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Agenda item

Development Land East Of 163 Wrexham Road, Whitchurch, Shropshire (14/00459/OUT)

Outline application (access, layout, scale, landscaping for approval) for mixed residential development; formation of vehicular access and estate roads; associated infrastructure works.


The Principal Planning Officer introduced the outline application drawing Members’ attention to the schedule of additional letters and confirmed that two additional letters of support and two additional letters of objection had been received and circulated to the Planning Committee.


Shropshire Council’s Highway Development Control Manager was present and provided further information in relation to highway safety, access and visibility confirming that the proposals added value to the area as well as meeting the required standards for highways safety and reminded Members that it was a single point of access only being considered.  


Mr Ken Tidy, on behalf of local residents, spoke against the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees, during which the following points were raised:


·         It was irresponsible to even suggest that the Highways proposals were acceptable;

·         Local businesses would be affected during construction of the development; and

·         Every endeavour should be made to use brown field sites.


Mr Michael Birch, spoke in support of the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees, during which the following points were raised:


·         The removal of the hedge would completely remove the blind spot on Chemistry Junction;

·         There would be no direct impact on vehicular movements on to the Chemistry Road junction; and

·         The layout of the junction would be similar to others within Whitchurch and the surrounding area;


Mr Sandy MacDonald, on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees, during which the following points were raised:


·         The development was a modest size compared to other recent developments within the area;

·         The proposed highways improvements would be of benefit to the area; and

·         The CIL contribution would bring benefits to the area.


The Council’s Solicitor advised Members that weight should not be given to the benefits that would be accrued from an additional offered unilateral undertaking, which was not considered necessary to make the development acceptable.


By virtue of the amendment made to Shropshire Council’s Constitution, as agreed at the meeting of Council held on 27 February 2014, Councillor Peggy Mullock, as the local Ward Councillor, made a statement, took no part in the debate and did not vote. During her statement the following points were raised:


·         She wished to reiterate the points made by Mr Tidy in objection to the proposal;

·         The site was a pleasant Greenfield site which lead down to the canal and housing was not needed; and

·         She requested that the application should come back to Committee at the Reserved Matters stage.


The Principal Planning Officer explained that Condition 1 would be amended to included scale and layout and a further standard condition in relation to Highways was recommended.


Having considered the submitted plans for the proposal Members unanimously expressed their support for the planning officer’s recommendation.



That Planning Permission be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to an amendment to Condition 1, to include scale and layout in addition to appearance and landscaping and an additional Standard Highways Condition.

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