Agenda item
System update
Regular update reports to the Health and Wellbeing Board are attached:
STP Update
presentation will be given.
Contact: STP Representative, Shropshire CCG
Shropshire Care Closer to Home
A presentation will be given.
Contact: Lisa Cliffe, Deputy Director of Performance & Delivery, Shropshire CCG
Better Care Fund
Report to follow.
Contact: Penny Bason, STP Programme Manager / Covid Community
Response Lead
STP Update
Jill Robinson, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin STP gave a presentation – copy attached to the signed Minutes – which covered the following areas:
· Covid-19 Key Quality and Safety Risks
· High Level System Improvement Plan
· System Priorities
· System Restore and Recovery Performance
· Phase 3 Planning
· System Finances
· ICS Development
Maggie Bayley, the outgoing Interim Chief Nurse at SaTH (substitute for Louise Barnett, CE SaTH) clarified that the CQC visit had taken place on the 9 and 10 June not July. She informed the meeting that the Trust has had an Improvement Plan in place in relation to CQC actions that have been implemented within the organisation and currently they had implemented, from May, 74% of those actions to date. She confirmed that SaTH were looking forward to working collaboratively with UHB as part of the Quality Improvement Alliance.
Lynn Cawley, Chief Officer for Healthwatch Shropshire commented that it would be really helpful for the STP Update to explain all of the acronyms used within in it for the benefit of the public. It was confirmed that a list of acronyms would be attached to future STP Updates.
To note the STP update provided through the presentation.
Shropshire Care Closer to Home
Lisa Cliffe, Shropshire CCG gave a presentation – copy attached to the signed Minutes - which covered the following areas:
· Where we were
· What happened?
· Where are we now?
· NHS England and Improvement Work Programmes and Priorities for Restoration
· Next steps
The Chief Officer, Healthwatch Shropshire queried how members of the public could find out more information about the programme and their eligibility to get involved. It was explained that as part of the previous programme they had done extensive communication and it was on the website of the CCG. They were now working to refresh those pages to ensure that that there were mechanisms available for people to come forward however that detail was not yet available.
The Chair felt that it would be good for the Health and Wellbeing Board to have an update as things develop in the next few months.
Finally, Lisa thanked the teams and the partnership working from across the system for what they had achieved prior to covid and the extensive learning as part of covid that really would benefit them going forward and confirmed she would be happy to come back and update that position to the Board in the future.
To note the Shropshire Care Closer to Home update provided through the presentation.
Better Care Fund
The report of the STP Programme Manager and Communities Lead was received– copy attached to the signed Minutes – which provided an update on the performance of the Better Care Fund (BCF) for quarter 4 of 2019/20, an update for 2020/21 progress, including an amendment to the BCF Section 75 Agreement, adjustments made to support people through the Covid 19 pandemic, the financial proposal for 2020/21, and provided a brief summary of the national BCF support offer.
Penny Bason, the STP Programme Manager and Communities Lead along with Tanya Miles, Assistant Director Social Care and Health presented this report and took Members through some key points.
The Assistant Director Social Care and Health highlighted their good track record in discharging patients from hospital and reported that they had one of the lowest delayed transfers of care in the Country pre-covid. The new integrated hub model meant what the team had achieved was quite staggering, in that they were now discharging a ward full of complex patients per day. In light of the potential bed gap issue that many systems would be facing going into the winter, the system was in a really good, strong position. She wished publicly to say a huge thank you to the integrated hub team that had worked incredibly well in the last few months.
The Chief Officer, Healthwatch Shropshire informed the Board of a discharge survey that Healthwatch England were about to launch to get feedback from patients and families that had gone through the integrated discharge model over the last few months. The survey would be hosted on the Healthwatch Shropshire website but comments were being sought from residents of Telford & Wrekin also.
The STP Programme Manager and Communities Lead drew attention to the other parts of the system that the BCF supported and how well they all adjusted to continue to offer services to people at a really difficult time and to support people in different ways working across the voluntary sector. Jackie Jeffrey, Chief Officer, Citizens Advice Shropshire, who was the Voluntary Sector Assembly representative on the Board queried whether the changes that the voluntary sector had made had been captured and fed into the BCF reporting. In response, the STP Programme Manager and Communities Lead explained that a survey had been undertaken through the Rural Community Council and although the results had not yet been analysed and worked through, that this was one way in which feedback could be provided at a national level. She confirmed that the next quarterly reporting of the BCF would cover the timeframe of Covid and would provide an opportunity to demonstrate good practice, provide case studies etc. She requested that if anyone had any other thoughts about how this could be reported nationally, to submit them to her.
That the HWBB endorses the BCF performance template and metrics, and Schedule 1 addendum to the Section 75 Partnership Agreement.
Supporting documents:
- HWBB Joint Commissioning Report September 2020 - BCFv4, item 85. PDF 633 KB
- 2020 09 10 STW STP HWBB Update, item 85. PDF 560 KB
- Health Wellbeing CCtH Update Sept 2020, item 85. PDF 226 KB