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Agenda item

Improved Better Care Fund


To scrutinise the operation and performance of the Improved Better Care Fund and understand the contingency planning for arrangements when funding ends.  A report and presentation are attached.


Contact:  Tanya Miles, Assistant Director Adult Social Care and Housing





The Chair welcomed Tanya Miles, Deborah Webster and Patricia Blackstock to the meeting.  They outlined the report and gave a presentation, copies are attached to the signed minutes.


In response to comments and questions raised by Committee Members, Officers explained that


·         In developing a rural solution for two carers in a car, a pilot in the south west of the county was being carried out involving outreach services from care homes and utilising domiciliary care workers.  It was confirmed that local members would be involved in conversations once it had been identified what was possible.

·         There were multiple referral pathways for the two carers in a car service, including via Social Workers, GPs, A&E and the ambulance service.  It was hoped to replicate all of these pathways once a rural area service was up and running. 

·         It was confirmed that the service could be used for of end of life care

·         Some of the carers were nurses, this was not a requirement but an enhanced level of training would be needed for the job

·         If the fund were to be removed, an equalities impact assessment would be conducted and savings elsewhere would be sought.  ADASS And LGA had made powerful statements on the importance of the funding to the Health and Social Care Select Committee

·         The clinical information accompanying the patient included that identified through the multi-disciplinary fact finding assessment on transfer to community hospitals

·         Discharge to assess beds were contracted with providers and GPs were contracted to provide support to these.

·         All discharge to assess beds were located in Shropshire.  If a patient’s GP was located over the Welsh border the GP support they received when in a discharge to assess bed would come from the GP contracted to supply it - but they would liaise as necessary with the Welsh GP

·         Comments from a Member about lack of co-ordination around a discharge meeting were noted.   Weekly meetings were held with Redwoods – and officers were aware of issues regarding the degree of support available in the community. Additional social work capacity was being directed to the Redwoods.

·         Lobbying central government to roll over the ICBF grant into base budget continued.


Members commented on the fantastic work of the START team and were interested in hearing more about how it worked.


The Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care reflected on the presentation and discussion during the meeting.  He paid tribute to the fantastic team of officers delivering cutting edge schemes which deserved considerable credit.  100% satisfaction levels had been achieved by the two carers in a car scheme, and each scheme was making huge savings.  The projects had delivered immediate impact and vastly reduced delayed transfers of care, helping avoid patient decompensation and hospital inquired infections.  He reiterated that the Health and Social Care system was now working together as never before and this was delivering huge benefits.  If the IBCF funding came to an end these schemes would still need to be funded somehow. 


The Scrutiny officer reported on work being undertaken by the Joint HOSC on mental health.


The Chair pointed out that the request for this item was to highlight risks of funding not being forthcoming into the future and the impact this would have on schemes which had demonstrated considerable benefits and savings and improved quality of life for Shropshire residents.  The Committee asked for a further report once there was more known about the future funding position.


Officers agreed to circulate two recent documents from government – National Adult Social Care Winter Plan and Social Care Task Force Report.  The Committee asked for more information about the Winter Plan for the next meeting.


The Committee thanked officers for attending and answering questions. 




That a report on the Adult Social Care Winter Plan be provided for the next meeting. 


That a further report on IBCF be provided to the Committee once more was known about the future funding position.





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