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Agenda item


The following motions have been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 16:


21.1 The following motion has been received from Councillor Miles Kenny:


The proposed closure of the Monkmoor Walk in Health Centre is yet another blow to the vulnerable, less well-off and disadvantaged who are bearing the brunt of the austerity measures. The closure is a setback for community leaders, faith groups, local stakeholders, businesses and individuals who have put in so much time to address the social disadvantage in this area and hopes for addressing disadvantage in other areas.  The proposed closure is based on economic grounds and not on health grounds. The proposal works against the best interests of Shropshire Council and Shropshire residents and does not help further progress Monkmoor Local Commissioning – Improving Futures.


Therefore Council asks Shropshire CCG:


                                     i.          To review their plans to close the Walk in Health Centre so that there remains a large element of non-appointment service, extended hours service and a weekend service and

                                    ii.          Consider reviewing all GP provision in Shropshire so that primary care services are more accessible to the disadvantaged and

                                  iii.          To communicate and work more readily with Shropshire Council members, community leaders, other stakeholders and Shropshire residents.



21.2    The following motion has been received from Councillor Dr Jean Jones:


While many ordinary people face falling household incomes and rising costs of living, some multinational companies are avoiding billions of pounds of tax from a system that fails to make them pay their fair share.  Governments around the world would benefit from a fairer tax system which ensures that multinational companies meet their obligations, thereby enabling the authorities to provide quality public services for their people.  We call upon the UK government to listen to the strength of public feeling and act to end the injustice of tax dodging by large multinational companies in developing countries and the UK.


21.3    The following motion has been received from Councillor Keith Barrow:

The poor quality of the EE signal has been a problem across the county for some time and the people of Shropshire deserve a better service.

People from across the whole of the county have been contacting me in support of my letter to Olaf Swantee, chief executive of EE, to express my frustration of hundreds of other Shropshire residents who just want to be able to use their mobile phone.

Mobile phones are now a vital and important part of everyday life for people, especially those in rural areas, who need their phones for business, to contact family and friends, to browse the internet, and more.

It’s therefore hugely important for local people and the local economy that people are able to use their mobiles whenever they want and need to.

I propose that:


                                               i.          The council organises a petition demanding an improved service.

                                              ii.          The council delivers it together with our local MP’s to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, Sajid Javid.

                                            iii.          We work with the Shropshire Star to facilitate the online petition.



64.1    The following motion was proposed by Mr M Kennyand seconded by Mrs H Kidd:


“The proposed closure of the Monkmoor Walk in Health Centre is yet another blow to the vulnerable, less well-off and disadvantaged who are bearing the brunt of the austerity measures.  The closure is a setback for community leaders, faith groups, local stakeholders, businesses and individuals who have put in so much time to address the social disadvantage in this area and hopes for addressing disadvantage in other areas.  The proposed closure is based on economic grounds and not on health grounds.  The proposal works against the best interests of Shropshire Council and Shropshire residents and does not help further progress Monkmoor Local Commissioning – Improving Futures.


Therefore Council asks Shropshire CCG:


                           i.          To review their plans to close the Walk in Health Centre so that there remains a large element of non-appointment service, extended hours service and a weekend service and

                          ii.          Consider reviewing all GP provision in Shropshire so that primary care services are more accessible to the disadvantaged and

                        iii.          To communicate and work more readily with Shropshire Council members, community leaders, other stakeholders and Shropshire residents.”


After debate and on being put to the vote, the motion was lost with a large majority of members voting against.



64.2   The following motion, as amended prior to the meeting, was proposed by Dr J Jones and seconded by Mrs P Moseley:


“While many ordinary people face falling household incomes and rising costs of living, some multinational companies are avoiding billions of pounds of tax from a system that fails to make them pay their fair share.  Governments around the world would benefit from a fairer tax system which ensures that multinational companies meet their obligations, thereby enabling the authorities such as Shropshire, to provide quality public services for their people.  We call upon the UK government to listen to the strength of public feeling and act to end the injustice of tax dodging by large multinational companies in developing countries and the UK.”


Mr M Bennett proposed an amendment which was seconded by Mr S West, to amend the motion to read as follows:


“While many ordinary Shropshire people face falling household incomes and rising costs of living, due to the complexities of national and international taxation systems, and the efforts Government make to use the tax system to influence both the location for multinational companies and their investment decisions, clarity on tax matters has been lost.


This Council calls upon all political parties to commit to creating a simpler taxation system, which eliminates the complexity of multiple schedules of allowances, and also reduces the rates of tax, to create a comprehensible system using tax rebates which would not be commensurate with complex schemes to reduce liability.  Thus the taxation of multinationals would be fair and transparent.


We also call upon Government to reduce and eliminate waste and efficiency similar to the efforts of local government, so as to maximise funding that would be available for public services, following the disastrous management of the economy by the last labour government.”


On being put to the vote the amendment was carried with a large majority of members voting in favour.


On being put to the vote, the substantive motion was carried with a large majority of Members voting in favour.



64.3    The following motion was proposed by Mr K Barrow and seconded by Mrs H Kidd:

“The poor quality of the EE signal has been a problem across the county for some time and the people of Shropshire deserve a better service.

People from across the whole of the county have been contacting me in support of my letter to Olaf Swantee, chief executive of EE, to express my frustration of hundreds of other Shropshire residents who just want to be able to use their mobile phone.

Mobile phones are now a vital and important part of everyday life for people, especially those in rural areas, who need their phones for business, to contact family and friends, to browse the internet, and more.

It’s therefore hugely important for local people and the local economy that people are able to use their mobiles whenever they want and need to.

I propose that:


                                               i.          The council organises a petition demanding an improved service.

                                              ii.          The council delivers it together with our local MP’s to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, Sajid Javid.

                                            iii.          We work with the Shropshire Star to facilitate the online petition.


After debate and on being put to the vote, the motion was carried with a large majority of members voting in favour.



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