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Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.


Information about Cabinet

 The Cabinet is the part of the Council which is responsible for most day-to-day decisions.

The Cabinet meets on dates agreed by the Leader and meetings are open to the public. You can ask questions provided you let us know first. Please see the "Have Your Say Page" for more details.

Cabinet's primary roles are to lead in the preparation of the Council's policies and budget, to lead the community planning process and to ensure the attainment of best value. A full list of its functions and delegations to individual Members of the Executive can be found in the Council's Constitution.

The Cabinet and individual Members have to make decisions which are in line with the Council's overall policies and budget. If they wish to make a decision which is outside the budget or policy framework, this must be referred to the Council to decide. Decisions made by the Cabinet, including individual Members, are subject to 'call-in'.

This is where members who are not part of the Cabinet are given the opportunity to challenge a decision made by the Executive (Cabinet) as a whole or by Executive Members. If this happens, the Cabinet or individual Member may have to reconsider their decision.

The Cabinet also publishes a Forward Plan which contains: a list of key decisions that Cabinet and individual Members are likely to take in the following four months or so; the expected date of the meeting or period that the decision will be taken at/in; and the steps to be taken by anyone who wants to make representations to the Cabinet or individual Member about this matter.

The Cabinet is made up of ten members, one of whom, the Leader, is elected by Council for a 4-year term of office. The other nine members are appointed by the Leader.



Responsibilities of Cabinet Members


Portfolio Holder


Deputy Portfolio Holder



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Lezley Picton

Leader, Policy and Strategy, Improvement and Communications


Communications, Shropshire Plan.


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Ian Nellins

Deputy Leader, Climate Change, Environment and Transport


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Roy Aldcroft

Climate Change & Carbon Reduction, Waste & Recycling, EV Charging, Climate Declaration, Low Carbon Homes

Natural Assets: Water Flooding & River Severn Partnership, Regional Flood Forum.

Green Economy: Solar farm developments, Green technologies, including green skills & employment,

Public Transport

Active Travel

Armed Forces Covenant



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Gwilym Butler

Finance, Corporate Resources and Communities

Legal, Democratic Services, Elections, Human Resources, Health and Safety, Payroll, Risk Management, Business Continuity, Finance, Commissioning and Procurement, Revenues and Benefits, Internal Audit Team, Treasury Management, Scrutiny, Member Development.


Communities, Shropshire Local, Boundary Review, Town & Parish Councils


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Dean Carroll


Housing & Assets









Assets:  Council owned property, Asset Management Strategy, One Public Estate, Darwin Centre, Commercial Services, Shire Services

Housing: Housing Strategy, STARH, Cornovii Developments

Homes – Rough Sleepers, Temporary Accommodation, Housing Options, HMO’s, Empty Property, Refugee Resettlement Team


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Kirstie Hurst Knight

Children & Education



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Nick Bardsley

Education, school improvement, school admissions, school place planning, early years provision and funding, SEND, Education Access/Inclusion, Virtual School, School Library Service, Shropshire Music Service, home to school transport, school funding (DSG)

Children’s Social Care, safeguarding referrals and assessments, children subject to social care intervention, Looked After children, Care Leavers, Disabled Children’s Team, Fostering and Adoption services, Residential care, Corporate Parenting, UASC, Youth Offending

Early Help, Early intervention, Family support, Youth support, short breaks, commissioning, 

Shrewsbury University

Health and Well-being Board

Armed Forces Covenant










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Mark Jones


Growth and Regeneration


Economy: Economic Growth, Inward Investment, Key Developments (BTP, Mile End, Levelling Up) Riverside, Economic Partnerships (LEP, WMCA), Business Support


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Robert Macey


Culture and Digital


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Roy Aldcroft

IT and technology

Information and Insight,

Digital First,

Infrastructure:  Connecting Shropshire, Super-Fast Broadband, 5G

Smart Shropshire:  Smart strategy

Information Governance, Performance management, Customer Services.

Culture, Libraries, Museums, Great Outdoors, AONB, Sport & Leisure, Tourism and Visitor Economy


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Dan Morris




Highways: Highway maintenance & repair, Local Transport Plan (inc Transport Strategy), Car Parking, highway drainage, street lighting,

Street Scene


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Cecilia Motley




Adult Social Care and Public Health


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Simon Jones

Integrated Care System, Health and Well-being Board

Adult Social Care, Joint Commissioning, Health and Well-being Board, Domestic Abuse Bill Implementation

Public Health (other than infectious disease and food/animal health), Population Health Management,


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Chris Schofield

Planning and Regulatory Services


Planning:  Development Management, Planning Policy, Enforcement, CIL, Building Control, Natural and Historic Environment


Licensing & Trading Standards (includes Registrars)


Health Protection (infectious disease and food/animal health), Environmental Health, Private water supplies, Public Health Funerals


Emergency Planning




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