Agenda item
Davro Iron & Steel Co Ltd, Ridgewell Works, Stourbridge Road, Wootton, Bridgnorth, WV15 6ED (14/00030/OUT)
Outline application (access for approval) for erection of up to 16 dwellings and garages; installation of bio-disc treatment plant following demolition of existing buildings.
The Principal Planner introduced the application, explained the history of the site and confirmed that Members had undertaken a site visit the previous day to view the site and assess the impact of the proposal on the surrounding area. He drew Members’ attention to the Schedule of Additional Letters circulated prior to the meeting which detailed an amendment to Condition No. 11 as suggested by Shropshire Council’s Planning Ecologist and confirmed that the Environment Agency had raised no objections subject to the additional comments and conditions as set out in the Schedule of Additional Letters being applied to any permission. With reference to the drawings displayed, he drew Members’ attention to the location, indicative site plan, access arrangements and landscape proposals.
The Principal Planner explained that the site fell within the Green Belt and drew Members’ attention to paragraph 89 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). This indicated that subject to the proposals having no greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing development on the site it would not constitute inappropriate development within the Green Belt. It was the Planning Officer’s view that the redevelopment proposed in this application would not impact on the openness of the Green Belt.
The Principal Planner explained that an extensive marketing exercise to find a buyer for the industrial premises had been undertaken, following which the applicant had reappraised the situation and decided the best option was to relocate the business back to the Black Country. High end value open market residential housing was considered to be the best option to meet the associated costs of relocation.
By virtue of the amendment made to Shropshire Council’s Constitution, as agreed at the meeting of Full Council held on 27 February 2014, Councillor Mrs T Woodward, as the local Ward Councillor, made a statement and then left the room, took no part in the debate and did not vote on this item. She acknowledged that the public objections that had been raised would be addressed by appropriate conditions and policies. She noted that Shropshire Council’s Highway Development Control Officers had raised no objections; commented that the reduction in HGV presence would be beneficial; and welcomed the single access point and wider visibility splays. The employment had been welcomed in the area over the years but she acknowledged that the site was no longer suitable or viable. She urged the applicant to come forward with a high quality scheme.
In response to questions from Members, the Principal Planner explained that the affordable housing contribution would be set in line with the requirements of the Type and Affordability of Housing Supplementary Planning Document. However, the exact contribution would be determined at the reserved matters stage following a valuation and assessment exercise.
That planning permission be granted as a departure in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the following:
· A Section 106 Agreement relating to affordable housing provision;
· The additional conditions suggested by the Environment Agency and set out in the Schedule of Additional Letters;
· Condition No 11 be amended as set out in the Schedule of Additional Letters; and
· The conditions set out in Appendix 1 to the report.
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