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Agenda item

Proposed Crematorium, North of Nesscliffe, Shrewsbury - 18/04965/FUL

Erection of a new crematorium with associated access, car parking and landscaping.


The Technical Specialist Planning Officer introduced the application for the erection of a new crematorium with associated access, car parking and landscaping and explained that at the Central Planning Committee meeting held on 14th March 2019, Members resolved to defer consideration of the application to allow for a more independent need assessment and an additional noise assessment. It was confirmed that the Committee had undertaken a site visit to assess the impact of the proposed development on neighbouring properties and the surrounding area on 14th March 2019.


The Technical Specialist Planning Officer drew Members’ attention to the Schedule of Additional Letters which included representations from the applicant’s agent and noise consultant, the Case Officer, local residents, the Parish Council, Shropshire Council Highways and the applicant’s solicitor.


The Technical Specialist Planning Officer referred to an email that had been sent to the Chairman from a local resident raising concern that their representation had been summarised and not included in full, it was noted that it was normal practice to summarise representations to be included in the Schedule of Additional Letters.  


A letter from the MOD which had been received this morning was read out by the Technical Specialist Planning Officer, the letter noted that the helicopter activity in the area was incompatible with the proposed use of the site and it was not possible to amend flights paths to avoid overflying the area.


Shelly Hurdley, local resident spoke in objection to the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.


Councillor Alison Mullis, Great Ness and Little Ness Parish Council spoke in objection to the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.


Councillor Simon Jones, Chairman of the Helicopter Noise Liaison Group spoke in objection to the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.


In accordance with the Local Protocol for Councillors and Officers dealing with Regulatory Matters (Part 5, Paragraph 15.1), Councillor Ed Potter addressed the Committee as the local ward Councillor, made a statement and then left the table, took no part in the debate and did not vote on this item. During his statement, a number of points were raised including the following:


·         There had been a large amount of development in Nesscliffe and this has had an adverse impact on the area;

·         The site was not a tranquil environment for people to congregate before and after services or for families visiting memorials;

·         He considered the additional information provided did not fulfil what the Committee requested; and

·         There was no mitigation for the local community in relation to signage and traffic calming measures.


John Adams, National Association of Funeral Directors, spoke in support of the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.


Matt Hubbard, Agent on behalf of the applicant spoke in support of the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.


In the ensuing debate, Members raised concern in relation to the site being an inappropriate location for a crematorium due to the helicopter activity in the area, the proximity to the A5 trunk road and nearby poultry farm and considered that the proposed development would have an adverse visual impact on the local landscape.


Having considered the submitted plans for the proposal and noted the comments of all the speakers, the majority of Members expressed their objection to the application, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.



That planning permission be refused contrary to the Officer’s recommendation for the following reasons:


1.  Due to the proximity of the poultry rearing farm at Kinton, the A5 trunk road, and the location of the site within an area of established MOD and RAF training activity including low flying helicopters, mourners and other visitors to the proposed crematorium would experience unpleasant odours, noise and disturbance at the site.  Notwithstanding the mitigation proposed these activities, cumulatively, would result in unacceptable levels of odour, noise and disturbance at the site for users of the facility and the site therefore constitutes an unsuitable location for a crematorium.


2.  The proposed development would result in a change in the character of the landscape from open farmland to built form set within a managed parkland, and this would have adverse impacts on the local landscape.  In addition the proposal would have adverse visual effects, and from some locations the development would appear as a notably incongruous element and would have substantial adverse and locally significant visual effects including from the Nesscliffe Hills designated Countryside Heritage Site.  Whilst landscape planting is proposed to mitigate this, this would not satisfactorily mitigate for adverse impacts initially and in the longer term would result in adverse impacts on the local landscape.


3.  The benefits of the proposal, including meeting a need for additional crematorium capacity in the general area, the economic benefits and biodiversity enhancements are acknowledged.  However it is not considered that these are sufficient to outweigh the negative impacts of the proposal.  The proposed development is therefore contrary to the Development Plan including Core Strategy policies CS5, CS6, CS16 and CS17; and SAMDev Plan policies MD2, MD12 and MD13, and to policies of the NPPF including Section 15.





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