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Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate

Agenda item


The following motions have been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 16:


1.    The following motion has been received from Councillor Andy Boddington and is supported by the Liberal Democrat Group


Motion on Parking on Pavements


The Department for Transport is consulting on banning parking on pavements in England.


Ministers are asking for opinions on three options:


1.    Keep things as they are but clarifying some technicalities in the legislation.

2.    Give civil enforcement officers working for councils the power to issue penalty charge notices where there is an obstruction.

3.    Enforce an outright ban except for emergency vehicles and loading.

It is not unusual to see cars or vans, even HGVs, partially or completely blocking pavements in Shropshire’s towns and villages. People struggle to get a pushchair or mobility scooter past. Pavements should be for pedestrians, children on cycles, people in wheelchairs and on mobility scooters, and parents pushing children in buggies. They should not be forced into the road.


This council resolves that officers will respond to the consultation along the following lines:

The council supports an outright ban on parking on pavements in residential streets except for emergency vehicles and for loading.



2.    The following motion has been received from Councillor David Evans and is supported by the Conservative Group


 This Council recognises the concerns expressed by members of the public and animal welfare groups about the impact on animals and vulnerable people by loud fireworks in residential areas, whilst also accepting the enjoyment fireworks bring to many people.


Therefore, Council resolves to ask Scrutiny to investigate this issue and report back”



3.    The following motion has been received from Councillor Dave Tremellen and is supported by the Councillors Kevin Pardy, Pauline Dee, Madge Shineton, Heather Kidd, Chris Mellings, Tony Parsons, Andy Boddington,Ted Clark, Pam Moseley, Jane MacKenzie, Nigel Hartin and Kate Halliday.


Fireworks control.

A significant number of people believe the law regarding the sale and use of fireworks does not prevent or sufficiently reduce the risk of fireworks causing injury or distress to animals or humans.

Many believe that further research is needed to fully appreciate the impact of noise on animals, but in the interim a number of things can be done to improve the situation by:

  • introducing a limit on the public use of fireworks in the celebration of family events not associated with traditional Bonfire night (on or around the 5th November)
  • tightening restrictions on the sale of fireworks in the run up to Bonfire night (on or around the 5th November)
  • asking the government to work towards legislation to reduce the maximum noise level of fireworks, ensuring they are labelled accurately to indicate the level of noise generated and their compliance with that law
  • restricting the importation from outside the UK of fireworks that do not comply with UK law
  • licensing all public firework displays and ensuring displays are better promoted to the public as being compliant.
  • requiring person(s) wishing to purchase fireworks for domestic displays to apply to their local authority for a temporary users’ licence that makes clear the penalties for failing to comply with regulations regarding the display of fireworks within a domestic environment, specifically restricting the display only of fireworks within Classes 1 and 2.

But at the very least…


This Council resolves:

  • to require all public firework displays within the local authority boundaries to be advertised in advance of the event, allowing residents to take precautions for their animals and vulnerable people
  • to actively promote a public awareness campaign about the impact of fireworks on animal welfare including the precautions that can be taken to mitigate risks
  • for fireworks sold to the public for private displays, to write to the UK Government urging them to introduce legislation to limit the maximum noise level of fireworks to 90dB and restricting such private sales to fireworks within Classes 1 and 2.
  • to encourage local suppliers of fireworks to stock 'quieter' fireworks for public display.


4.  The following motion has been received from Councillor Andy Boddington and is supported by Councillors Ruth Houghton, Chris Mellings, Roger Hughes and David Vasmer.


Motion for Shropshire Council on the role of local media during the 2020 pandemic


This has been the toughest of years for our county, our country and much of the world. A novel virus and novel solutions have meant rapid innovation in service provision and also effective communication. Shropshire Council’s media team and our local media have been central to explaining what is happening and directing people to the support and options available in unprecedented times.


This council gives its thanks to:


·         The members of the council’s communications team for their work during the emergency.

·         Local media, including BBC Radio Shropshire, the Shropshire Star and our local newspapers on the progress of Covid-19 and the challenges of combating it’s spread.


5.  The following motion has been received from Councillor Roger Evans and is supported by the Liberal Democrat Group


Shopping Centres.


A.   This council notes with concern the present value of the Shopping Centres compared with the amount that was paid for them. It also notes comments made by Grant Thornton our Council Auditors concerning the original valuation and consequently the price that was paid to the previous owners. It also notes that the ownership details still show that it is registered in the Channel Islands and still has not been brought over and registered in mainland UK.


