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Agenda item

Manor Farm, Wistanstow, Craven Arms, SY7 8DG (13/04877/EIA)

Construction of two poultry sheds and feed bins, ancillary works, amendments to existing vehicular access, erection of biomass building and associated landscaping.


In accordance with his declaration at Minute No. 155, Councillor D A Evans left the room prior to consideration of this item and the Vice-Chairman took the Chair.


The Principal Planner introduced the application and confirmed that Members had undertaken a site visit that morning to view the site and assess the impact of the proposal on the surrounding area.  With reference to the drawings displayed, he drew Members’ attention to the location, elevations, layout, access and landscaping proposals.  With reference to location, he advised that the land sloped to the south east with a fall of 16m across the site.  The closest residential property was over 600m to the west of the site and the village of Wistanstow was around 700m to the east of the site.  He confirmed that Wistanstow Parish Council had raised no objections and there were no objections from technical consultees;  the Highways Agency was satisfied that the proposals would not have a detrimental impact on the A49; and Shropshire Council’s Highways Development Officers had raised no objections provided the access was constructed first in accordance with the approved drawing.


The Principal Planner explained that the Core Strategy Policy CS5 supported rural diversification on appropriate sites.  It had been recognised that the proposals would help to deliver economic growth, rural diversification and improved food security.  In terms of traffic, there would be a marginal but acceptable increase.  Odour and noise would be regulated under the Environmental Permitting system and appropriate conditions had been recommended to provide added reassurance.  The proposed site was within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) where special safeguards applied (eg National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) paragraph 116) and in a separate location from the existing farm buildings.  However, a visual appraisal had found that it would not be overlooked when existing topography and vegetation and proposed landscaping was taken into account.  It was considered that the benefits of the scheme and the degree of visual containment were sufficient to justify development on this margin of the AONB.


In conclusion, the Principal Planner explained that it was considered that the proposals represented an appropriate form of diversification for the existing farm business and would consolidate what was there already and would continue to contribute to the local economy and employment.  It would also provide locally sourced food, supplying a strong national demand for poultry meat.  It was considered that the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) accompanying the application demonstrated that the environmental impacts of the proposed development were not significant and were capable of being effectively mitigated.  The recommended conditions would also be supplemented by detailed operational controls under the Environment Agency’s permitting regime.  It was concluded that the proposals were capable of being accepted in relation to relevant Development Plan policies and guidance.


Members considered the submitted plans for the application during which the Principal Planner explained that some of the excavated material would be redistributed to provide a level surface and any unused material would be exported off site.  Any material that was compliant with agricultural conditions could be redistributed and did not necessarily have to go to landfill.  Members unanimously supported the proposal.




That, subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 to the report and Condition No. 5 being amended to ensure that the external surfaces of the development shall be BS18B29, planning permission be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


(The Chairman returned to the meeting and resumed the Chair.)

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