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Agenda item

Questions from Members

To receive any questions from Members, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2.




The Chairman advised that the following questions had been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 15. A copy of the report containing the detailed questions and their formal response is attached to the signed minutes.


Received from Councillor Ruth Houghton and answered by the Portfolio Holder for Digital, Data & Insight and Built Housing in relation to the disposal of housing stock  by local housing associations.  By way of supplementary question Councillor Houghton commented that a large number of the properties in the southwest of the county had poor heating systems and build type and asked would these properties be disposed of when they became vacant as had already happened.  The Portfolio Holder for Digital, Data & Insight and Built Housing  commented that this was a problem over the whole of the county and that the Council was currently exploring different solutions to the problem.


Received from Councillor Kevin Pardy and answered by the Portfolio Holder for Communities, Culture, Leisure & Tourism, Transport in relation to the contract between Shropshire Council and SCLG.  By way of supplementary question Councillor Pardy commented that the reply infers that a change to a cabinet agreed recommendation can be made at any time and asked does the cabinet does the portfolio holder perceive such changes as democratic?  The Portfolio Holder for Communities, Culture, Leisure & Tourism, Transport agreed to respond outside the meeting


Received from Councillor Heather Kidd and answered by the Portfolio Holder for Communities, Culture, Leisure & Tourism, Transport regarding cross border issues with concessionary bus passes.  Councillor Kidd thanks the Portfolio Holder for  taking this matter up and y way of supplementary question asked for a timeline for reporting back to Councillors on this matter.  The Portfolio Holder for Communities, Culture, Leisure & Tourism, Transport  commented that it would be difficult to give a timeline due to the amount of work that may be needed


Received from Councillor Dan Morris and answered by the Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure regarding the North West Relief Road.  By way of supplementary question Councillor Morris asked could the Portfolio Holder quantify the expected annual benefit of the North West Relief Road?  The Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure advised the meeting that the outline business case which was drawn up in 2017 projected an economic benefit to the county of approximately £266 million and that this would be updated when the full business case was drawn up.


Received from Councillor Rosemary Dartnall and answered by the Portfolio Holder for Physical Infrastructure regarding the North West Relief Road. Councillor Dartnall commented that several projects such as the rebuilding of the quarry swimming pool in Shrewsbury were on hold because of inflation in the construction field there were  spiralling costs, as well as rising interest rates, both of which will impact on this project and by way of supplementary question she asked . It is it right that the administration will continue to support this project no matter what, no matter how high the cost become and how small a proportion the 54.4 million contribution from the DfT becomes leaving the people of Shropshire to pick up the escalating bill.  The Portfolio Holder commented that until a full review is carried out in line with the full business case the full costs would not be known and that a further request to central government for additional funding could be made if necessary.

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