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Agenda item

System Update

ICS updates  

Nicola Dymond, ICB Director of Strategy and Integration 


Shropshire Integrated Place Partnership (ShIPP) update  

Penny Bason, Head of Joint Partnerships, Shropshire Council and NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin


Joint Commissioning Board/Better Care Fund (BCF)  

Laura Tyler, Assistant Director, Joint Commissioning, Shropshire Council and NHS Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin

Penny Bason, Head of Joint Partnerships, Shropshire Council and NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin


Healthy Lives Update

Val Cross, Health and Wellbeing Strategic Manager, Shropshire Council? 


ICS Updates


The Board received the report of the Director of Strategy and Integration, NHS STW – copy attached to the signed Minutes - which provided an update on the Integrated Care System (ICS) development programme, the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) and the development of the Integrated Care Strategy (IC Strategy).


The Director of Partnerships, NHS STW introduced and amplified the report.  She informed the Board that the first statutory meeting of the ICP had taken place on 5 October and that a strategy workshop had been held on 16 November which had been very well attended with discussions taking place around inequalities, how to shape the mission and vision and the values of the system and what delivery would look like. 


The Executive Director of Health, Wellbeing and Prevention explained that a subgroup had been set up to ensure that the first draft of the IC Strategy was developed by the deadline of 5 December 2022.  She drew attention to the purpose of the strategy, which was to set out the vision for everyone in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin to have improved quality of life, health and wellbeing.  She explained that the workshop was only the start of the conversation as the Strategy continued to be developed and that wider engagement would continue.  She confirmed that the final draft strategy would be shared with the Board.


A brief discussion ensued in relation to the workshop and the commitment across the Board to work together in partnership, to pool resources and to use resources more wisely.  There had been a general agreement to take this work forward and a willingness to engage from all partners.  It was hoped that the strategy would be able to articulate a sustainable health and care system and what that means for the local population.




1.    to note the detail contained in the report;

2.    to note the statutory requirements for ICBs and Local Authorities (LA), as core members of the system wide ICP, to develop an Integrated Care Strategy;

3.    to note that this strategy must be informed by the work of the HWBBs and through engagement with local partners and communities; and  

4.    to note approval of the Terms of Reference of the Shropshire, Telford, and Wrekin ICP.


Shropshire Integrated Place Partnership (ShIPP) update


The Board received the report of the Head of Service, Joint Partnerships – copy attached to the signed Minutes – which gave an overview of the ShIPP Board meetings held in September and October together with the actions identified.


The Head of Service, Joint Partnerships assured the Board that work was under way to deliver both elements of the HWBB Strategies as well as that of the ICS and priorities within the system.  She highlighted the priorities for ShIPP and explained that the report highlighted the key areas of focus over the last few months including some risks to the system, one of which was around the falls response.  She reported that a specific piece of work was being undertaken within the system to deal with this.  She also assured the Board that ShIPP were delivering on the actions and priorities.




to note the work underway to address the priorities of ShIPP as well as the risks to the system, highlighted by the Board.


Joint Commissioning Board / Better Care Fund (BCF)


The Board received the report of the Assistant Director, Joint Commissioning and the Head of Service, Joint Partnerships – copy attached to the signed Minutes – which provided an update from the Joint Commissioning Board and highlighted the BCF submission for 2022/23.  It also provided an update on the BCF review being undertaken by the Joint Commissioning Board and the BCF Audit being conducted by the Integrated Care Board.


The Head of Service, Joint Partnerships introduced and amplified the report.  She informed the Board that the BCF template had been submitted to NHSE for approval and that the regional NHSE team had recommended the plan for approval.  She reported a mismatch around demand coming into the current year as demand continued to increase they needed to look carefully at the available funding for the expected demand, in particular for hospital services, admission avoidance and delayed transfer system flow.


The Head of Service, Joint Partnerships reported that this year they had been asked to produce a demand and capacity template however that template was not going to be assured and was more to support their demand and capacity modelling.  Concern was raised that the profiling did not seem to reflect the winter period.  In response, the Head of Service, Joint Partnerships stated that there was more work to do on this as it was new this year and was something that the Working Board would be picking up going forward.


The Director of Partnerships informed the Board that they had talked about using the Joint Commissioning Group to ensure they understood the detail of the BCF and to ensure that the metrics were being met along with some of the demand and capacity monitoring.  The Head of Service, Joint Partnerships also made the point about the need for a collective focus on prevention to stop people going into hospital in the first place.




1.    to approve the BCF Plan for 2022/23;

2.    to agree a BCF working group as part of the governance arrangements, with membership from the Integrated Care Board, Shropshire Council, and members from provider organisations as needed.

3.    to note the work of the BCF review and BCF audit, with a further detailed report to be submitted at the January HWBB.



Healthy Lives update


The Board received the report of the Health and Wellbeing Strategic Manager- copy attached to the signed Minutes - which provided an update on Healthy Lives, the multi-agency prevention programme of the Health and Wellbeing Board.


The Health and Wellbeing Strategic Manager highlighted the key priorities that Healthy Lives was looking at and informed the Board of an additional priority around access to health information for people who do not speak English as a first language.  She then drew attention to the recent meeting activity set out at paragraph 2 of the report. 


The Health and Wellbeing Strategic Manager informed the Board that there was currently a gap in membership from health partners on the Healthy Lives Steering Group and requested members of the Board to recommend who from their service could attend.


Turning to access to health information for people who do not speak English as a first language, the Health and Wellbeing Strategic Manager reported that a small group had met to discuss this and it had emerged that it was not clear what translation services were available across the system and how these could be accessed. Suggestions were made for moving this forward and it was hoped that this work could be picked up by a sub-group of the Quality and Diversity group.


A brief discussion ensued around the importance of translation services and the need to provide information in other languages.  It was felt that any information provided for people who speak other languages, who have come to this country from others where their systems were different,  would be useful to help them navigate the very complex system of health and social care in this country.





1.   to note the contents of the report and consider who from their service could attend the Healthy Lives steering group (contact Berni Lee or Val Cross); and

2.   to note that there are different translation services across the system, but it was not clear what these were or how people using the services would be able to access them. Leadership for this was needed and was a risk for the Board to discuss.


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