Agenda item
Shrewsbury Town Centre Redevelopment Phase 1
Report of the Executive Director of Place is TO FOLLOW
Contact Mark Barrow Tel: 01743258919
It was proposed by the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Planning, Councillor Gwilym Butler, and seconded by The Leader Councillor Lezley Picton that the report of the Executive Director of Place, a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes and the recommendations contained therein, be received and agreed.
By way of amendment Councillor Alan Mosley proposed that under paragraph 3 - recommendations: delete paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 and insert new paragraph 3.5 as follows
3.5 Further to the above, no decision will be taken on the future of the Shirehall or the Council’s relocation to the proposed Multi-Agency Hub until a rigorous scrutiny has been undertaken and its recommendations put to a meeting of the Full Council. All members should be able to attend and speak at said scrutiny meeting.
This Scrutiny will be informed by;
1. An up to date and detailed appraisal of the net costs and potential benefits of the full refurbishment of the Shirehall to present a suitable ongoing home for the Council and one which would attract other appropriate leaseholders.
2. Detailed plans, full environmental impact and costings of the proposed areas within the Hub to be occupied by SC and how the space will be utilised as part of a flexible working environment, including a full assessment of how this would be advantageous compared to a refurbished Shirehall.
3. Recent evidence of the attitude of staff regarding the proposed transfer and generally to proposals related to flexible working arrangement proposals.
4. The result of consultation with recognised trade unions.
5. Evidence of consultation with and/or comments submitted by other key stakeholders.
6. The extent to which the work-bases of Council staff will be relocated to other premises within our market towns, where those premises will be and how any moves will operate according to flexible working opportunities.”
This was seconded by Councillor Ted Clarke.
Members expressed concern regarding the future of the Shirehall and felt that further work needed doing prior to it being declared surplus to requirements. Concern was also expressed regarding the effect the new developments would have on flooding risks.
On being put to a vote the amendment was defeated.
By way of amendment Councillor Julian Dean proposed that the recommendations at section 3 should be deleted and be replaced with:
That Council
3.1 Note the report.
3.2. Request completion of work, with appropriate consultation, on the Shropshire Plan, a new Economic Strategy, the Shrewsbury Movement Strategy associated with the Big Town Plan and the new Local Transport Plan (LTP4) prior to reconsideration of Shrewsbury Town Centre Redevelopment proposals, with intention to agree all the above within 2022.
3.3. Additionally, to request a report on options for a Shrewsbury Town Centre ‘heat network’, providing low energy heating using renewable energy, within the same timeframe.
3.4. Request a review of Shirehall options that includes independent appraisals for the refit and decarbonisation of the building, balanced against whole life CO2 emissions appraisals for alternative accommodation for the council.
3.5. Request that the Place Overview Committee consider the proposals for Shrewsbury Town Centre Redevelopment prior to the report returning to full council, and that any independent appraisals of options and risks associated with flooding, climate change mitigation and heat network provision are reviewed alongside this.
3.6. At the appropriate time, to request a revised Shrewsbury Town Centre Redevelopment Phase 1 report which takes account of the agreed strategies, plans and scrutiny listed above.
This was seconded by Councillor Duncan Kerr
In response to comments made the Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure pointed out that recommendation 3.6 delegated responsibility to him and the Executive Director for Place to agree and implement the disposal and marketing strategy as the recommended option for the Shirehall site subject to approval by full agreeing the recommendations in the report would not result in the instant sale of the Shirehall.
On being put to a vote the amendment was defeated.
Following a request from Councillor David Vasmer, the Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure agreed to update Members on the issues reported at Shirehall.
That Council agrees to:
1.1. Approve the preferred option identified in the outline business case for the construction of a Multi-Agency Hub, on the site identified by the Smithfield Riverside master planning process and take forward as a capital project; such approval limited at this stage to progressing the project to detailed design (RIBA Stage 3: Spatial Coordination, or equivalent), requiring funding of £1.715m. A further report will be presented to Council for final approval of the design, gross development cost and funding for the construction of the project.
1.2. Approve the submission of a planning application for the demolition of the Riverside Shopping Centre and the former Riverside medical practice to facilitate the construction of the proposed Multi-Agency Hub within the current gross cost estimate for demolition of £3.853m, and to take forward as a capital project to completion of tender documentation and receipt of tenders.
1.3. Approve the preferred option identified in the outline business case, and submission of a planning application for the demolition of the former Pride Hill shopping centre, for the delivery of a leisure-led redevelopment of the site, with the adjacent Raven Meadow’s surface car park, for a multi-storey travel hub and associated development and take forward as a capital project; such approval limited at this stage to progressing the project to detailed design (RIBA Stage 3: Spatial Coordination, or equivalent), requiring funding of £1.580m. A further report will be presented to Council for final approval of the design, gross development cost and funding for the construction of the project.
1.4. Delegate responsibility to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Planning to progress the capital projects (3.1 – 3.3 above), to include, but not limited to, the following:
1.4.1. progress a procurement and delivery strategy for Smithfield Riverside, incorporating the projects summarised in items 3.1 -3.3 above.
1.4.2. progress life-cycle carbon assessments in relation to the projects summarised in items 3.1 and 3.3 above.
1.4.3. engage with the Environment Agency, via the River Severn Partnership, to seek opportunities provided by the national Defra Adaptive Pathways Pilot for the River Severn, to assess and manage climate related risks, incorporating adaptation into the design and delivery of the Smithfield Riverside development programme.
1.4.4. enter negotiations with the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership to ensure the ‘Getting Building’ funding remains relevant to the Pride Hill project; scope and agree variations as required to the Grant Funding Agreement (GFA).
1.4.5. identify funding of £3.295m to deliver the above development activities, as scheduled in appendix C.
1.5. Further to recommendation 3.1, declare the Shirehall building and associated environs within the site boundary marked in red in appendix I, surplus to requirements.
1.6. Delegate responsibility to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure, to agree and implement the disposal and marketing strategy as the recommended option for the Shirehall site; agree terms and conditions of sale, all subject to approval at Full Council.
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