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Abbey Foregate

Agenda item

Trefarclawdd Farm, Tref-ar-clawdd, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9DE - 22/02774/EIA

Construction of a new intensive dairy complex, (to include means of access off the adjacent public highway, and wider area surface water drainage and landscaping) (part retrospective)


The Planning Manager North introduced the application for the construction of a new intensive dairy complex, (to include means of access off the adjacent public highway, and wider area surface water drainage and landscaping) (part retrospective) and confirmed that the Committee had undertaken a site visit that morning to assess the impact of the proposed development on neighbouring properties and the surrounding area. He also confirmed that the applicant’s statement quoted at paragraph 6.4.3 of the officer’s report was not correct and an in combination assessment was required even if the impact of the scheme was below 1% of the critical levels and loads but there were no other plans or projects identified to be assessed for cumulative impact in this case.


Members’ attention was drawn to the information contained within the Schedule of Additional letters. The Planning Manager North advised Members that if they were minded to approve the application he suggested Conditions 5 and 11 be amended as follows: 


Condition 5 amended to read:


Within the first planting season the makes, models and locations of bat and bird boxes shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The following boxes shall be erected on the site prior to the start  of the first nesting season following publication of this decision notice.


- A minimum of 3 external woodcrete bat boxes, suitable for nursery or summer roosting for small crevice dwelling bat species.


- A minimum of 3 artificial bird nests suitable for common woodland bids such as tit, robin and wren.


The boxes shall be sited in suitable locations and at suitable heights from the ground, with a clear flight path and where they will be unaffected by artificial lighting. The boxes shall thereafter be maintained for the lifetime of the development.


Reason: To provide alternative/additional nesting provision to enhance biodiversity in accordance with the NPPF, MD12 and CS17.


And Condition 11 amended to read:


Prior to the slurry lagoon and surface water drainage pond development hereby permitted being first brought into use the foul and surface water drainage shall be implemented in accordance with Drawing Nos. 72967/RJC/001,106 and 107.


Reason:  To ensure the satisfactory controlled discharge rate of surface water and pollution protection to the existing watercourse.


Tig Cameron Goodman on behalf of local residents spoke against the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.


Councillor Martin Bennett, on behalf of Oswestry Rural Parish Council spoke against the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.


In accordance with the Local Protocol for Councillors and Officers dealing with Regulatory Matters (Part 5, Paragraph 15.1) Councillor Joyce Barrow as local ward councillor, made a statement and then moved to the back of the room, took no part in the debate and did not vote on this item.


Richard Corbett, Agent on behalf of the applicant spoke in support of the proposal in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Scheme for Public Speaking at Planning Committees.


The Planning Manager North in response to the speakers clarified that a Traffic Management Plan as part of the Transport Assessment was not considered necessary and confirmed that the Environmental Survey had been carried out by qualified persons. 


The Drainage Manager explained that he had worked with the applicant in regard to the drainage issues and was minded to support the application. In response to a question from a Member,  the Drainage Manager confirmed that the development would not increase flooding in the local area.


Having considered the submitted plans and listened to the comments made by all of the speakers, Members unanimously expressed their support for the proposal.  


RESOLVED:That planning permission be granted subject to:


  The conditions as set out in appendix A of the report and any amendments to these conditions as considered necessary by the Assistant Director;


  Condition 5 amended to read:


Within the first planting season the makes, models and locations of bat and bird boxes shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The following boxes shall be erected on the site prior to the start  of the first nesting season following publication of this decision notice.


- A minimum of 3 external woodcrete bat boxes, suitable for nursery or summer roosting for small crevice dwelling bat species.


- A minimum of 3 artificial bird nests suitable for common woodland bids such as tit, robin and wren.


The boxes shall be sited in suitable locations and at suitable heights from the ground, with a clear flight path and where they will be unaffected by artificial lighting. The boxes shall thereafter be maintained for the lifetime of the development.


Reason: To provide alternative/additional nesting provision to enhance biodiversity in accordance with the NPPF, MD12 and CS17.




·     Condition 11 amended to read:


Prior to the slurry lagoon and surface water drainage pond development hereby permitted being first brought into use the foul and surface water drainage shall be implemented in accordance with Drawing Nos. 72967/RJC/001,106 and 107.


Reason:  To ensure the satisfactory controlled discharge rate of surface water and pollution protection to the existing watercourse.

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