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Agenda item

Questions from Members

To receive any questions from Members, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2. [report to follow]


The Speaker advised that the following questions had been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 15. A copy of the report containing the detailed questions and their formal response is attached to the signed minutes.


Received from Councillor David Vasmer and answered by Councillor S Davenport, Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport in relation to the work of the Highways Consultant.  By way of supplementary question, Councillor Vasmer asked what value the Highways’ Consultant brought to the Council in light of what he was paid and whether the process of appointing consultants could be reviewed.  Councillor S Davenport advised that he would provide a written response.


Received from Councillor David Vasmer and answered by Councillor S Davenport, Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport in relation to pedestrian safety.  Councillor Vasmer did not ask a supplementary question.


Received from Councillor Heather Kidd and answered by Councillor S Davenport, Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport in relation to school transport.  By way of a supplementary question, Councillor Kidd asked if it could be taken into account that police do not register all accidents when providing statistics for reports and requested that junctions could be re-white lined where the road markings were missing.  Councillor Davenport replied that the white lining should be registered with the online Highways Members’ Portal.


Received from Councillor Roger Evans and answered by Councillor S Davenport, Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport in relation to the management of the Highways contract.  By way of a supplementary question, Councillor Evans asked whether the information given to the Scrutiny Committee regarding the completion of Highways work was correct. The Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport responded that the work was still to be signed off by the new Assistant Director for Highways.


Received from Councillor Pam Moseley and answered by Councillor S Davenport, Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport in relation to cycling.  By way of a supplementary question, Councillor Mosely asked when the existing cycling network would be brought up to an acceptable standard.  The Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport responded that funding for the maintenance of cycle paths was dependent on the funding received from Central Government and once funding was received the work would be undertaken.


Received from Councillor Ruth Houghton and answered by Councillor S Charmley, Portfolio Holder for Assets, Economic Growth and Regeneration in relation to support for businesses.  By way of a supplementary question, Councillor Houghton referring to the identification of employment land ready for investment across the county referred to in the response to her question, asked when the Portfolio Holder would provide a full plan for this with actions across the county with timescales.  The Portfolio Holder for Assets, Economic Growth and Regeneration stated that a written response would be provided.


Received from Councillor Ruth Houghton and answered by Councillor L Picton, Portfolio Holder for Culture, Leisure, Waste and Communications in relation to the impact of Covid-19 on the local economy.  By way of supplementary question Councillor Houghton asked would the Council monitor the effectiveness of the media campaign mentioned in the response. The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Leisure, Waste and Communications responded that this would be monitored by the customer service centre and through feedback received through the MyShropshire portal.  She added that feedback via members would be welcomed to assist with targeting specific campaigns to areas where they would be most effective. 


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