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Abbey Foregate

Agenda item

System update

Regular update reports to the Health and Wellbeing Board are attached:


STP Update


Report to follow.
Contact: Jill Robinson, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin
Clinical Commissioning Group


Care Closer to Home


Report attached.

Contact: Dr Deborah Shepherd, Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group


Better Care Fund


Report to follow.

Contact: Penny Bason, STP Programme Manager/ COVID Community Response Lead
Tanya Miles, Director of Adult Services, Housing & Public Health, Shropshire Council


Healthy Lives


Report attached.

Contact: Val Cross, Health & Wellbeing Officer, Shropshire Council


STP Update


David Evans, Accountable Officer, Shropshire CCG presented an update from the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership. It covered ICS development; Winter Planning, including Covid 19, NHS 111 First and Flu and Workforce response to Covid 19, drawing out the key points of the report that had been circulated. The Accountable Officer reported that a huge amount of work had been undertaken across the STP and provided an update on an application to become an integrated care system. Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin STP was currently undergoing NHSEI assurance and was on track to become an ICS in shadow form in April 2021 as planned. The process required a further submission to NHSEI by 11th January 2021. This submission was a point in time and should be seen as a development plan for the next year. It would be subject to change over the next few months and while they  had continued to engage throughout the process of developing the plan with all partners, they would seek to engage more fully throughout 2021/22. In developing the submission, the Accountable Officer reported that there was a recognition how they remained a challenged system and there was a commitment to key pledges divided into service transformation and change enablers. Being an ICS would allow them to draw together the strengths of all of their ICS partners across the NHS and local authorities into a combined force that would deliver their transformation ambitions, their pledges, and created a financially balanced and clinically sustainable system.


The paper also included an update on COVID-19, Flu and winter planning.


In response to a question regarding any potential financial risks associated with either of the two options for the future form of Integrated Care Systems, detailed in the report.  The Accountable Officer confirmed that he did not think there were financial risks associated with either option. 


RESOLVED: That the STP Update be noted.


Care Closer to Home


The Chairman reported that a report had been provided with the papers but that there would be no formal presentation.   The paper highlighted the change for the Care Closer to Home Board and the agreement that it would be relaunched as Shropshire Integrated Place Partnership.  This would continue to report to the Health and Wellbeing Board and would be a forum for commissioners and providers to discuss and determine the delivery of system priorities at place (Shropshire) level. Draft Terms of Reference were to be drawn up with the aim for agreement at the next meeting in January.  Membership of the Programme Board would include clinical and managerial representation from: ICS/CCG; adult social care; children’s social care; Shropshire PCNs; public health; Housing; public and patient representative; Healthwatch; VCSA (representing community services both as consumers but also as providers); SCHT; MPFT; SaTH. The Board would focus on objectives and outcomes and there would be shared ownership and leadership across all partner and provider organisations represented on the Board. Whilst the system would continue to set the priorities, the Board would use their place-based knowledge and information to determine how these priorities werre delivered at place.


RESOLVED: That the Care Closer to Home update report, be noted.


Better Care Fund


The Chairman noted that Lynn Cawley, Shropshire Healthwatch and Zafar Iqbal (MPFT) had joined the meeting and welcomed them.


Penny Bason presented the update.  In response to a question, Penny Bason confirmed that a further update on the Better Care Fund, including a financial update, would be brought to the next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board for approval.


RESOLVED: That the update be noted.


Healthy Lives


Val Cross, Health and Wellbeing Officer at Shropshire Council provided an update on the successful Stage 2 LGA and Health Foundation Bid.   The programme aimed to map access to affordable healthy food in communities in South West of Shropshire, identify any challenges and barriers in access or food consumption and local assets and levers for change to improve the food environment.  The Health and Wellbeing Officer reported that Stage 3 would focus on addressing food insecurities for families living in South West Shropshire and a grant of £20,000 was awarded to undertake this work.  She thanked officers at the Shropshire Food Poverty Alliance for their help writing the bid. 


The Chairman reported that Chris Preston had joined the meeting.


The Chairman was pleased to note the successful bid and the whole system approach to writing and approaching this work.


RESOLVED: That the update be noted.


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