(Previously known as the Performance
and Strategy Scrutiny Committee.)
Scrutiny (also known as Overview and Scrutiny)
is vital to the work of the Council and its partners. It helps to develop policy, improve the
performance of the Council, and holds the Cabinet and Portfolio
Holders to account for their decisions.
Scrutiny looks at Council services as well as services provided by
other local agencies and organisations.
There are currently 5 formal scrutiny committees all with a
membership of 10 councillors.
Scrutiny Committees are made up of
non-executive councillors (councillors who are not on the
Cabinet). They work in a variety of
formal and informal ways to gather evidence from officers, the
Cabinet, service users, expert witnesses, the public and external
partners on particular issues and topics. At the conclusion of their work, they can make
recommendations to the Cabinet and Portfolio Holders about how to
improve services for local people.
Outcomes that the
Committee is responsible for:
Setting the Strategic Scrutiny Work Programme and commissioning
work to deliver it to the appropriate Overview Committee
Monitoring the corporate health and performance of the Council,
based on exception reporting
Monitoring the delivery of the Council’s Strategic Action
Review of and contribution to the development of the
Council’s Financial Strategy and annual budgets
Review of the achievement of value for money in terms of the
balance between the cost and quality of service
Review of the arrangements for, and use of data from, customer
feedback, insight and experience
Monitoring the impacts of key projects and initiatives delivered by
the Council (including Public Health) such as those in the
Strategic Action Plans
Call-in of decisions
Service Areas
HR and Development
Financial strategy
IT/Digital Transformation Plan
Commercial working and use of assets
Balance of cost and quality
Customer feedback, insight and experience
Leader of the Council
Corporate Support