Agenda item
System update
Regular update reports to the Health and Wellbeing Board are attached:
Shropshire Integrated Place Partnership (SHIPP)
Report to follow.
Contact: Tanya
Miles, Executive Director of Adult Social Care, Housing &
Public Health, Shropshire Council
or Penny Bason, Head of Service, Joint Partnerships,
Shropshire Council, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin CCG
Integrated Care Systems (ICS) Update
Report to follow.
Contact: Nicky O’Connor, Shropshire, Telford &
Wrekin CCG
Shropshire Integrated Place Partnership (SHIPP)
The Head of Joint Partnerships introduced and amplified the Shropshire Integrated Place Partnership update report (copy attached to the signed Minutes) which provided an update on the SHIIP priorities and progress being made in key programme areas including Personalisation and Personalised care.
The Head of Joint Partnerships highlighted the key areas of delivery and explained that the purpose of SHIPP was to act as a Partnership Board of commissioners, providers of health and social care and involvement leads in Shropshire to ensure that the system level outcomes and priorities agreed at Integrated Care System (ICS) and Programme Boards were implemented at place level in Shropshire. The Board worked with the priorities of the Health and Wellbeing Board and the priorities of the ICS to improve the health and wellbeing of people across Shropshire. She confirmed that the draft priorities of the Board had been updated following development of the draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy and would remain draft until it had been agreed and finalised.
The Head of Joint Partnerships reported that work was underway and good progress being made in the key areas of delivery and that connections had been made with various partnership boards. In response to a query, the Head of Joint Partnerships confirmed that that training was available for all sectors in order to create a team effort.
1. That the HWBB note the progress of
2. That the HWBB note the
work underway to deliver Personalisation / Personalised
care in
Integrated Care Systems Update
Dr Julie Davies introduced and amplified the Integrated Care System (ICS) update (copy attached to the signed Minutes). She drew attention to the 10 pledges that she hoped were becoming reasonably well known across the system and also the good progress that the system had seen which has been reinforced by feedback from the national board and from the region.
She then went on to update the Board on progress in the following key areas:
· Urgent Care and Ambulance pressures
· Covid vaccination service
· Hospital Transformation Programme
· Community Diagnostic Hubs
· Mental Health
· Elective waiting times
· Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub
· VCSE Memorandum of Understanding
The Chairman expressed his enthusiasm of the Community Diagnostic Hub model and looked forward to seeing it rolling out in a much wider and broader sense. The Chairman informed the Board that local MPs had raised the affordability gap issue in terms of hospital transformation plan with the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in Parliament this week and he expressed his thanks to them.
The Director of Public Health was keen to link the Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub into the JSNAs and taken to the Health and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny committee. It was confirmed that an equality impact assessment was being done which would go through the Project Board and would be linked into the JSNA. The Director of Public Health requested a full integrated impact assessment be undertaken.
The Director of Children’s Services was pleased to see that the mental health issue, particularly for children and young people had been recognised and felt it was really positive to see the investments but she felt it was equally important to note that there were still some gaps and over the last few months the system had been experiencing some really challenging and complex children for which there was no ready solution available at the moment. She drew attention to the national shortage of tier 4 beds at a time when there was an increasing number of children requiring a tier 4 bed and queried what could be done nationally to put pressure on the system to secure additional tier 4 beds and should the Health and Wellbeing Board be doing something about this within the national system.
The Director of Children’s Services also drew attention to the availability of those crisis beds for those children who might be waiting for a tier 4 bed or might be assessed whether they’re eligible or require a tier 4 bed. She felt that the Board should understand the work currently being undertaken in this area and should receive regular updates as this was a key issue for some children and their families.
The Director of Partnerships agreed with the Director of Children’s Services and felt that any pressure that could be put on nationally in order to increase the number of tier 4 beds for our existing children and our current circumstances was really important. However, she felt that what really needed to be done was to look at what the prevention and support model was going forward in order to stop these children ending up in crisis and needing tier 4 beds. She reassured the Board that the Children’s and Young People Partnership Board were looking at doing a stock take review of children’s and young people’s services across the system to identify gaps, prioritise funding streams, lobby for more funding for children’s services to ensure that children’s services were supported going forward.
The Chief Officer, Healthwatch Shropshire reported on a piece of work being undertaken jointly by Healthwatch Shropshire and Healthwatch Telford & Wrekin, at the request of SATH, to reach out to the children and young people using crisis mental health services to get their experiences and their views of what could be done to improve that experience of waiting potentially for those tier 4 beds but also to try to understand what they think could have helped prevent them reaching that point.
The Director of Adult Services raised the issue of urgent care and ambulance pressures, recognising the national pressures that were being seen as well as that in Shropshire as we enter into winter she felt that the HWBB needed to seek some assurance around that community offer in terms of how we are supporting the population of Shropshire to be well and healthy and to try and avoid going into A&E. She was aware of joint work being undertaken between West Midlands Ambulance Service and Community partners looking at that community offer and she recommended inviting them to the Board to provide an update.
1. That a further report be received on early intervention work in relation to children’s mental health.
2. That the Chairman write to MPs asking them to take up with the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care the lack of capacity of tier 4 beds.
3. To request that West Midlands Ambulance Service attend a future meeting of the Board.
Supporting documents:
- SHIPP Report September HWBB, item 140. PDF 425 KB
- 210901 HWBB ICS update FINAL, item 140. PDF 468 KB