B.   Considering all these and the history of the centres it requests officers prepare a report to be presented to February’s council which will include

1.    The information it received regarding its then current value.

2.       The amount it is estimated that will be needed to carry out any upgrades and alterations.


6.  The following motion has been received from Councillor Dean Carroll and is supported by Councillors Rob Gittins, Lezley Picton, Steve Davenport and Paul Milner.


At the meeting of Full Council of Shropshire Council on 19th September 2019 this Council moved a motion to plant a new tree for every Shropshire resident by 2050. Thanks to the efforts of this authority and external funding that has been secured from DEFRA we are now in a far stronger position than imagined.


Therefore this Council resolves to:


1.  Plant a new tree for every resident in Shropshire by 2030

2.  Ask the Chief Executive to place on record the thanks of this Council for the efforts of the officers responsible

3.  To reiterate its commitment to developing a ‘Tree Bank’.






The following motions have been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 16:


Notice of Motion 1 - Motion on Parking on Pavements - WITHDRAWN



Notice of Motion 2 – Loud Fireworks


The following motion was proposed by Councillor David Evans and seconded by Councillor Joyce Barrow:


This Council recognises the concerns expressed by members of the public and animal welfare groups about the impact on animals and vulnerable people by loud fireworks in residential areas, whilst also accepting the enjoyment fireworks bring to many people.


Therefore, Council resolves to ask Scrutiny to investigate this issue and report back


RESOLVED:  that the Notice of Motion be supported 



Notice of Motion 3 – Fireworks Control - WITHDRAWN


Notice of Motion 4 – Role of the local media during the 2020 pandemic

Councillor Andy Boddington proposed an alteration to his original motion, seconded by Councillor Hannah Fraser, to include an additional paragraph offering thanks to BBC Radio Shropshire presenter Eric Smith on his retirement.     The alteration of was agreed by the Council.


This has been the toughest of years for our county, our country and much of the world. A novel virus and novel solutions have meant rapid innovation in service provision and also effective communication. Shropshire Council’s media team and our local media have been central to explaining what is happening and directing people to the support and options available in unprecedented times.

This council gives its thanks to:

         The members of the council’s communications team for their work during the emergency.
         Local media, including BBC Radio Shropshire, the Shropshire Star and our local newspapers on the progress of Covid-19 and the challenges of combating it’s spread.

This council also notes the contribution that Eric Smith has made to Shropshire life and its communities since joining BBC Radio Shropshire in 1988. During more than 30 years at the station, including 17 years as the breakfast host, he has championed communities, challenged councillors and interrogated MPs. As part of the Radio Shropshire team, he has helped keep Shropshire informed about events, controversies and emergencies. We will miss his voice and understanding. This council wishes Eric the very best on his retirement.

RESOLVED:  that the notice of motion be supported

Notice of Motion 5 – Shopping Centres

The following motion was proposed by Councillor Roger Evans and seconded by Councillor David Vasmer  

A.   This council notes with concern the present value of the Shopping Centres compared with the amount that was paid for them. It also notes comments made by Grant Thornton our Council Auditors concerning the original valuation and consequently the price that was paid to the previous owners. It also notes that the ownership details still show that it is registered in the Channel Islands and still has not been brought over and registered in mainland UK.

   Considering all these and the history of the centres it requests officers prepare a report to be presented to February’s council which will include

1.    The information it received regarding its then current value.

2.       The amount it is estimated that will be needed to carry out any upgrades and alterations.

RESOLVED:  That the Notice of Motion not be supported

Motion 6 -  Tree planting

The following motion was proposed by Councillor Dean Carroll and seconded by Councillor Paul Milner.

At the meeting of Full Council of Shropshire Council on 19th September 2019 this Council moved a motion to plant a new tree for every Shropshire resident by 2050. Thanks to the efforts of this authority and external funding that has been secured from DEFRA we are now in a far stronger position than imagined.

Therefore this Council resolves to:

1.  Plant a new tree for every resident in Shropshire by 2030

2.  Ask the Chief Executive to place on record the thanks of this Council for the efforts of the officers responsible

3.  To reiterate its commitment to developing a ‘Tree Bank’.


That the notice of motion be supported. 


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