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Agenda item

System Update

Regular update reports to the Health and Wellbeing Board are attached:


Shropshire Care Closer to Home


Report attached.

Contact: Barrie Reis-Seymour, Shropshire CCG / Lisa Wicks


The Sustainability and Transformation Plan for Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin


A verbal update will be given.

Contact: Martin Harris, Telford and Wrekin CCG


Better Care Fund, Performance


A verbal update will be given.

Contact: Penny Bason, Shropshire Council / Shropshire STP/Tanya Miles


Healthy Lives Update


Report attached.

Contact: Val Cross, Health and Wellbeing Officer


i.        Shropshire Care Closer to Home

Lisa Wicks, the Head of Out of Hospital Commissioning and Redesign introduced and amplified the Shropshire Care Closer to Home update (copy attached to the signed Minutes).

She confirmed that all eight demonstrator sites were now up and running.  The Case Management roll out was currently being developed and work had been taking place on a risk assessment tool that had identified 383 patients who would benefit from a case management approach.

The Head of Out of Hospital Commissioning and Redesign informed the meeting that a workshop had taken place around developing a shared Care Plan, potential solutions for which had been shared with the IT Sub Group. 

Turning to the draft models for Phase 3, these had been shared with the Programme Board who had requested a three-month impact assessment from across providers to ensure that the new models dove-tail with current processes.

In response to a query, the Head of Out of Hospital Commissioning and Redesign reported that the Frailty Intervention Team were full time for five days a week in the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and that the service was being provided via a phased implementation at the Princess Royal Hospital.  Dr Julie Davies updated that the service had now gone up to 5 days a week at the PRH and that the challenge now was how to turn this into 7 days.

ii.       The Sustainability and Transformation Plan for Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin

Martin Harris, STP Director gave a verbal update on the STP Programme.  Copies of the STP Governance Structures were circulated (copy attached to the signed Minutes). 

The STP Director explained that the schematics showed how the governance structure would operate and provided a formal link between the System Leadership Group and the CCG Governing Bodies who made the strategic decisions.  He reported that a Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Chairs Group was being set up.  Going forward, it must be ensured that the system was evidence driven, as well as financially and clinically robust.

The STP Director informed the meeting that an audit of engagement was being undertaken to understand what routine engagement had been taking place across the system.  This information would be used in a system wide approach to back better decision making going forward by understanding the requirements/expectations of the public.

The Board were pleased that work was progressing.  Nicola Daniels of the VCSA wished to ensure that the right place was found for the VCSA within the governance structure in order to ensure it was used to the best of its ability/use.

The Accountable Officer, Shropshire CCG informed the Board that there was a requirement for a local Five Year Plan to be developed by November, which would come back to this Board.

In relation to future STP update reports, the Chairman requested a rethink about the way these updates were presented to the Board.  An update on progress would be helpful but for those areas that were not so straightforward, perhaps reference to where these weightier documents could be found would be more useful.

iii.      Better Care Fund, Performance

Penny Bason, STP Programme Manager and Tanya Miles, Head of Adult Social Care Operations introduced this item.

The STP Programme Manager informed the Board that the guidance had still not been received for the 2019/2020 National Policy Framework however they were already using the tools to enable them to do the work. 

Work was ongoing in relation to the Statement of Intent which needed to be endorsed by the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board following sign off by the Joint Commissioning Board (JCB).  It was agreed for the Board to authorise the Chair to endorse the Statement of Intent provided it has been agreed by the JCB.

iv.      Healthy Lives

Val Cross, the Health and Wellbeing Officer introduced and amplified her report (copy attached to the signed Minutes) which provided the Board with an update on the Healthy Lives programme.

The Health and Wellbeing Officer drew attention to the developments and partnership working being undertaken for Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD) prevention, Social Prescribing, Healthy Conversations training and Carers.

Referring to the All-Age Carers Strategy, the Health and Wellbeing Officer reported that things had started to stall and could not be progressed without partner input.  She requested support from the Board for those areas which required individual services to take them forward.

A brief discussion ensued in relation to how the new link workers would be funded.  The Accountable Officer, Shropshire CCG explained that the link workers were being funded by the Primary Care Network directly through GP contracts.  He felt that their impact would be small but it was important to understand what was being measured and what was known to have an impact. 

The Director of Public Health felt that the long-term impact of the Healthy Lives programme needed to be considered to see if it could be upscaled.  In order to do this, Penny Bason, the STP Programme Manager explained what could be achieved together without specific funding and felt that in order to industrialise the programme for the whole population, more thought was needed as a system about how to embed it within existing resources.

RESOLVED:  That the updates be noted.

It was agreed to take item 8 – Healthwatch Insight Report next.


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