Agenda item
Questions from Members
To receive any questions from Members, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2. TO FOLLOW
The Speaker advised that the following 10 questions had been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 15. A copy of the report containing the full text of the questions and the formal responses is attached to the signed Minutes of the meeting.
i) Received from Councillor T Parsons and answered by Councillor S Davenport, the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport in relation to road repairs to benefit cyclists.
By way of a supplementary question Councillor Parsons asked for information on monies on cycle ways in the county. The Portfolio Holder stated that the information would be provided after the meeting.
ii) Received from Councillor P Moseley and answered by Councillor L Chapman, the Portfolio Holder for Adult Services, Health and Social Housing in relation to the future delivery of public health services.
By way of a supplementary question Councillor Moseley stated that she was dismayed about the proposed funding cuts and dismayed that there were no plans to redress the balance. The Portfolio Holder stated that he did not accept that there was any direct correlation between spend and outcomes.
iii) Received from Councillor J MacKenzie and answered by Councillor N Bardsley, the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People in relation to the lack of local projects for young people to meet the terms of any referral order.
By way of a supplementary question Councillor MacKenzie queried the timeline for the introduction of any such schemes. The Portfolio Holder stated that he would provide a written response.
iv) Received from Councillor A Boddington and answered by Councillor R Macey, the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development in relation to the Council’s use of the £580,296 under the Community Housing Fund.
By way of a supplementary question Councillor Boddington requested that a report be made to a future meeting of the Communities Overview Committee. The Portfolio Holder stated that on the request of the Scrutiny Committee a report could be provided.
v) Received from Councillor A Boddington and answered in the report in relation to the Council’s Civil Enforcement Service.
There was no supplementary question from Councillor Boddington.
vi) Received from Councillor J MacKenzie and answered by Councillor R Macey, the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development in relation to the development of a set of building quality standards for Shropshire
By way of a supplementary question Councillor MacKenzie queried how local communities and community issues would be included in the development of these standards. The Portfolio Holder stated that he would provide a written response.
vii) Received from Councillor J MacKenzie and answered by Councillor L Picton, the Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure in relation to the current lack of a Tourism Strategy or Officer in Shropshire.
By way of a supplementary question Councillor MacKenzie requested a firm commitment to both a Tourism Strategy and Officer in future. The Portfolio Holder acknowledged that the visitor economy was vital to the economy of the county and recognised all organisations that promoted the county so well.
viii)Received from Councillor J MacKenzie and answered by Councillor L Chapman, the Portfolio Holder for for Adult Services, Health and Social Housing in relation to the budget for drug and alcohol services in the coming year.
By way of a supplementary question Councillor MacKenzie queried the growing number of people affected against the decrease in numbers accessing the services. The Portfolio Holder stated that work woule be undertaken with the new provider of these services to work differently and innovatively to result in an increase in the numbers of people accessing the services.
ix) Received from Councillor R Evans and answered by Councillor P Nutting, the Leader of the Council in relation to the budget cuts re the Community Enablement team.
By way of a supplementary question Councillor Evans queried the difference in the role of Place Plan Officers and Community Enablement Officers. The Leader stated that the response already provided answered this question.
x) Received from Councillor R Evans and answered by Councillor R Macey, the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development in relation to the use of CIL monies.
There was no supplementary question from Councillor Evans.
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