Agenda item
Shropshire Local Plan Review - Submission for Examination
Report of Executive Director of Place attached
Contact: Mark Barrow 01743 258916
Councillor Cecilia Motley and Councillor Kevin Turley declared a pecuniary interest and left the stage during consideration of this item, taking no part in the debate or vote.
It was proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration & Planning, Councillor Ed Potter, and seconded by Councillor Paul Wynnthat the report of the Executive Director of Place, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes and the recommendations contained therein, be received and agreed.
The Chairman reported that a number of proposed amendments had been received and that they would be considered and discussed in the order in which they were received.
Amendment from Councillor Julia Buckley:
I would like to propose the following amendment, which is supported by Councillor Caroline Bagnall and Councillor Tony Parsons:
Recommendation B -. That authority is delegated to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Planning to make additional minor editorial changes to the submission documents, ahead of their submission to the Secretary of State.
(minor editorial amendment proposed, included at appendix 3 or 5.35 of the report) amendment in bold.
5.35 The availability of sufficient infrastructure is an important aspects of planning.
At the Plan making stage there is a need to consider these issues from a strategic perspective and to draw upon available evidence to ensure that necessary infrastructure improvements are likely to be achieved in a timely manner.
Draft Policy DP25 states that new development should only take place where there is sufficient existing infrastructure capacity available, and that where there is a shortfall in provision as a result of new development, the developer contributions will be required to fund necessary improvements.
Developer contributions include the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) where the priority will be to use this to support critical or statutory infrastructure requirements from development, such as highways and education provision.
The Shropshire Place Plans and the Strategic Infrastructure and implementation Plan are key documents and will provide the ongoing evidence to support the use of CIL funds in line with the needs of new development and the aspirations of local communities.
Amendment proposed: Add “For settlements whose developments exceed 5% growth over the 5?years of the plan review period, a gateway will be introduced to pause any further development approvals until a review of the Strategic Infrastructure and implementation Plan confirms adequate provision is in place across education, medical, public transport, active travel and highways infrastructure.? At which point the gateway is unlocked to consider further development proposals, sites and applications for that settlement”.
Upon being put to the vote, the proposed amendment fell.
Councillor Roger Evans and Councillor Heather Kidd requested that their vote in support of the amendment be noted.
Amendment from Councillor Julian Dean, seconded by Councillor Julia Evans:
Delete all and insert:
That the Council agrees to not submit the draft Local Plan to the Secretary of State for Independent Examination at this time.
That the Executive Director of Place together with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Planning are tasked to bring forward – at the earliest opportunity - a revised draft Local Plan, together with a revised timeline for consultation and council agreement, in order to produce a plan that has more ambitious development policies with regard to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and that sets levels of growth in line with, rather than substantially in excess of, the baseline defined needs.
Upon being put to the vote, the proposed amendment fell.
Amendment from Cllr Andy Boddington and seconded by the Liberal Democrat Group.
Replace paragraph 2 with:
This council recognises the contributions that officers, councillors and communities have made to the current draft of the new local plan. It believes that further scrutiny of the plan is needed to ensure that it is aligned with community needs and priorities, and to ensure that it provides the most robust blueprint for the county through to 2038.
This council proposes that the council’s overview and scrutiny committees review those areas of the plan within their remits, producing a report to go to a special meeting of this council in October or November 2021.
On being put to a recorded vote the proposed amendment fell by 29 Members voting in favor, 39 against and no abstentions, as follows:
FOR (29)
Bagnall, Bentick, Boddington, Buckley, Clarke, Dartnall, M. Davies, Dean, J. Evans, R. Evans, Green, Halliday, Hartin, Houghton, R. Huffer, T. Huffer, Isherwood, Kerr, Kidd, Moseley, Mosley, Mullock, Pardy, Parry, Parsons, Tindall, Towers, Vasmer, Wagner.
Aldcroft, Anderson, Bardsley, Barrow, Biggins, Bird, Broomhall, Burchett, Butler, Carroll, Charmley, Dakin, Davenport, Elner, D. Evans, Gill, Gittins, Hignett, Hunt, Hurst-Knight, M. Jones, S. Jones, Lea, Luff, Lumby, Lynch, Macey, Marshall, Minnery, Nellins, Picton, Potter, Price, Schofield, Turley, Wild, Williams, Winwood, Wynn.
Debate then turned to the substantive motion, which had been moved and seconded, to approve the recommendation contained within the report of the Executive Director of Place.
On being put to a recorded vote the proposition was carried by 34 Members voting in favor, 28 against and 5 abstentions, as follows:
FOR (34)
Aldcroft, Anderson, Bardsley, Barrow, Broomhall, Burchett, Butler, Carroll, Charmley, Dakin, Davenport, Elner, D. Evans, Gill, Gittins, Hignett, Hunt, Hurst-Knight, M. Jones, S. Jones, Luff, Lumby, Macey, Marshall, Minnery, Mullock, Nellins, Picton, Potter, Price, Schofield, Wild, Williams, Wynn.
Bagnall, Bentick, Bird, Boddington, Buckley, Dartnall, M. Davies, Dean, J. Evans, R. Evans, Green, Halliday, Hartin, Houghton, R. Huffer, T. Huffer, Isherwood, Kerr, Kidd, Lea, Moseley, Pardy, Parry, Parsons, Tindall, , Vasmer, Wagner, Winwood.
Biggins, Clarke, Lynch, Mosley, Towers
A. That the Council agrees to submit the draft Local Plan (Appendix 1) to the Secretary of State for Independent Examination, along with the Schedule of Proposed Minor Modifications (Appendix 3) and the other prescribed documents and evidence base in line with Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, (as amended).
B That authority is delegated to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Planning to make additional minor editorial changes to the submission documents, ahead of their submission to the Secretary of State
Supporting documents:
Local Plan Submission - Council Report 15-07-20 final version, item 23.
PDF 531 KB
Appendix 1 - Shropshire Local Plan 2016-2038 Regulation 19 Pre-Submission Draft, item 23.
Links to Policies Maps, item 23.
PDF 204 KB
Appendix 2 Consultation Response Summary, item 23.
Appendix 3 - Proposed Schedule of Minor Modifications to the Regulation 19 Pre Submission Draft of the Local Plan, item 23.
PDF 838 KB
Appendix 4 Bridgnorth Development Options Assessment 2021, item 23.
PDF 432 KB
Appendix 4a Bridgnorth Development Options Assessment 2021 - Highway Report, item 23.
Appendix 4b Bridgnorth Development Options Assessment 2021 - Landscape and Visual Issues, item 23.
PDF 299 KB