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Agenda item

Public Questions

To receive any questions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14.


1. A petition, bearing over 1000 signatures has been received from Joanna Blackman on behalf of the eXtinction Rebellion Shrewsbury campaign group, requesting a debate under the Council’s Petition Scheme. The petition requests that the Council:


i)     Declare a climate emergency and immediately halt any new policies and projects likely to make the situation worse.

ii)    Work together with other local authorities and government to agree and implement a UK-wide plan to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2025.


2. A petition, bearing over 1000 signatures has been received from Kerry Owen, Area Manager of Hazles Farm Childcare, requesting a debate under the Council’s Petition Scheme on the Sunflower House Day Nursery Closure.


Each petitioner will be allowed 5 minutes to outline their case, after which there may be a debate of up to a maximum of 15 minutes.





The Speaker, Councillor V Hunt advised that for reasons of continuity he intended to bring forward Agenda item 14, Motions, for consideration immediately after Agenda item 7, Public Questions.




1. The Speaker advised that a petition, bearing over 1000 signatures has been received from Kerry Owen, Area Manager of Hazles Farm Childcare, requesting a debate under the Council’s Petition Scheme on the Sunflower House Day Nursery Closure.  Ms Owen was given 5 minutes to open the debate and outline her case.  The key points were highlighted as:


·      The nursery had been located in its current premises for 15 years, and was well established and supported by the local community;

·      It had an excellent reputation for the provision of quality child care;

·      A suitable alternative location would be difficult to find;

·      96 children currently on the register would be left without access to full day care; and

·      Early years education was important for children’s development and should be supported by the Council.


A debate ensued, and the following members spoke in support of the key points made by the petitioners: Councillors K Pardy, D Carroll, H Fraser, L Picton, and A Mosley.  Members observed that the Sunflower House Nursery was recognised as a well-run childcare provider and its closure would impact on the local community as well as the children, families and staff directly affected by its closure. 


In formally responding to the petition the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, Councillor Ed Potter, commented that the Local Authority had wide ranging responsibilities for a high number of troubled families.  Sunflower House had been identified as the only suitable building in the area for the location of the multiagency services.  The nursery had been given six months’ notice that the contract would end to enable it to find suitable new premises and assistance had been offered to do this. 


2. The Speaker advised that a petition bearing more than 1,000 signatures requesting that a climate emergency be declared and any new policies and projects likely to make the situation worse be halted, and that Shropshire Council work together with other local authorities and government to implement a UK-wide plan to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2025, had been received from Joanna Blackman on behalf of the eXtinction Rebellion Shrewsbury campaign group, requesting a debate.  Mr Adam Ship was given 5 minutes to open the debate and outline his case.  The key points were highlighted as:


·      Better environmental regulations were needed;

·      Climate change posed a threat to human survival;

·      Unless action was taken immediately, children would not have a future;

·      Governments proposal to be zero carbon by 2040 was not soon enough;

·      Melting icecaps and fires on the Yorkshire Moors in February were evidence of the deteriorating climate;

·      Transport in Shropshire should be carbon neutral; and

·      1 million species were at risk of extinction unless action was taken.


A debate ensued, and the following members spoke in support of the key points made by the petitioners: Councillors A Boddington, H Fraser, J Dean, A Phillips, C Wild, S Harris and V Hunt.


Members noted that a Climate Change Task and Finish Group had been appointed and a Portfolio for Climate Change had been established.  Members commented that personal contributions were vital to support the reduction in carbon production through housing and transport choices.  Also that, utility firms should be encouraged to develop sustainable energy sources such as solar, ground heat pumps and wind power.  Councillor A Phillips observed that exciting renewable energy technology was being developed at Harper Adams University. 


The Leader, Councillor P Nutting, advised that the Council already took the issue of Climate Change seriously and had encouraged a variety of projects to support the issue, but it was important that actions also supported the County’s economy.


In formally responding to the petition the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Services and Climate Change, Councillor Dean Carroll welcomed the enthusiasm of Members and the public for the issue of climate change.  He continued that the Portfolio for Climate Change had only recently been created but there were already a number of exciting projects across the Council working to achieve carbon neutrality.  It was his intention as Portfolio Holder to draw the different projects together and co-ordinate a coherent approach. 


Public Questions


The Speaker advised that two public questions had been received from Mr K Piggott and Mr D Cheese.  Mr Cheese was present at the meeting and received answers to his questions from the Portfolio Holder.


It was noted that a copy of the questions and answers would be included with the formal record of the meeting and would also be circulated to all Members and to those who had posed the questions.


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