Agenda item
Shropshire Local Plan Review - Strategic Development Sites
Lead Member – Robert Macey – Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development
Report of Director of Place attached
Contact: Mark Barrow, tel 01743 258916
That Cabinet approves the principle of further engagement with the proposers, neighbouring authorities, local communities and other relevant stakeholders to develop positive redevelopment proposals of strategic sites at the former Ironbridge Power Station at Buildwas and Clive Barracks at Tern Hill. These will then be brought forward for Cabinet to consider as part of the Local Plan Review Preferred Strategic Sites consultation later in 2019;
That Cabinet approves in principle the potential to explore the benefits to Shropshire of accepting a proportion of unmet development needs from the Black Country Authorities, and to engage further with the proposers of land near Junction 3 of the M54; neighbouring authorities; local communities; and other relevant stakeholders to develop positive proposals to meet these development needs and provide local employment opportunities. This will then be brought forward for Cabinet to consider as part of the Local Plan Review Preferred Strategic Sites consultation later in 2019.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development presented the report of the Director of Place seeking approval for the Council to continue work with site proposers and other stakeholders to develop positive proposals for development. The proposals provided strategic opportunities to deliver the objectives of Shropshire’s Economic Growth Strategy across three strategic sites, former Ironbridge Power Station, Buildwas; Clive Barracks at Tern Hill and land near junction 3 of the M54.
A number of members addressed Cabinet making comments about meeting a proportion of unmet development needs from the Black Country Authorities; the need for developments to yield high paid jobs for Shropshire residents; meeting the demand for a Five Year Housing Supply; impact of development on green belt land; and ensuring communication with communities was effective so that Town and Parish Councils felt that they were being listened to.
The Portfolio Holder for Community and Place Planning emphasised the importance of having structured Community Governance arrangements in place ahead of sites coming forward for housing and development, to ensure sustainability and control.
It was confirmed that the Planning Policy Team were talking to officers from the Ministry of Defence but that the Tern Hill development would not happen as quickly as envisaged as it was now known that the land would not be available until 2025.
In response to comments made, the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Development confirmed that these sites did not currently contribute to the Five Year Land supply targets as there would be challenges around delivering all of them. He confirmed that Shropshire residents would have access to the jobs and that the Ironbridge and Tern Hill sites were both Brownfield. Referring to the infrastructure pressure on Shifnal which had partly been due to Five Year Land Supply pressures, there would be an opportunity to plan ahead so a Master Plan approach could be taken. He understood the importance of the need to communicate and the purpose of this report was to keep people informed at an early stage.
It was confirmed that an update report would come back to Cabinet later in the year prior to any consultation activity.
That Cabinet approves the principle of further engagement with the proposers, neighbouring authorities, local communities and other relevant stakeholders to develop positive redevelopment proposals of strategic sites at the former Ironbridge Power Station at Buildwas and Clive Barracks at Tern Hill. These will then be brought forward for Cabinet to consider as part of the Local Plan Review Preferred Strategic Sites consultation later in 2019;
That Cabinet approves in principle the potential to explore the benefits to Shropshire of accepting a proportion of unmet development needs from the Black Country Authorities, and to engage further with the proposers of land near Junction 3 of the M54; neighbouring authorities; local communities; and other relevant stakeholders to develop positive proposals to meet these development needs and provide local employment opportunities. This will then be brought forward for Cabinet to consider as part of the Local Plan Review Preferred Strategic Sites consultation later in 2019.
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