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Agenda item

Capital & Financial Strategy 2022/23 - 2026/27

Report of the Executive Director, Resources is TO FOLLOW


Contact:  James Walton.  Tel. 01743 258915



6 (a) Consideration of Opposition Proposals


It was proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Resources, Councillor Gwilym Butler, and seconded by The Leader Councillor Lezley Picton that the report of the Executive Director of Resources, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes and the recommendations contained therein, be received and agreed


By way of amendment Councillor David Vasmer proposed that that the timescale for conversion of streetlight to LED be reduced from 2 years to one year which would reduce costs and reduce the Council’s carbon footprint.  This was seconded by Councillor Roger Evans


On being put to a vote the amendment was defeated


By way of amendment Councillor David Vasmer proposed that that the rise in social housing rents should be reduced from 4.1% to 3%, with the shortfall being met from the Housing Revenue Account.  This was seconded by Councillor Heather Kidd.


The Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure Councillor Dean Carroll commented that the rise of 4.1% constituted a rise of 91 pence per week and that the most vulnerable people would be covered by housing benefit.  He added that all Residential Social landlords in the county were applying the maximum rise of 4.1%.


Councillor Duncan Kerr asked what percentage of the Council’s tenants received housing benefit.  Councillor Carroll agreed to circulate the information after the meeting


On being put to a vote the amendment was defeated


By way amendment Councillor Julia Buckley proposed the following: -


1a.  Cease activity on NWRR, repay related spend and commitments using capital receipts ringfenced to NWRR leaving a surplus of capital receipts of between £1.3m and £5.6m.

1b.  Invest in county-wide 20 is plenty

1c,  Invest in county wide Active Travel Infrastructure


2a   Reduce borrowing and debt repayments (by the net of 1a, b, c), creating spare budget in the revenue budget and use this to part fund 2c, d, e.

2b.  Offer 1 time discount (50% cost) for electronic billing, generating income to part fund 2c, d, e.

2c. Retain library staff resource by reversing cut PS17

2d. Re-establish 4 x open access youth clubs in areas of most need

2e. Increase Mental Health support workers for children and young people


These were seconded by Councillor Tony Parsons


On being put to a vote the amendments were defeated.


By way of amendment Councillor Julian Dean proposed that Council agrees to create a revenue stream to finance borrowing for an Active Travel and Public Transport Infrastructure Investment Fund by changing the charging band for two Shrewsbury Car Parks which would realise an expected income of £253,000 per year, which would be used to establish the new Fund with an initial input of £4.853m.  This was seconded by Councillor Duncan Kerr


The Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure Councillor Dean Carroll advised the meeting that whilst he could not support the amendment, he would be happy to include the proposals regarding increasing car park charges as part of a wider review of car parking that he would be carrying out later in the year.


On being put to a vote the amendment was defeated.


By way of amendment Councillor Julian Dean proposed that 10% of the new Highways Investment capital fund be ringfenced to bring existing footways and cycleways to a suitable managed condition, in line with the aspiration for highways, such ringfencing to be shown in the budget by establishing a new budget line for Existing Footways and Cycleways Investment, with a transfer of 10% of the Highways Investment fund to the new budget line.  This was seconded by Councillor Duncan Kerr.


On being put to a vote the amendment was defeated.



On being put to a recorded vote, with 42 Members voting in favour, 23 against and

no abstentions as follows:



Councillors Aldcroft, Anderson, Bardsley, Barrow, Biggins, Bird, Broomhall, Burchett, Butler, Carroll, Charmley, Dakin, Davenport, Elner, D Evans, Gill, Gittins, Harris, Hignett, Hunt, Hurst-Knight, M Jones, S Jones, Luff, Lumby, Lynch, Macey, Marshall, Minnery, Morris, Motley, Mullock, Nellins, Picton, Potter, Price, Schofield, Thomas, Tindall, Wild, Williams and Wynn




Councillors Bagnall, Bentick, Boddington, Buckley, Clarke, Dartnall, Davies, Dean, R Evans, Green, Hartin, Houghton, R Huffer, T Huffer, Kerr, Kidd, Moseley, Mosley, Pardy, Parsons, Vasmer, Wagner and Wilson


It was RESOLVED that Members: 


A.   Approve a 3.99% Council Tax rise resulting in a basic amount of council tax for a Band D property of £1,561.11 in the billing authority’s area, calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (section 42b) and the Local Government (Structural Changes) (Further Financial Provisions and Amendment) Regulations 2008


B.   In accordance with the provisions of Section 40 (2) of the 1992 Act, approve the amount of Council Tax calculated for each category of dwelling in the billing authority’s area to be as follows:

Property Band

2022/23 Charge



















C.   Approve that a total precept of £180,285,304 be levied.

D.   Approve the 2022/23 budget of £597.560m outlined in the Budget Book at Appendix 3, including the savings proposals outlined in section 4.5 of the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) at Appendix 1.


E.   Note the changes required to the 2022/23 budget as a result of the Provisional and Final Local Government Settlement and revised business rates and collection fund estimates.

F.    Note the revised funding gap for the years 2023/24 to 2026/27.

G.   Note the Statement of the Chief Financial Officer on the Robustness of Estimates and Adequacy of Reserves as set out in Sections 6.1 – 6.3 of the MTFS at Appendix 1.

H.   Approve the recommended level of general balances to support the 2022/23 revenue budget of £18.712m, noting that the projected balance is presently significantly below this for 2022/23.

I.     Note the projected recommended level of general reserves for the following four years at £27.033m in 2023/24, £27.574m in 2024/25, £28.226m in 2025/26 and £30.760m in 2026/27.

J.    Note the continued use of the Policy for Flexibility around the use of Capital Receipts as detailed in section 8.1 of the MTFS at Appendix 1.

K.   Agree the adoption of the Capital Strategy 2022/23 – 2026/27 attached as Appendix 2.

L.    Note the prioritisedcapital schemes identified at Appendix 2 section 8 including the need to identify and confirm funding sources for these schemes.

M.  Agree the revised Capital programme as set out in Appendix 2 section 6 and Annex B to the Capital Strategy.

N.   Agree the Pay and Rewards Policy for all Council staff for 2022/23 as set out in Appendix 5.

O.   Approve the formal council tax resolution as set out in Appendix 4 to determine the levels of Council Tax for Shropshire Council for 2022/23?


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